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October 2023

Community Champions

The tradition of honoring Lord and Lady Fairfax began in 1984 as a way to recognize the outstanding residents of Fairfax County. Since then, 759 individuals have been honored with this award! Each fall, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors selects two individuals from each district who have demonstrated exceptional volunteer service, heroism or other special accomplishments to receive the award. Meet Mount Vernon District 2023 Lady and Lord Fairfax!

Lady Fairfax Shirley Short 

Shirley Short, or as we call her – our Volunteer Extraordinaire – is an amazing asset to Team MVD and Mount Vernon residents. Shirley is a retired Fairfax County firefighter and played an integral role helping residents during the 2006 Huntington flood. Since then she has worked tirelessly assisting with the many community events, ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings and public meetings we host each year, volunteering thousands of hours

Shirley is often the first bright, smiling face you see at these events as she runs our information table and greets everyone as they arrive. In 2015, Shirley helped lead the first ever Ides of Bark Dog Festival that continues to be a barking success today, bringing together hundreds of our furry friends and their owners for a day of fun. In addition to leading Ides of Bark again this year, Shirley also single-handedly organized a new addition to our Town Meeting – Taste of Mount Vernon – providing free lunch from local restaurants to the hundreds of attendees at the Town Meeting. Next, she took on the challenge to provide 200 school supply filled backpacks at our first ever Back-to-School event. She is a dynamo!

Shirley also manages an extensive community information station at our office, as well as at the Lorton Community Center. She travels far and wide to gather materials she thinks our residents will want to see and keeps it stocked for everyone, in multiple languages. And, if she wasn’t busy enough with our office, Shirley also volunteers many hours with the Mount Vernon Springfield Chamber and the Mount Vernon Citizens Advisory Committee. In short, Shirley’s dedication to our community, her willingness to jump in at all times and her can-do attitude make us a stronger, more connected community!

Lord Fairfax Ron Fitzsimmons

Ron Fitzsimmons and his sister Laura Fitzsimmons Peters created Alice’s Kids to anonymously help children in need in our community, and across the country. Named in memory of their mother, Ron and Laura understand firsthand how children receiving charity can feel shame and wanted their support to be different. Alice's Kids provides gift cards to teachers and counselors who have identified a child's needs, like soccer cleats, prom tickets or camps. The teacher then gives the gift card to a parent or caregiver who takes the child to buy the needed item, or is able to purchase it and surprise the child. Alice’s Kids receives the majority of their funding from individual donations and very little comes from grants and corporations. Through recent recognitions and articles, Alice's Kids has received over $1.25 million in donations to continue spreading happiness to children and their families.

Through Alice’s Kids, Ron has helped put smiles on the faces of thousands of children in our community and throughout the country. We have seen firsthand how Ron’s efforts have an impact. This spring we received an urgent plea from a mother trying to pay for her daughter’s summer school classes. We contacted Ron, who worked through his network and within a week the daughter’s tuition payment was made and she was able to stay in school. It is efforts like this that make Ron deserving of this recognition.

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Community Information & Events

Early In-Person Voting at the Mount Vernon Governmental Center

Early in-person voting is happening now at our Mount Vernon Governmental Center and starting on October 26 at the Lorton Community Center until November 4. In-person voting and ballot drop box times are: 

  • Weekdays: 1 - 7 p.m.
  • Saturdays (Oct. 28, Nov. 4): 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Sunday (Oct. 29): 1 - 5 p.m.

Learn more.

Bolstering Effective Conservation Advocacy

Saturday, October 21, 1 – 4:30 p.m.

National Wildlife Building

11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston

Conservation advocacy requires citizen involvement at all levels of government.

The Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy and Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions invite you to learn how to become a more effective advocate at a FREE advocacy forum. The 2024 session of the Virginia General Assembly promises to be eventful, with the largest turnover of elected representatives in over 100 years and control of the House and Senate hanging in the balance. But climate change is making envronmental advocacy at the federal and local levels just as important. Everyone is welcomeLearn more.

CORRECTION: Wednesday, October 25

6-7:30 p.m.

Sherwood Regional Library Community Room

2501 Sherwood Hall Lane, Mount Vernon

Public Comment Needed by October 27: Regional Affordable Housing Funding

What are your opinions on affordable housing in the region? The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority, along with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), need feedback on a draft application for affordable housing funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

There are many options for submitting your inputLearn more.

A River Farm Halloween: Story Telling from Old Town Mysteries by Local Celebrities

Monday, October 30, 6 - 7 p.m.

River Farm, 7931 E Boulevard Drive, Mount Vernon

Acclaimed actor and retired jurist William T. Newman Jr. heads an all-star cast of story tellers who will regale book lovers with narrations from the popular — and slightly spooky — Old Town Mystery Series. Classical WETA broadcast personality Nicole Lacroix and the dynamic ghost storyteller duo of Nikisha Kozik and Jimmy Meritt with Alexandria Colonial Tours will also participate in the story telling. And, The Female Stranger will make a guest appearance. The program is free and open to adults and children. Halloween costume attire is encouraged. The narrations will be from Daingerfield Island, Slaters Lane, and Gadsby’s Corner, three of the books by local author and attorney John Adam Wasowicz, who will join the cast signing books at special ‘trick or treat’ prices. 

Adopt-A-Family Holiday Program

The Department of Family Services' Volunteer & Partner Services (VPS) program is looking for families, businesses, organizations, faith-based groups and more to support families in our community who are experiencing difficult times during the 2023 holidays. VPS is accepting donations for families through our Adopt-A-Family Holiday program. Once VPS matches each group or individual with a family, you’ll receive the children’s wish lists, toy and gift card ideas. Monetary donations are also welcome. Learn more about the Adopt-A-Family program and complete the donor form online by Friday, December 8, or contact Samantha Carrico at 703-324-7576.

Are you an employer who is interested in participating? Click here.

Visit our Website

Mount Vernon District Office | 703-780-7518

MTVernon@fairfaxcounty.gov | FairfaxCounty.gov/MountVernon


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