PMINYC Annual Chapter Survey!
Coming Soon - Be on the lookout in your email box!
Why Does it Matter?
The annual survey informs Chapter Leadership what activities, programs and other benefits you are seeking from the Chapter. We use the results of the Survey as part of our annual strategic planning process to ensure we deliver the value you are seeking.
What's In It for You?
- You have a voice in directing the Chapter's Activities
- You earn a PDU
- You have a chance to win an Amazon gift card
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
5:45PM - 8:00 PM (In-Person)
We're having a dinner to celebrate the outstanding work that all our PMINYC volunteers contribute to the chapter. Please save the date. More details to come! If you would like to help with this event, please email
Tuesday, November 15, 2022,
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM (In-Person)
How much of your time is wasted in unproductive meetings? Meetings occur more frequently than ever. Most only pick up a fraction of what is said. Most information is lost or soon forgotten. Time wasted in unproductive meetings hamper productivity. Being heads down taking notes means you aren’t heads up in the discussion.
Are you suffering from meeting exhaustion? Would you rather be leading the meeting or minuting the meeting? Join us to see how AI can help transform your project meetings. Capabilities enabled by artificial intelligence and machine learning are entering the lives of those managing projects, those involved in project/program teams, and those overseeing project offices. Hear how Sembly AI is focused on improving the way meetings and conversations are captured and summarized to create efficiencies that allow individuals to remain focused on outcomes.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
6:45PM - 8:00 PM (Virtual)
The agenda will include: The State of the Chapter, Financial Report, ar review and acceptance of the 2021 Annual Meeting minutes, an Introduction of the 2023 PMI NYC Chapter Leadership Team, and the 2023 Strategic and Business Planning.
Wednesday, November 21, 2022
6:45PM - 8:00 PM (In-Person)
Come join your fellow NYC chapter meetings for an evening of food, drinks, networking and celebrating 2022! This event is open only for members of the PMINYC chapter.
Professional Development Day
Friday, December 9, 2022
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM (Virtual)
PMINYC's Professional Development Day (PDD) is the premier annual educational event - this year offered in virtual format. The PDD Team hosts the all-day experience of shared learning for a community of project management colleagues in NYC and beyond.
Following a keynote speaker, a group of highly knowledgeable subject matter experts conduct interactive sessions, panel discussions, and other exciting development opportunities allowing attendees to earn PDUs throughout the day and for a period of time after the event.
- Up to 12 Speakers in 2 concurrent tracks (to earn 12 PDU’s)
- Free 1-Year Subscription ($45 Value) to ProjectBites (to earn 76 PDU’s)
- Member cost (to 11/04) is $89
- Non-Member cost (to 11/04) is $109
- PMINYC Volunteers cost (to 11/04) is $59
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Virtual)
This free webinar will introduce you to our chapter and programs including Monthly Chapter Meetings, Outreach, Agile, Mentoring, Study Groups, Volunteering, Toastmasters, networking opportunities, and more!
Mentoring Corner
Do you have what it takes to be a Mentor? We are looking for a few good mentors!
If you have your PMP or PgMP certification and have an hour each month to share your life lessons with an early career project manager, we’d love to hear from you! Please apply at our web page
Get Involved -
Make a Difference!
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, network, take on new challenges, further develop your leadership skills, and know you’ve helped the PMINYC chapter.
Chat with our President -
Frank Saladis
A letter from the president will be sent in separate email.
Let Frank know your ideas and concerns. Email him at
Tell Them All About It
in the Newsletter!
Do you have a PM-related event, blog, or website? Share your activities and ideas with your PMINYC colleagues! Reach out to us at and let us help you spread the word!
The Communications Team
Needs YOU!
Are you interested in getting involved and making a difference, and have a communications, technology, graphic design or photography background? If so, reach out to us at:
Your logo and message could be here!
Interested? Please contact:
Upcoming PMINYC and Area Chapter Events
Click here to see a calendar view of upcoming PMINYC events.
Many discounts are available for PMINYC members.
Check their events by
PMINYC Toastmasters
International Club
Meetings are the first Wednesday and third Tuesday of each month, 6-8 pm.