In this month of Thanksgiving, we all get the opportunity to practice an “attitude of gratitude.” It’s a time of year where we can reflect on all the many things we can be grateful for: family, friends, food, clothing, roofs over our heads, and so much more. We have an invitation in this month of Thanksgiving to count our blessings, and I hope you find ways every day to pause and remember the many things for which you want to give thanks to God.

As I consider this invitation, one of the greatest gifts I can think of is you who make up our church. It is because of you that we are able to do some great things together.
On Wednesdays, after school we gather 50 children every week for Wednesday Live! to share the story of God’s love, to sing, to play, and to build relationships with each other and God. It takes volunteers and staff members showing up week after week to make that happen. Because of you and your gifts of time, talents, and money, we can have multiple opportunities like this one to reach our youngest members.

Because of you, we get the opportunity to share the good news of God’s love in worship in multiple ways, week in and week out. We not only have our regular Sunday and Wednesday worship opportunities where people like you show up in our building, but we gather across the airwaves and the internet to allow people to join us who cannot be there in person. It takes many volunteers not only ushering, setting up communion, and offering their musical gifts, but also people running slides, cameras, and a soundboard that allow us to reach people in ways we could not otherwise.

Because of you, we get to make an impact in the community around us through meaningful partnerships with organizations we care about. We not only support the work of our synod, but we also partner with Green Lake Lutheran Ministries, United Community Action Partnership, Lutheran Social Services, Family Promise, the Kandiyohi County Food Shelf to do meaningful ministry outside our walls. Because of you, together with these partners we are able to do so much more than we could do as individuals or as a congregation. I know that every day you give of yourselves in so many ways at Vinje and beyond to make a difference in the lives of others.

Because of you, I give thanks today. Thanks for being a blessing to me and to many others. Thank you for sharing the gifts you have with our church and with our neighbors. Most of all, thanks be to God for you.

-Pastor Dane