October 2022 e-Newsletter
Lower Gwynedd Township Upcoming Meetings & Events:
The Lower Gwynedd Township Board of Supervisors would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the volunteers, sponsors, staff, vendors, first responders, runners, supporters, and community members who worked together to make the Fall Fest a complete and total SUCCESS! It was a great day, perfect weather, and fun for all! Looking forward to next year!
General News

The EAC will hold their first tree giveaway on Saturday, October 1st. There was an overwhelming response to this event and all of the trees have been reserved and are scheduled for pick-up by these individuals. The EAC hopes to continue this program in an effort to increase the tree canopy throughout Lower Gwynedd Township. Keep an eye out next Fall if you weren't able to get a tree this year!

Republic Services will provide curbside leaf and yard waste collection on Saturday, October 1st. 2022 and Saturday, October 15th, 2022. Please put your leaves and yard waste in biodegradable bags and place them curbside by 6am on the day of the collection. Additional curbside leaf and yard collection dates are listed below.

  • Saturdays, November 5 & 19
  • Saturdays, December 3 & 17
Mondays & Wednesday
September 12-October 12- 6pm-7pm

Trail walking will be scheduled Mondays and Wednesdays through October 12th from 6pm-7pm. Pre-registration is required. Please call the Township to register at 215-646-5302. Meeting locations vary each week and upon registering for the program you will receive a list of where the group is meeting. The cost to participate is $5.00 per person.
October 22, 2022
9:30 a.m.- 12:30pm-Brights Lane & Meadowcreek Circle Neighborhoods

Protect Water Quality by Marking a Storm Drain! Volunteers Needed!
Please join the Lower Gwynedd Township EAC on Saturday, October 22 (Rain date Sunday, October 23) from 9:30am – 12:30pm to conduct a storm drain marker event. Teams of volunteers are to meet at the Wissahickon High School Gold Gate parking lot entrance off of Dager Road (back lot adjacent to the baseball field). Please register to volunteer by clicking here.
October 23, 2022
Lower Merion Transfer Station, 1300 N. Woodbine Ave., Penn Valley

The county will host a household hazardous waste collection event on October 23rd at the Lower Merion Transfer Station located at 1300 N. Woodbine Avenue, Penn Valley, PA. This event is by appointment only. To pre-register click here.
CRU School Trunk or Treat
October 27, 2022
Lower Gwynedd Elementary School-Time TBD

The CRU is partnering with the Lower Gwynedd Elementary Home and School Association for the School Trunk or Treat event. The CRU will be handing out Halloween safety materials. More details to follow.

Kanna For All or KFA is a new non-profit in Lower Gwynedd Township. Their mission is to provide a foundation of lifelong health and well-being, through community-based fitness for the youth that need it most. KFA will be holding an open house event in conjunction with the Lower Gwynedd Police Department's Community Response Unit on Sunday, October 9th from 11am-1pm at 300 Brookside Avenue, Building 19, Ambler PA (Ambler Yards). Whether you're a parent/guardian of a child that could benefit from access to free fitness classes, someone who works with youth and can refer them to this program, a community leader, or simply an interested community member you're welcomed to attend. To register for this event please click here.
Township Receives Grant for Park Planning
Lower Gwynedd Township has been awarded a grant by the Department of Economic and Community Development (DCED) through the Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) to conduct a master planning study on behalf of Pen-Ambler Park and Oxford Park in the amount of $75,000.00. The purpose of the study is to identify and plan for future capital improvements in these parks. The Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved the Strategic Plan for the Township Parks at their meeting held September 27, 2022. The plan was prepared by the Township Engineers, Gilmore and Associates, in May. The plan recommended that the BOS prioritize master site planning for Pen-Ambler Park and Oxford Park based on the age of the existing infrastructure and the potential for redevelopment, as well as the potential for sidewalk and trail connections.

New Solar Charging Stations
Lower Gwynedd Township now has two solar charging stations in our parks! As a result of a joint effort between the Lower Gwynedd Township Environmental Advisory Council, Parks and Recreation Board, and Sunbolt CEO, Fred Stamponeou, LGT added two new state of the art charging stations at Ingersoll and Oxford Parks. The picnic table style charging station is located at Ingersoll Park and has full standard outlets along with USB and USBC portals. The charging station at Oxford Park is a stand-up station and offers USB and USBC outlets for charging. The stations will provide park patrons the opportunity to charge their devices while enjoying the park!
Help keep our waterways clean!
Stormwater runoff pollution is one of the greatest threats to our region’s waterways. Runoff occurs when rain or melted snow flows over impervious surfaces such as driveways, sidewalks, and streets. Rather than soaking into the earth, this runoff picks up litter, chemicals, and other pollutants and gets diverted quickly into storm drains. This runoff is often discharged directly into the waterways we use for swimming, fishing, drinking water and more. Please help us keep our waterways clean – streams in our township flow all the way into the ocean! From the local streams > Wissahickon Creek > Schuylkill River > Delaware River > Delaware Bay > Atlantic Ocean!

Follow these tips to do your part:
  • Never dump anything down a storm drain. Always recycle used oil, antifreeze and other fluids.
  •  Fix oil leaks in your vehicles.
  •  Wash your car at a commercial car wash rather than in the street or in your driveway.
  • Limit or completely eliminate the use of fertilizers on lawns and salt on walkways and driveways
  • Keep a tight lid on your trash cans and recycling bins, especially during windy days

Storm drain marking is an educational program designed to inform communities about the problems caused by stormwater runoff, disposing of pollutants improperly, or dumping pollutants into storm drains. Improper disposal of pollutants has a detrimental impact on our waterways and water quality.

Join the Lower Gwynedd Township Environmental Advisory Council on October 22 to learn more and to also help mark storm drains in two communities. Visit our webpage to learn more and to sign up to help with this project.
Mark your calendar:
Friday, October 14thBird Walk at Treweryn Farm Trail, 8:30am. Please email lgteac+birdtown@gmail.com to RSVP and be added to the email list in case of a cancellation.

Saturday, October 22- Storm Drain Marker event

Saturday, November 12thBattery recycling collection, 9-11am at LG Township Building. Please check the webpage for details on what batteries are collected and how certain ones need to be prepared before dropping them off.
Committee Updates
Boards & Committee Updates
The BOS held their first regular meeting of the month on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022. At this meeting the BOS approved Ordinance 534 which was an amendment to the Stormwater Management Chapter of the Township Code as a required by the PA Department of Environmental Protection. They also discussed the possibility of converting the manual sign at Veterans Memorial Park to an electronic sign. The BOS requested that staff conduct additional research and report back.

The second regular meeting of the BOS was held on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. At this meeting, the BOS granted conditional preliminary/final approval to the St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Land Development Application. The project is located on the campus of Gwynedd Mercy University. The BOS also authorized the submission of two grant applications including one for crime prevention equipment and a second application for traffic signal upgrades on Welsh Road at Evans Road and Darden Drive. The BOS approved resolutions modifying the grant total for the Gwynedd Friends Bust Stop Project and adopting technical specifications for traffic signals throughout the Township. In other business, the BOS authorized the advertisement of a solicitation ordinance. This ordinance would amend the current code requirements and allow for residents to place their name on a do not solicit list. That ordinance will be before the BOS at their next meeting. Staff reported that the Comprehensive Plan Revision Project will kick-off with a team meeting on October 5th. Staff is recommending that the community members who expressed an interest in serving on the Bethlehem Pike Revitalization Committee be contacted about possibly serving on this committee. Staff also announced that the Township was awarded the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Grant through the Department of Community and Economic Development for a master planning study at Pen-Ambler and Oxford parks. The grant amount is $75,000.00. Lastly the BOS thanked everyone involved with the very successful Fall Fest.

In addition to the regular BOS meetings, the BOS held a Town Hall meeting at Gwynedd Estates. The residents of this community were able to attend the meeting and participate in an open discussion about the current issues and initiatives going on within the Township. The BOS plans on doing the same type of Town Hall meetings in October at Foulkeways and Spring House Estates.
The EAC held their regular meeting on September 14, 2022. The EAC continues working on the tree giveaway. Registration opened on September 1, 2022 and all of the trees were assigned very quickly thereafter. The giveaway is scheduled for October 1st. Work continues on various initiatives including a storm drain marking event that is scheduled for October 22, 2022. The marking will take place on Brights Lane and Meadowcreek Circle. You can find more information or register to participate here. The EAC is working to finalize their Tree City application to become a certified Tree City USA. That application will be submitted this month. The EAC also held a joint meeting with the BOS on September 29th. There they discussed future initiatives such as rain barrel and composting bin giveaways, encouraging green building practices and design in land development projects, and creating a "Green Award" for the Township businesses.
The Zoning Hearing Board did not meet in September. The next meeting is scheduled for October 13th, 2022.

October Hearings- September 8, 2022:
734 Meadowcreek Circle: A-1 Residential District; Applicant seeks a special exception to permit an accessory structure that exceeds the permitted height limit. 
The HAC met on September 15, 2022. During their meeting they selected a Chairman, Matthew Metcalf. They discussed their tour of the Ingersoll House and compiled a list of questions they have for the Township Zoning Officer. They discussed next steps, as well. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 6pm.
The PC met on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 7pm. They discussed the following applications. Their next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 2022.

(#20-04) 301 Norristown Road Skilled Nursing Facility (ACTs): Multi-family residential development at Gwynedd Estates. The proposed plan is to add a new skilled nursing wing at the NE corner of the site and to reconfigure the existing parking area while also adding new parking, and to add a subsurface detention basin. The project was last before the PC a year ago. The applicant has been working with the next-door neighbor, Old York Road Country Club, to resolve issues related to drainage and the placement of a berm. The two parties have reached an agreement. The PC recommended the application for preliminary/final approval to the BOS with the condition that they comply with the comments noted in the latest review letters. Status: Pending BOS Approval. 

(#22-04) 521 Houston Road, Waiver of Land Development (Wissahickon School District High School Turf Field Project): Non-residential development to construct new synthetic turf ball fields to replace existing grass ball fields and to install associated stormwater management facilities. A conditional use approval is also required as the stormwater management detention basin will encroach into the buffer area of the wetlands. The PC discussed relocating the concrete path behind home plate and adding an ADA ramp at the entrance driveway. The PC recommended a waiver of land development to the BOS with conditions. Status: Pending BOS Conditional Use & Waiver of Land Development Approval.

The PRB held their meeting on September 20, 2022. They discussed the Fall Fest that was held the prior weekend. The majority of the PRB volunteered at the event and they reviewed the successes and lessons learned. The PRB also officially recommended the Parks Strategic Plan for approval by the BOS. The PRB are busy planning an event for the upcoming Fall/Winter season. Their next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th, 2022, at 6pm.
Departmental Round-Up

Check out these Halloween Safety Tips from the CRU!

The CRU is looking to create a contact list and asking HOAs and Businesses to send contact information to lgpdcru@lowergwynedd.org. The CRU will email event information to one contact person for the HOA. They then can use their HOA distribution list to notify their developments of the event information.  
We are working on the Community Response Unit’s section of the website. Be on the lookout for Safety tips and Safety programs for our residents.  
Upcoming Events:
October 9th- Kanna for All Open House (Kanna Fitness 300 Brookside Ave, Building 19, Ambler, PA 19002. Youth Fitness program.
October 27th- Partnered with the Lower Gwynedd Elementary Home and School Association for the School trunk or treat event. CRU will be handing out Halloween Safety material.
October 29th- Do Better 4 Steve Fearless 5K (Wissahickon High School)
October 29th- Cider with Cops @Giant Foods from 1 pm to 3 pm – Cider and conversations on Halloween Safety. Partnered with Giant Food (1121 N Bethlehem Pike, Spring House, PA 19477)
October 29th - Ambler Area YMCA Halloween Event @YMCA from 2 pm to 4pm- CRU will be handing out Halloween Safety material.
November 5th- Coming Soon!!! Fill a Cop Car @ Giant Foods - This event will benefit the Mattie N. Dixon Food Cupboard.

 Lower Gwynedd Township
1130 North Bethlehem Pike
Spring House, PA 19477
Phone: (215) 646-5302
Next Issue
Keep an eye out for our November issue!