We love the fall season here at Autumn Tree! One of our favorite parts about it . . . is the beauty of color change that enchants our fall foliage. The best way to support your trees while they preform their autumn display is to offer them a soil injection. That's right! Soil injections aid in leaf color, along with overall health, growth and vigor. Give us a call to schedule your soil injection today!

While we love to watch our deciduous trees change colors . . . it's never a good thing when an evergreen turns brown or orange. Our Anti-Desiccant application provides a protective coating over needles, helping to keep moisture through dry months. This keeps our evergreens healthy, happy and of course brilliantly green!

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This October we are sad to say goodbye to Aria. What better way to send her off than to feature her as our shooting star of the month. We are incredibly proud of her, as she is off to pursue her dream as a tattoo artist. Aria has blessed many of you with her warm and kind personality as she has called you to schedule work or assisted you with a proposal. Her favorite part about working at Autumn Tree has been creating friendships and memories with all her co-workers, as well as connecting with all of our lovely clients. When she is not at work she enjoys creating art and spending time with friends and family. She will be truly missed and we wish her all the luck and happiness in her future endeavors.

Fall is the perfect time to assess our trees’ health and secure their safety through the winter months. The threat of winter breakage and damage are higher this year due to all the rain we have received.

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Chewy Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookies

These chewy pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies are a one-bowl, no-chill recipe that is packed with brown butter and pumpkin spice flavor!


Pumpkin Festival Details Click here

Cider Days Details Click here

Halloween Parade Details Click here

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