
A backwards glance
What's New at the Gallery
The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo
we are proud to be the winning recipient of the
Ocean Springs Chamber of Commerce Main Street Bureau
Fall decorating contest.
I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.
-Nathaniel Hawthorne

Wyatt Waters,
Mississippi award winning artist
participated in a book signing event for his
new book,
the Watercolor Road

Thank you to those who joined us for the special event
Pam Rosetti,
local, talented textile artist
creates unique and custom embroidery tea towels
New pieces by pottery artist,
Anita Hughes
art that can be used in our daily lives
Christmas shipment has arrived!
Fur Babies like art too!
April Cornell
Festive Christmas linens
Sherry Carlson,
Watercolor artist
painting at the gallery 
It's always a treat to have our artists here
Introducing new pottery artist,
Jan Hoyman
featuring whimsical handcrafted pottery to
mix together or use separately
New pieces by the talented
oil painting artist,
Linda Dragonette
Karl Compton
of DragonFlight Pottery
His works of thrown stoneware pottery and porcelain of figurative pigs, bunnies, and chickens are meant to make people smile
Collectors and Visitors
truly brighten our day!
Gift Certificates Available

Stig Marcussen,
Local artist
Christmas cards have arrived!
A good time was had by all!
The Pink Rooster/ Gallery Garbo
is having fun in fall with
our mascot, Rooty.
The Pink Rooster/ Gallery Garbo
622 Washington Ave.
Ocean Springs, MS 39564