Step Ten Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

Spiritual Principal: Perseverance

Click here for workshop details

New in-person OA Brown Book meeting

This meeting is open to all and any who desire to stop eating compulsively. The primary text is Overeaters Anonymous, the beloved Brown Book: stories of physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery reflecting the practice of the twelve steps.

Mondays, 10-11 am.

Angel Hall, Enders Island Retreat Center, 

Reach Out:

Support Within

Every December 12, OA groups and service boards around the world are encouraged to plan events for Twelfth Step Within Day, a day to support the still-suffering compulsive eater within our Fellowship.


Read More

Your Newsletter wants to hear from you.

This newsletter will always be YOUR newsletter. But it is MOST your newsletter when its contributions come from you, the members of Ocean and Bay Intergroup.

It doesn’t have to be a long, detailed article (though it certainly can be). Please feel free to:

• Share your favorite acronyms

• Write some new acronyms

• Share your favorite slogans

• Write some new slogans

• Share your “Aha” moments of your growth

• Share your thoughts about HP

• Share something silly

• Share your doodles

• Share your favorite meditation spot

• Share your photos (no faces)

It can be done anonymously or be credited (last initial only please)

Click Here to go to our submission page.

During my first eight years in OA, I had unconsciously created some odd expectations around my plan of eating! Thanks to the intense writing of my Fourth Step, I have identified several of my plan of eating myths and truths:

  • Myth: I will not want to eat anything but my plan of eating meals.
  • Truth: Physical cravings have ended.
  • Myth: I will always feel happy.
  • Truth: I can live life between meals.
  • Myth: I will not feel hunger or deprivation.
  • Truth: I will never starve to death.
  • Myth: My plan of eating, including quantities of food and red-light foods, will never change.
  • Truth: I will eat sanely.

— Peri S., Groton, Massachusetts USA


Click here for a complete list of OA events

Great news!

Voices of Recovery, Second Edition Arrives in Print and Digital Formats

Great news! The long-awaited second edition of OA’s beloved daily reader Voices of Recovery is finally available, both in our OA bookstore and online digital platforms. The second edition has been attentively reviewed and edited to bring its daily meditations—sourced directly from the testimonials of OA members—into alignment with OA’s currently available literature and policies. Physical copies can be obtained in our bookstore at, inventory number #986-2, and digital downloads are available for purchase on the following platforms:

Amazon Kindle: Click Here

Barnes and Noble Nook: Click Here

Apple Books: coming soon

Here is the direct link to the OA bookstore page: Click Here

Now Rhode Island, Southeastern Massachusetts and Southeastern Connecticut OA fits into your pocket

We have a new website! It takes a lot of time to do this, thank you to all involved for your service and look forward to sharing the new look further down the road. The meetings are much easier to access from a cell phone as well.

Give it a try:

Ocean and Bay Intergroup Mtg

November 1 6:30-7:30 pm


Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 831 1095 1408

Passcode: 247365

Intergroup Board

C O N T A C T  U S  

All Intergroup Board Members:


Diane C.

Vice Chair:


Sema P.

Recording Secretary: 

Lisa K.




Eileen S.

Region 6 Delegates:

Diane C -

Nancy H -

Newsletter Editor:

Mike M.



Meetings Coordinator:

Tenth Tradition

"Overeaters Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence, the OA name ought never be drawn into public controversy.


We appreciate your contributions which help support spreading the message of recovery.

Please mail donations to:

Ocean and Bay Intergroup

Attn: Treasurer

P.O. Box 41273

Providence, RI 02940


Donate via Paypal


Donate to our Venmo account: 



I put my hand in yours, and together we can do what we could never do alone. No longer is there a sense of hopelessness, no longer must we each depend upon our own unsteady willpower. We are all together now, reaching out our hands for power and strength greater than ours, and as we join hands, we find love and understanding beyond our wildest dreams.

OA Region 6 Virtual Convention!

October 21-23 2022

Register Here!

Visit our website



You are welcome at any OA meeting, and we hope you’ll try many of the meetings on our Connecticut Intergroup and meeting lists! Some of our members find they also benefit from OA meetings with members who share similar experiences, so we are sharing this list of some of the special focus resources that are available in OA.


100 Pounders:


American Sign Language & Closed Caption – This meeting offers ASL interpretation Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Eastern: ASL Tues 8pm


Anorexics and Bulimics in OA – special focus meetings: Anorexics/Bulimics in OA


Asian-Pacific Islander OA


Atheist, Agnostics, Secular - special focus meetings:


Bariatric Surgery -


BIPOC (Black, Indigenous & People of Color) – special focus meetings: BIPOC Intergroup


Health Issues -


LGBTQ special focus meetings for OA: and is dedicated to distributing information about meetings, resources, and support for men in OA: Men in OA


Young People in OA – resources for those under 30 who suffer from compulsive eating include Meetings for young persons and



For more special focus meetings, you can go to

  • go to Find a Meeting 
  • select a type of meeting (face-to-face, online, telephone, or non-real-time)
  • click on "additional search options" and select the desired special focus

Stay Connected!

Region 6

OA World Service

Ocean & Bay Intergroup

Central Mass Intergroup

Coastal Maine and Southern Maine Intergroups

Connecticut Intergroup

Mass Bay Intergroup

Metro West Intergroup

New Hampshire Intergroup

North Shore Intergroup

Seacoast Intergroup

South Coastal Mass Intergroup

Green Mountain North Intergroup

Western Mass Intergroup

Mission & Vision Ocean & Bay Intergroup is dedicated to supporting individuals in need of recovery from compulsive eating (e.g.: overeating, bulimia, anorexia) through carrying the OA message and empowering all meetings within the Intergroup. 


Strategic Goals 

1. Help members strengthen their personal recovery 

2. Increase the number of sponsors 

3. Increase the number of newcomers 

4. Increase the retention of newcomers 

5. Help those in relapse 

6. Inspire people to give more service 

7. Increase outreach activities, including outreach to members and healthcare professionals 

Please note that every effort has been made to adhere to OA's policy for newsletter publications. Opinions and experiences expressed within are those of the individual writer and not OA as a whole. 

SUBMISSIONS: This is your newsletter! We welcome your contributions of news items or commentary.* Deadline: 1st of each month. Example: Deadline 6/1 for June newsletter.

You are also invited to be one of the members who provides answers for a Q&A.
Again, just send us a note to:

*May be edited as space allows.

A direct and compelling headline