
October, 2022 Edition
How NOT to Run a Theatre Camp

Submitted by David Downing
Creative Drama/Theatre for Young Audiences

We’ve published a few pieces over the years on why kids should attend theatre camp. It’s a great way to learn theatre as a young kid and be a part of a performance with only 2-3 weeks spent rehearsing (seriously, it is amazing coherent musicals can be pulled off in that timespan).

Submitted by Steven House
College Theatre

USITT Midwest Regional Section presents a variety of programs during the year throughout the four states of the Midwest Section. We are committed to presenting programming that helps to educate our membership about new technologies and trends in all areas of the theatre and entertainment industries.
Some People you Should Know:
by Mark Begovich, Illinois Theatre Association Director of Membership

This month the ITA does not have a person, but rather people you should know. We want to take a moment and introduce some of our Board Members to you. These great people are volunteering their time in service to the ITA and therefore to the entire state of Illinois. We asked that they introduce themselves and explain what the ITA means to them.
5 Reasons Theater Games are Valuable to Actor Training

Submitted by Deena Cassady
Secondary Education

I had a friend in college, a fellow theater major, who was a strong actor but a weak memorizer. I don’t say that to be rude — he is a good person and a friend. He was entirely aware of his Achilles heal and would typically ask fellow cast members and scene partners for their patience and flexibility if he needed additional time to practice outside of rehearsal. He was honest with himself about his limitations and apologetic whenever he caused someone to have to “carry the ball.” He was so open and vulnerable about it that most people could hardly hold it against him. It was better than the alternative — him pretending that he didn’t have a problem and blaming everyone else when things fall apart.
BTG Spotlights Illinois Production

Submitted by Carmal DeStefano
ITA President
By Pam Pariseau
Broadway Teaching Guide

Karen Hall from Maine East High School in Park Ridge, IL took on The Play That Goes Wrong: High School Edition this fall. She mentioned that the Broadway Teachers Workshop's The Play That Goes Wrong workshop she attended this past summer was a game changer for her and that it gave her the confidence to take on the production.
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