News and Events for Larchmont Residents
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Mayor Lorraine Walsh

From the Mayor

Dear Larchmonters,

Happy Fall! Why are we always surprised by the return of cooler weather?  It's time to break out those sweaters and jackets!

Speaking of time, make sure your calendars are marked for tomorrow's Larchmont Arts Festival -Saturday- at Constitution Park from 12PM - 5PM! This year's festival will be the best ever!

Check out the latest on what's happening in Larchmont below!

Village News

Proposed Historic Preservation Law

As a result of many years of effort to preserve historic homes in our history-rich community, the Village has developed a proposed local law to create a Historic Preservation Commission that will be tasked with recommending districts and properties for historic designation to the Board of Trustees.

The Commission would rely on the Historic Resource Survey Report to inform their recommendations. The Report was commissioned by the Village in 2019 and completed June 2021. 

Residents should note that there will be several opportunities to provide input at multiple public hearings. The next opportunity will come at the October 17 Village Board Meeting at 7:30PM in Larchmont Village Hall Courtroom. For more information, please review the FAQ on the historic preservation law. You can also read the draft law here

Flint Park Rehab!

The Flint Park Rehabilitation Project is making progress. Our next public engagement touchpoint is at the October 17 Village Board Meeting, when Flint Park Conservancy and local architect Rick Yestadt will provide a presentation on the proposed Tennis Pavilion rehabilitation. 

Quarterly Water Bills due October 15

Summer quarterly water bill payments are due by Saturday, October 15th. Make sure to pay on time to avoid penalties!

Residents can pay online at, and also sign up for paperless billing. Payment can also be made via mailed check made out to "Village of Larchmont". For inquiries, please call the Village Treasurer's Office at 914-834-6230, Option 3. 

Energy News

During the September 19 Village Board Meeting, the Larchmont Board of Trustees held a public hearing and adopted changes to Village Code Chapter 137: Community Choice Aggregation (Energy) Program. The amended law affords an opportunity for Larchmont residents to take advantage of a new solar credit offering from Sustainable Westchester through the CCA. The credit program is expected to be available in 2023. Participants will become eligible to receive additional solar energy credits to be used towards electricity bills. The Village will inform residents as updates to the program come out. 


Electric Leaf Blower Use Window Begins October 15th

A reminder to residents that electric leaf blowers are permitted for fall clean-up from October 15th through December 15th, during the following times:


  • Mondays through Fridays, excluding holidays: between 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturdays: between 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
  • Sundays and holidays: property owners only between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Gas-powered blowers are prohibited at all times. Click here to view the flyer from the Larchmont Environmental Committee for more information. 

Election Day 2022 and Environmental Bond Act

Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day. Remember to go out and vote!

Remember that October 14 is the last day to register to vote. You can register either in person, or by mailing your voter registration application to the Westchester County Board of Elections, 25 Quarropas St, White Plains, NY 10601, postmarked no later than October 14th. Visit the Westchester County Board of Elections webpage for additional information on registering to vote

The early voting period is October 29 to November 06. 

In addition, New York State will have a bond referendum on the back of everyone's voting ballot, where you can vote "Yes" or "No" to the "Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022". This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for New York State to borrow funds that will immediately fund projects to improve quality of life, modernize infrastructure, and safeguard drinking water. The Larchmont Village Board of Trustees recently adopted a resolution in support of the Bond Act and encourages residents to vote "Yes" this election.

Enjoy the rest of what fall has to offer and Happy Halloween! See you at the Ragamuffin Parade!

Mayor Lorraine Walsh

Recent Events

Larchmont Celebrates Past and Present in One Historic Weekend

On Saturday, September 17, the Village held its sixth annual Larchmont Day at Constitution Park and Larchmont Avenue in front of Village Hall. We had a huge turnout and hosted plenty of fun activities for residents of all ages. Months of planning and preparation were taken to ensure another successful event! Thank you to all of the community groups who participated, the Village's Fire, Police, Public Works, and administrative staff, and the volunteers who donated their time and effort.

The following day, Sunday, September 18, the Village hosted "Larchmont in 1922", celebrating the 100th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of Village Hall at 120 Larchmont Avenue. Local historian Ned Benton gave an informative presentation about all the events that happened in the Village of Larchmont in 1922. Afterwards, Mayor Walsh gave a landmark speech commemorating the day and signed a proclamation declaring 1922 Day in Larchmont. 

Prior to the event, the Village managed to open a time capsule that was inserted into the cornerstone of Village Hall 100 years ago. Inside were copies of newspapers, coins from the era, and a programme by Village President George McGeachin from the groundbreaking ceremony one hundred years ago.

At the event this year, Mayor Walsh highlighted the time capsule discoveries, and with the assistance of Deputy Mayor Sarah Bauer announced a new time capsule for 2022, filled with current newspaper editions, COVID-related PPE, an iPhone, pictures of Village staff, letters from residents of today, and other contemporary items for a future generation of Larchmonters to discover one day. The time capsule will be buried alongside the cornerstone, and a plaque saying "2022" is planned to be installed at its location. Thank you to Historian Ned Benton, Larchmont Historical Society, Larchmont Public Library, Seth Greenberg's Just Desserts for the delicious commemorative cake, Foley's hardware for the ceremonial shovel, and Village departments and staff for putting together a successful event to complement Larchmont Day! 

Upcoming Events

Ragamuffin Parade

Bring your kids and their Halloween costumes on Saturday, October 22nd, to Larchmont's annual Ragamuffin Parade! Lineup starts at 2:30PM at the corner of Larchmont and Palmer Avenues, and the Parade starts at 3PM sharp!

Larchmont Arts Festival

On Saturday, October 08, 2022, from 12PM - 5PM, come to Constitution Park for the annual Larchmont Arts Festival! 

The Larchmont Arts Festival is a celebration of creativity and local artists. Visitors will have an opportunity to learn about and purchase fine art and crafts. Participating artists represent a variety of mediums including: oils/acrylics/watercolors, mixed media, sculpture, photography, ceramics, and jewelry. The Larchmont Arts Festival is a free, family friendly event. The LAF also offers live music, food vendors and children's art activities. 

Committee and Department Updates


Larchmont Environmental Committee

WE WANT YOU! The Larchmont Environmental Committee is focusing on reducing our carbon footprint and addressing green house gas emissions. We are looking for Villagers to help us with:

  • Green Buildings
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Renewable Energy
  • Clean Water
  • Waste Reduction
  • Land Conservation

No experience needed — all we need is your enthusiasm! For more information, please contact Sasha Nahr at

Reminder to residents and their landscapers that electric leaf blowers may be used starting October 15th through December 15th for fall leaf clean-up. Gas-powered leaf blowers are not permitted at any time. See our flyer for more information, and visit the village website for tips on sustainable leaf maintenance! Blow Less • Breathe Easy • Enjoy the Quiet • Nourish the Soil

Save the Date! The Town of Mamaroneck will host a "Repair Cafe” co-sponsored by the Village of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont Environmental Committees at the Mamaroneck Senior Center at 1288 Boston Post Road on Sunday, October 16th from 1pm - 5pm! Please see our english or spanish flyer for full details and click here to watch a touching (and short) video from NBC's Today Show about the Repair Cafe!

Monarch butterflies are now an endangered species. Our Mayor has committed to the Mayors’ Monarch Pledge, a National Wildlife Federation program dedicated to creating habitat for the monarchs’ survival. The LEC handed out free seed packets, and The Larchmont Mamaroneck Pollinator Pathway team handed out free milkweed plants and seed packets at the Native Plant and Pollinator Festival in Constitution Park on September 24th! Many people stopped by to learn about the Mayors’ Monarch Pledge and how to provide habitat for pollinators in our yards. Click HERE for more information on saving the monarchs!

LEC members Caroline Birenbaum (L) and Sasha Nahr (R) celebrate the Mayors' Monarch Pledge and inform the community about sustainability issues, including the Environmental Bond Act on the ballot Nov. 8th!

L to R: LMPP team Kristen Carpenter, Elizabeth Poyet, Village of Larchmont Trustee Dana Post and Catherine Lepone from the celebrate the Mayor's Monarch Pledge!

Village Calendar

10/03 Board of Trustees Work Session

10/08 Larchmont Arts Festival (12PM - Constitution Park)

10/10 Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples' Day - VILLAGE OFFICES CLOSED

10/11 Parks and Trees Committee Meeting

10/11 Traffic Commission Meeting

10/12 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

10/17 Board of Trustees Work Session

10/17 Board of Trustees Meeting

10/18 Planning Board Meeting

10/22 Ragamuffin Parade (3PM - Larchmont and Palmer Avenues)

10/26 Architectural Review Board Meeting

For times and locations of meetings, please visit the Village Website.

Minutes for previous Board of Trustees meetings can be found HERE.

Photos of lightbulbs and leaves provided by Creative Commons. 

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