Welcome to the Salerno Downtown Authority (SDA) Newsletter.

The SDA is a group of businesses and investors within the waterfront, core and general Port Salerno mixed use CRA sub districts.



Port Salerno Parking Plan

Martin County Innovation Hub

Port Salerno CRA Plan

Manatee Pocket Mooring Field

Corey Crowley KC Ingram Interview

Our mission

To coordinate public and private investments to facilitate the development of Port Salerno into a safe, walkable old Florida waterfront commercial fishing community with a mixed use downtown integrated with parks, schools, open spaces and historical neighborhoods properly planned to provide drainage, parking, roads, public transportation and other basic infrastructure so that the residents, fisherman, businesses, and visitors can coexist with peace and prosperity.

At today’s BOCC meeting the commissioners will vote on wether to purchase a 6 acre parcel in the Old Palm City CRA for $4 million. It was recently purchased by investors for $2 million and appraised for $4.5 million. Both commissioners Ciampi and Heard are being proactive about bad development. They should both be applauded for the effort.

There is, however, a huge difference between the two approaches. Heard is attempting to influence the developers to build appropriate development that fits into the neighborhood but, more importantly, adds to the tax base. She is also getting pilloried by the community for this approach.

Ciampi, on the other hand, is spending tax dollars with no foreseeable tax revenue improvements and he is being celebrated for it.

The voters in Martin County pretended to make a big deal about fiscal responsibility at the budget hearings recently but, when it comes down to growth vs financial responsibility, it seems that Ciampi is making the political bet that the voters care more about no growth than they do about higher taxes.

It’s an unfortunate state of affairs and the voters have themselves to blame. They pretend to be fiscal conservatives until development appears in their back yard. The commissioners are simply reacting to their constituents but in very different ways.

A good way to determine if something is a good idea is if it is good to repeat it. Many things seem great in small doses but fail the large dose test. Drugs, for example, may seem harmless just once but are devastating as a habit. If a habit is not worth repeating then why do it at all?

Buying land to prevent development is like using drugs. It may feel good just once but it is an unsustainable habit. What good is doing something just once when you are the government unless it is to appease the voters? It can be argued that this land is “special” and in many ways it is but so are hundreds of other properties including many in Port Salerno that are proposed to be developed with as strong, or stronger, community outrage.

Commissioner Heard has time for her efforts to play out. She isn’t up for re-election for three years. Maybe Commissioner Ciampi feels he doesn’t have enough time to go back to the drawing board and to work with the investors to build something that fits into the community and adds to the tax base.

Commissioner Heard will certainly vote against this plan on the basis that it is fiscally irresponsible and she is exactly correct. Commissioner Ciampi will vote for this proposal because the community feels the proposal is incompatible and wants it stopped with any means necessary. Commissioner Hetherington is the most likely to join Heard in the fiscal responsibility camp.

I recommend to both commissioners Jenkins and Smith that this isn’t an either or vote. This can still be a choice about the approach. If the commissioners vote not to buy this property then I hope it is because they plan to work with the developer and to offer incentives so that the development fits into the community and adds to the tax rolls. It is more work but it is also a sustainable habit.

If the commissioners vote to purchase this property then hold onto your shorts because the residents of Port Salerno, a larger and better funded CRA than old Palm City’s CRA, with better reserves and better opportunities, will rightfully call for a similar approach. This $4 million decision will quickly become a $40 million dollar liability for the county or there will be a riot as the residents of Port Salerno ask why Old Palm City is so special and they are not.

It’s a damn good question and I hope Commissioners Jenkins and Smith ponder it deeply before they make their votes.

With Regards,

J. Corey Crowley


Salerno Downtown Authority


[email protected]

We also have a program dedicated to promote local businesses and coordinate community events.

Please join our mailing list and invite your friends and neighbors to join.

Our first event will be Salty Saturday’s in Salerno. It will be a weekly event including vendors, food trucks and entertainment. It is scheduled to begin before the end of the year. We are still working on the exact details and should have an update soon.


This is a short summary of the private and public projects in various stages for Port Salerno:

Mooring Field. The county is working rapidly to provide a temporary upland facility on

Manatee Park, adjacent to Pirate’s Cove and the commercial fishing docks. The project is expected to be completed in September 2023

● Twisted Tuna is rebranding as Fysh Bar and Grill and is reinvesting for the future

Salerno Beach, a waterfront bar with food trucks and music, has recently opened at the

Fish House and Marina.

Mangia Clam Bar opened in 2022 in the space that was previously Manatees.

Sewer project for New Monrovia and a large part of Port Salerno west of the Railroad tracks has been cancelled.

● The parks department and the CRA are in the permitting phase to replace the boardwalk along the commercial fishing docks.

● The CRA is in the planning phase to develop the Storm Treatment Area behind what

used to be Gettin’ Crabby into a linear park that will extend the boardwalk from the

redeveloped retention area all the way to the railroad.

● The CRA is in the planning phase to develop the FEC right of way on the west side of

the railroad between Salerno and the corner of commerce and railway into a parking lot.

● The county is redeveloping the SW Manatee Prong retention area north of Cove Road

and West of the railroad tracks

● The parks department is in the planning phase to redevelop Wojcieszack Park

●The dinghy docks to serve the mooring field in front of Manatee Park are completed.