Province of the Immaculate Conception
Order of Friars Minor
Provincial Newsletter
October 2023
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Dear Brothers,
I think we have all come to expect that October, being a month of transition, always brings about many changes. Some of these are expected. Other changes can be very surprising, even shocking.
For me this has been a very busy month. It began with my visit to Rome for the Solemn Profession of our brother, Friar Marco Antonio at the end of September.
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I remained in Rome for the Transitus and the Feast of St. Francis to celebrate with our brothers at the Convento. As always, this made the feast day very special. Of course, there’s nothing like being in Rome for these Franciscan high holy days.
They were days of great fraternity. In the middle of October I went to Kansas City for the meeting of the ESC Provincials, which concluded with the opening of the Chapter of Unity, where the friars from six U.S. Provinces united as one- the new Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe. To see the suppression of these other provinces was emotional when one considers the long history of ministry of the Franciscans in the United States- and the Americas- since the days of Christopher Columbus. We understand that this ministry does not come to an end, but takes on new life. Being present for this permitted me to offer my own personal prayers for the new province.
While there, we received word of the death of our brother, Bishop Roberto Camilleri, the Bishop of Comayagua. Bishop Roberto was present at the solemn profession of Friar Marco in Rome. Marco is from Comayagua, and Bishop Roberto was scheduled to ordain Marco to the diaconate this week. To say his death was a shock to all of us is an understatement. In speaking to him in Rome, he gave no indication of any major health issues. Let us pray not only for the repose of his soul but also for the people of the Diocese of Comayagua. The viewing and funeral came very quickly, as is the custom in Central America, and if you have the opportunity to see the video of the funeral, you will see the outpouring of grief among the priests and people as well as the moving funeral Mass with countless numbers of faithful, priests, and bishops. It was truly moving. Our long history of almost eighty years of ministry in Central America, as well as so many years in Comayagua, stemming back to Bishop Bernardine Mazzarella, is certainly something we can be proud of.
This week I will be heading to Comayagua for the ordination of Friar Marco to the diaconate, which will be celebrated by Bishop Joseph Bonello, O.F.M. In sending a letter of condolence to Fr. Anthony Chicop, O.F.M., the Provincial Minister of the Province of St. Paul the Apostle in Malta, I thanked him for the continual presence of so many friars from Malta who have been such an important part of our province, especially, but not limited to Central America.
Father Anthony wrote in his response to my letter: “May the pastoral zeal of Bishop Roberto encourage us all in our Franciscan evangelizing mission, and may it be a source of new vocations to the Franciscan life in our respective provinces.” Bishop Roberto's coat of arms, seen above- says it all.- a quote from the prayer of St. Francis: "In giving we receive." To that I say: Amen. Amen.
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News from the Convento San Francesco
Friar Marco Antonio Gomez Garcia Professes Solemn Vows
Prepares for Ordination to the Diaconate
Friar Marco Antonio Gomez Garcia professed his Solemn Vows at the hands of Fr. Robert M. Campagna, O.F.M, Provincial Minister, on September 30, 2023 at the Basilica of Sant'Antonio in Rome, part of the Pontifical University of Saint Anthony (Antonianum). Friar Marco has now completed his initial formation and is preparing to be ordained a deacon on October 29. Friar Marco is a native of Comayagua, Honduras, and was scheduled to be ordained by Bishop Roberto Camilleri, who was present at his Solemn Profession. Unfortunately, Bishop Roberto, an alumnus of the Province of St. Paul the Apostle in Malta but who has ministered in our province in Honduras for many years, suddenly passed away. Bishop Joseph Bonello, O.F.M. of the Diocese of Juitcalpa, Honduras, will be the ordaining Bishop. The ordination will take place at the Catedral Inmaculada Concepcion in Comayagua. It is planned for Friar Marco to be assigned to a parish in Toronto for his deacon internship. Congratulations and best wishes Friar Marco.
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Greetings in the Lord from Rome. As we begin our new academic year with our students in formation, I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and prayers. In particular, I would like to thank the Provincial Administration for allowing our guys to experience a ministry throughout the summer months in any one of our locations. Wherever our friars have been sent, they have always been greeted and accompanied with utmost care and charity, and for this I am grateful to all our guardians and local superiors who made this happen.
I would encourage you all to keep in touch with them as they come to know the province more and more and understand that we are one family of brothers, knowing that this will help them to feel more connected to the province, as the majority of them are coming from Central America. As we know, each friar in the province, in some way, is a formator… in that we are called to continue to work and pray for vocations, and through the Lord’s mercy and help, accompany them on the road of what may be a calling to religious life.
It is with sadness in our hearts that we saw the premature passing of our dear brother and bishop, Robert Camilleri. He was here with us in Rome just a couple of weeks ago, and even attended the Solemn Profession of our brother, Marco. It was providential that we all got to spend time with him. Yet, with the passing of our brother we also were given the opportunity to reflect and be grateful for a life of service and dedication, knowing that we now have yet another exemplary friar who edified and inspired us. Now, we keep our brother Marco in our prayer as he approaches his ordination to the Diaconate. Where one friar came to the end of his ministry, another is just beginning, and we pray the Lord blesses him in a powerful way so as to truly minister wholeheartedly to the people of the parish where he will be assigned.
We have eleven friars this year in temporary profession, including our new addition, Friar Kevin Leonel Godoy, who is already enjoying his new environment here in Rome, having enrolled in his first semester of philosophical studies, having completed his novitiate in San Damiano.
Once again, brothers, thank-you for everything and may the good Lord Jesus and our Blessed Mother continue to bless you all in very special ways. We look forward to sending you some feedback from the guys as to how their summer went, throughout the coming newsletters. Here, we start off with one from Daniel Cavalieri, a friar in his last year, who along with Jack Sidoti, God-willing, will be making his Solemn Profession next September. Please keep these two in your prayers as they finish their last year of studies and make preparations for this important milestone in their lives.
Peace and good,
Fr Pierre Farrugia ofm
Dear Brothers,
What an intro to the new year of studies and formation here in Rome! After a summer of pastoral and fraternal experience throughout our beloved province, where we received brotherly hospitality from all of you, we returned back to Rome around the 23rd of September. Rome sweet Rome! We came a little early in anticipation for a joyous celebration – the solemn profession of our brother Marco Antonio Gomez Garcia! On the 30th of September at the basilica of Sant’Antonio here in Rome, Marco made his solemn profession in the hands of our Provincial, Fr Robert Campagna. What an event to be a part of it was like in some way we were all doing our solemn profession with him – wishful thinking or living vicariously?! Marco has been an integral part of the fraternity here in Rome for the past three years and we are all very proud of him! Many blessings going forward in your ministry brother. Although one brother moves on to a new chapter of his vocation, the community here at the Convento was happy to receive with open arms a new member to our fraternity – Br Kevin Leonel Flores. Welcome to the Convento brother!
With that kind of excitement, what more could be done or said? There is never a dull moment with the friars. We were honored here in Rome to host our Provincial minister along with provincial definitor Fr. Orlando Ruiz for the feast of St Francis. For the transitus, as tradition has it, we all went up to the general curia to participate in the memorial of our holy father's passing from this life. The guardian of the curia reminded us to rejoice because Francis did “what was his to do” and also called us to remember that Christ will teach us “what we are to do”. Afterwards there was a light refreshment in the courtyard of the curia. For the feast, we had very nice celebration in English presided by Fr. Robert in which 4 of the brothers received the ministry of lector and acolyte. Congrats brothers! We also celebrated, as tradition goes, with a nice lunch out together as a fraternity.
Anything else?! How could we possibly follow up this kind of beginning to the year? Well with the opening of the new academic year. Not every day can be a feast or solemnity brothers. Or can it? On October 5th we went back to the Antonianum to being classes, all of us at different levels of the 5-year program there. On the 9th, we solemnly inaugurated the year with a Mass celebrated by the Gran Cancelliere Massimo Fusarelli and MC’ed by none other than our own Jack Sidoti who also did a stellar job organizing the liturgy of Br. Marco’s profession. He gives Pat Boyle a run for his money! A few other points of interest to share with you: on Saturday evening, Oct 14th the community assisted with the service of the rosary with procession in the plaza of Saint Peter’s on occasion to pray for the Synod – it was impressive to see so many faithful there with their candles raised in procession in honor of Our Lady. On the 15th we also gave a hand at the Mass celebrated by his eminence Cardinal Sean O’Malley in his titular church, Santa Maria della Vittoria on the feast of Saint Therese of Avila. Some photos to follow!
Brothers, it’s always a pleasure to share with you all a bit of our journey and hope to stay close this way. Remember us in your prayers and celebrations of the Eucharist as we persevere in initial formation and that we may have a rich, productive school year. Rest assured of our prayers for you all! May the Lord give you peace!
Br. Daniel Cavalieri
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Newly- Instituted Acolytes/Lectors: Br. Kevin Gabriel Gonzalez Vega,
Br. Daniel Ramirez Luna, Br. Oscar Danilo Valle Perez, and
Br. Luis Antonio Hernandez Reinosa.
Congratulations, brothers!
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The brothers at the Vatican | |
The Friars from the Convento with Fr. Antonio Nardoianni celebrated Mass with Cardinal Sean O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap. of Boston at his titular church in Rome. | |
New Province
Established in the USA
Province of
Our Lady of Guadalupe
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Franciscan friars from six provinces across the United States gathered on Oct. 16 at the Sheraton Kansas City Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo., coming together in a spirit of fraternity for the historic Chapter of Unity, the culmination of years of prayers and planning to form the coast-to-coast Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
During this synodal, week-long, Chapter, the men shared their experiences as Friars Minor, consulted the views of others, asked the Holy Spirit to guide them, and discerned together about how to continue to walk the pilgrim path together.
Minister General Massimo Fusarelli, OFM, opened his address to the Chapter, noting that “all Christians must be able to project to others a feeling that in the Christian, one finds something special: the divine presence that transforms all of life. Those who see us must feel drawn to be with us, they have to be attracted, even without us realizing it, to our way of living in charity, in joy – in other words, in the Lord. In order for this to be realized, Christians need to truly live the spirit of the Gospel. As we celebrate the Centenary of the Rule, we are rediscovering this text as that which allows us to jealously hold on to the Gospel.”
Approximately 700 men from six United States provinces now form the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The gathering of about 250 of them gave birth to a singular coast-to-coast province, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and has paved a future rooted in renewing Franciscan life, spirituality, and fraternity by living the Gospel through service to the poor and those in the margins.
This unification comes at a time when the world has a deep hunger for St. Francis’s values – his courage as a peacemaker, his compassion for all people and all of creation, and his concern for the poor and the marginalized – all expressions of his profound love for Jesus Christ. Franciscan friars have devoted their lives to carrying on this legacy through their service to others. Their synodal Chapter of Unity also happened at a time when Pope Francis has been leading the global Catholic Church in refreshing its identity and mission for this era.
The Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, OFM, formally established the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe in mid-October in the presence of Franciscan friars from 26 states, the District of Columbia, and 16 countries. Friar
Massimo installed the province’s first Provincial Minister, Provincial Vicar, and seven Provincial Councilors. The Provincial Administration is composed of: Br. Lawrence Hayes, OFM, Provincial Minister; Br. Mark Soehner, OFM, Vicar Provincial; and Provincial Councilors: Br. John Eaton, OFM; Br. Erick Lopez, OFM; Br. Roger Lopez, OFM; Br. Samuel Nasada, OFM; Br. Rommel Perez Flores, OFM; Br. José Rodriguez, OFM; and Br. Edward Tlucek, OFM. They will serve a three-year term.
Fr. Robert Campagna and Fr. Orlando Ruiz were present for the institution of the new province since it coincided with a meeting of the English Speaking Conference of the Order. Congratulations brothers.
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Minister General with the new Provincial Administration
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Fr. Massimo, Minister General, congratulations Fr. Lawrence Hayes, Provincial Minister of the new province. | | |
Regional Pre-Chapter Meetings are Held.
Mount Vernon (NYC Region)
St. Christopher (New England Region)
Third Regional Meeting-Siena Friary, Mt. Vernon, NY- Oct. 13, 2023
Four Secular Franciscans, two Franciscan sisters, one OFM Affiliated member and six friars and one postulant, met together for the third regional meeting. The group began with Mass at 9:00 AM where the topics of Charism, Communion, and Mission were introduced. Alvin Te was the principal celebrant for the Mass.
Three one-hour sessions were held by each of two groups, one with friars only, the other of seculars, sisters, and our affiliated OFM. The themes for the sessions were: Renewing Our Vision; Walking in a Particular Style; and Embracing the Future. Each group elicited concepts from the themes and was asked to assess aspects of these themes and then do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) one ach concept.
After a lunch break, the two groups joined together to share their analyses and find commonalities and differences. Some of the more important concepts were then highlighted. Once the themes were shared and discussed, regional representatives who will attend the May 11 Chapter of Mats were appointed. The appointed regional representatives are: Siobhan O’Dwyer, OFS; Sr. Inx Mejia, HFIC; Sr. Yeseria Saldarriaga, HFIC; Anne DeVico, OFS; Michael Corcione, OFM; Chuck Trebino, OFM; Alvin Te, OFM. Br. Vincent de Paul Ciaravino will also be a delegate as a member of the definitorium.
The day ended with Midafternoon prayer. Special thanks to Frs. James Villa and Alvin Te of the community at Siena Friary. The next scheduled meeting will take place in Boston, MA on October 21, 2023.
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Fourth Regional Meeting-St. Christopher Friary- Boston MA-
Oct. 21, 2023
Seven secular Franciscans and eight friars met on Oct. 21 for the fourth regional meeting in preparation for the Chapter of Mats to be held on May 11, 2024 in Wappingers Falls. Having discussed their SWOT analyses and objectives, the group chose three secular Franciscans to attend the chapter along with friars Francis Walter, Joseph Powell, and Gabriel Aceto. James Welch will serve as an alternate.
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In the Midst of
War, the
Franciscans of the
Holy Land continue
their ministry.
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On Saturday, Oct. 7, Israel suddenly found itself in a state of war. A barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip and attacks by Hamas terrorists who infiltrated cities near the border resulted in the death of over 1,000 people. Among them were 11 American citizens as well as citizens from many other countries.
Casanova Street in the Christian Quarter, Jerusalem, after Hamas' attack on Israel, Oct. 9, 2023. Credit: Marinella Bandini
Since then in the southern part of the country, the alarm sirens warning of incoming missiles are relentless. Jerusalem, on the other hand, has fallen into an eerie silence, interrupted only by alerts on mobile phones and the roar of military aircraft. The city is semi-deserted, with most shops closed, except for those selling essential goods. Schools are closed, as are many offices. There is a desire to return to some semblance of normalcy, mixed with the fear of leaving home due to the threat of reprisals.
The only open doors seem to be those of the Franciscan sanctuaries, which, at the express request of the Custody of the Holy Land, remain open for now, primarily to allow ongoing pilgrimages to carry out their spiritual experience as best they can. These sites include the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem; the Basilica of the Agony (also called the Church of All Nations), located on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem; the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem; and the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth.
The Franciscans are taking it day by day, continuing their service in the sanctuaries and welcoming the few remaining groups. However, thoughts of the immediate future bring back the struggle of the pandemic years, with a decline in tourism and, consequently, in donations and offerings. The Custody itself, in a statement, has expressly asked people to “suspend pilgrimages and wait until the situation is safe again.”
The leaders of the Christian community in the Holy Land continue to appeal incessantly for peace and the cessation of hostilities.
Following the outbreak of the conflict, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, patriarch of Jerusalem, signed a statement in which, in addition to calling for a de-escalation of the conflict, emphasized the importance of preserving the Status Quo regarding the holy sites. This is a set of rules that regulates access to and use of the main holy sites since the time of the Ottoman Empire.
The same concern was reiterated in a joint statement by the patriarchs and heads of Christian churches in Jerusalem. Christian religious leaders have raised their voices together “to advocate for the cessation of all violent and military activities” and “condemn any acts that target civilians.”
The Custody of the Holy Land issued a statement on Oct. 10 inviting all the faithful to “pray and fast for peace.” The Franciscan communities, the statement reads, “pray for all the victims, especially the civilians and the hostages. And for their families. Let us pray so that the hatred, anger, and fear that generate violence go out in hearts. Let us pray so that the international community fosters initiatives of mediation and peace, especially in protecting civilians.” On Monday, Oct. 9, at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the daily procession of the Franciscans to the places of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus concluded with a specific prayer for peace in the Holy Land.
“For more than seven centuries, the Franciscans, in times of war or peace, of excavation or work, have visited every day the places of the passion of Jesus,” the president of the Holy Sepulcher, Brother Stéphane, explained to media after the prayer. “Here, Christ has risen! Here, he has defeated the world! Today, we wanted our prayer to be particularly focused on asking for peace for this land, which is now being torn apart once again, so that everyone can live in this land in peace and in safety.”
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His Beatitude and Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, O.F.M. the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, on the occasion of his installation as a Cardinal of the Church. | |
Repairs at St. Francis Cemetery, Andover
Anyone who has visited St. Francis in the past few years has noticed that the Stations of the Cross and the statues were in need of many repairs. Thanks to Paul Swope, a parishioner of St. Thomas in Derry, NH and Mike the Mason, great strides have been made to repoint and repair the Stations and the statuary. More progress is to be made, but a drastic improvement has been made to the masonry. Thank you Paul and Mike.
Below, before and after images of the stonework around the center statue.
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Transitus and Feast
Blessing of
Animals and Pets
Around the Province
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Transitus Fraternal Gathering at Padua Friary | |
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Blessing of Animals- Fr. Patrick Boyle | | |
Derry NH Friars- Pet Blessing | | |
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Poor Clares at Wappingers Falls Transitus | | |
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Bishop Roberto
Camilleri, O.F.M.
Bishop of
October 17, 2023
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Bishop Roberto Camilleri, O.F.M., Bishop of Comayagua, Honduras, passed away suddenly on October 17, 2023 at the age of 72. Bishop Roberto was an alumnus of the Province of St. Paul the Apostle in Malta, but labored for many years in our province’s Central American mission, most notably in Honduras, at Iglesia Santa Ana, La Libertad, Comayagua; Iglesia El Calvario, Comayaguela; Instituto San Francisco, Tegucigalpa; and as President of the Central American Foundation of the Immaculate Conception Province before being ordained bishop. In June of 2022, he was elected President of the Episcopal Conference of Honduras.
Bishop Roberto was waked at the Catedral Inmaculada Concepcion, Comayagua, and his funeral Mass was celebrated on Thursday, October 18 at his Cathedral.
Bishop Roberto was born on April 24, 1951 in Hamrun, Malta. He made his first profession on November 1, 1968 and was ordained a priest on June 29, 1975 in Rome by Saint Pope Paul VI. He served his province as Master of Novices and in 1979 he came to our province and ministered in our parishes in Honduras. He was ordained Bishop on August 15, 2001 and served as auxiliary bishop of Tegucigalpa before being named Bishop of Comayagua in 2004. In June of 2022 he was elected President of the Episcopal Conference of Bishops of Honduras. He was laid to rest in the crypt at the Cathedral.
Fr. Robert wrote in a letter to the priests and people of the Diocese of Comayagua:
"Please accept my prayers and condolences on behalf of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception Province. Bishop Roberto was a true son of St. Francis, and his work will never be forgotten. He was loved by so many in Honduras, and through the years labored not only in our parishes and ministries there, but celebrated ordinations for our friars, as well as confirmations in our parishes here in the United States.
It has been an honor for the friars of our province to work for so many years in Comayagua. Almost eighty years ago our friars first came to Honduras, and in 1960 we expanded our mission to Comayagua. Through the legacies of Bishop Bernardino Mazzarella, Bishop Geraldo Scarpone, and most recently Bishop Roberto Camilleri, our friars have played an important part in the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi in your diocese."
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Fr. Rafael Fernandez, President of the Immaculate Conception Foundation in Central America, with Br. Marco Antonio reading the letter of Fr. Provincial to the priests and people of Comayagua | | |
Archbishop Michael Lenihan, O.F.M. Archbishop of San Pedro Sula, was the main celebrant of the funeral liturgy. | | |
Take time to wish our brothers a Happy Birthday!
Oscar Valle Perez- November 6th- 32
Ronald Bolfeta- November 7th- 74
Rafael Fernandez- November 10th- 69
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For our friars in skilled nursing facilities
Friar Regis Gallo, OFM
Friar Albin Fusco, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM
Friar Phillip Adamo, OFM
Fr. Armand Padula, OFM
Fr. Simeon Distefano, OFM
Fr. Louis Troiano, OFM
Fr. Claude Scrima, OFM
Bishop Maurus Muldoon, OFM
Fr. Romano Almagno, OFM (Mary Manning Walsh Home, NYC)
For the friars who have recently died
Bishop Roberto Camilleri, OFM (Bishop of Comayagua, Honduras)
Friar Louis Vitale, OFM (St. Barbara Province)
Friar Dan Anderson, OFM (St. John the Baptist Province)
Friar Richard McManus, OFM (St. Barbara Province)
Friar John Felice, OFM (Former Provincial Holy Name Province)
For the friars who are sick
For our infirm family and friends:
Anna Palmarozzo (Mother of Fr. Richard Martignetti, OFM)
Ana Margarita Fernandez (Sister of Fr. Rafael Fernandez, OFM)
David Novak (Brother of Friar Thomas Hollowood, OFM)
Clara Zaninelli (Aunt of Friar Joseph LaGressa, OFM)
For our recently deceased family and friends:
Rev. Gregory Mercurio (Former Friar)
Maria Lopez (Grandmother of Friar Oscar Valle, OFM)
Sr, Eileen Lambert, OSF (Franciscan Sisters of Allegany)
Please pray for all friars, families, friends, and benefactors,
living and deceased.
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Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
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Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street New York NY 10012
Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
Provincial Secretary/Communications Director
125 Thompson Street New York NY 10012
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 212.674.4388 Xt. 113
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