Our friendly consultants enjoy assisting customers with their new art selections.

Embracing the joy of Cruisin' the Coast in Downtown Ocean Springs – A heartfelt thank you to all the cruisers and visitors who joined us this year. We're thrilled to carry on this cherished & vibrant tradition in years to come!

"From a young age, I've enjoyed crafting and creating things with my hands. My passion for creating has continued through the years. Living on the coast, I've always been intrigued by coastal artifacts and the coastal environment as a whole. This fascination led to my desire to create something out of oyster shells, which are a major part of our coastal heritage. Thank you for supporting my passion, and I hope you enjoy having a piece of the coast for your own."

 - Patsy

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17 NIV

Congratulations to local artist Sandra Halat on receiving The Nadine Sekul Memorial Award for Best in Show acrylic painting.

The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo is honored to represent your art creations.

Congratulations to artist Troy Hill on receiving

The Camille Garbo Award in honor of

The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo

owner Linda Rosetti's father.

Be sure to check out The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo ads featured in the latest editions of Social Coastal Magazine & South Mississippi Living Magazine.

There's always something new to see at
The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo!

We welcome you to visit us at The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo. Our friendly consultants are available to assist you with your Holiday shopping. Complimentary gift wrapping and

shipping available. Visit our website

1-228-875-1218 •