This is the definitive version to use. October 2023.

Kitsilano PAC | October 2024 Newsletter

Main Items

  • Message from PAC
  • Mark Your Calendars
  • Support Our School & Students
  • What's Next?
  • Check the WAAG on Sundays
  • Project Shema
  • Other ways to support PAC
  • Kits Prom 2025
  • We have a winner!
  • Subscribe to the newsletter
  • Vancouver District PAC News
  • Speakers at PAC
  • Safer Schools Together - Free sessions on digital safety for teens
  • VSB Cell Phone Policy
  • Community events and resources

Message from the Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

Happy Fall!

It seems like the school year just started and Hallowe'en is almost here!

It is great to have school back in full swing! Over 40 clubs participated in Clubs Day at the end of September and Fall sports are underway.

On behalf of PAC, thank you to all of the teachers who sponsor clubs, coach teams, and support the many activities and events at school. 

Students can find a list of clubs on Teams or the school website HEREIf you want to keep track of what is happening with the school sports you can find information on instagram at:

At each September PAC meeting and at the end of June due to graduations, we have members transition out of the PAC Executive. Thank you to the outgoing PAC Executive members for all of their many contributions to PAC and to Kitsilano Secondary over the past years:

  • Sheila Kirkby - Outgoing Secretary and Organizer of "Cookie Bash" & "Staff Appreciation Lunch" & General all around wonderful parent volunteer at Kits High. Thank you for your service Sheila!

Thank you to the parents that have volunteered to join the PAC Executive this year. We are still looking for a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary. If you are interested in serving on the PAC Executive, please speak to us at the Oct 29th meeting or contact us by completing the form on the PAC website HERE.

2024/25 PAC

Chair - Philip Coldrey

Vice-Chair - Vacant

Secretary - Vacant

Treasurer - Tina Pfeifer

DPAC Rep. - Ishi Dinim

Members at Large:

Website - Jana Tesar

Social Media - Maureen Campbell

What's Next Co-ordinator - Gaya Murthy

French Immersion Liaison - Monika Marcovici

International Families Liaison - Jessica Qiu

Special Events Coordinators - Arlene Picard & Serena Pires & Mariah Moore

Athletics Liaison - Kerry Kenwood

Newsletter Editor - Maureen Prentice

Grade 12 Rep / Grad Liaison - Vacant

Arts Liaison - Vacant

Parent Education Co-ordinator - Vacant

Our next PAC meeting is on Tuesday, October 29 at 7 PM in the school auditorium. We will get updates on plans and events for the coming year from:

·     Ms Kwon, Principal,

·     Teacher Representative

·     Student Council representative

We will also be reviewing the PAC Budget for 2024-25. 

Please visit our PAC website for more information about Kits PAC and to subscribe to this newsletter and event notifications. If you are interested, review the position descriptions in the Kits PAC Bylaws here or on the Executive Volunteer form. Please contact us at if you have additional questions.

Mark Your Calendars

PAC meeting

will be held at the school auditorium.

Tuesday, October29

7 pm

Project Shema at

DPAC meeting

Oct 7 at 7:30 pm

Register for zoom link here

*See information in section below*

Live Learning Sessions with Education Planner

Oct 29

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Link here

**Be sure to scroll down on the EducationPlanner website to get to the registration page.

Support our School and Students

If you would like to make a donation, you can use School Cash Online  

  • click Make a Donation on the Home Page, and
  • select Fund Destination ‘S-Kitsilano PAC’

Once you Add to Cart and complete your payment, you will automatically receive a VSB system generated tax receipt.

Suggested donation is $50 per student. Thank you for generosity of time, money and care.

Each year PAC supports the school in a variety of ways, including through fundraising for equipment and supplies for extra-curricular activities.

What's Next?


Learn how you can help support your student in planning for their future. All parents and supporters of high school students are welcome, but the presentation is especially helpful for those with students in Grades 10-12. These free sessions are engaging and informative, and include a website tour.

EducationPlannerBC is hosting a Live Learning sessions. Join us virtually on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

You will need to register for your preferred session.

Link to page HERE

Topics include:

B.C.’s post-secondary education landscape, including institutions & credentials

Program and admission requirements & key application dates

Costs of post-secondary and options for financial aid

Career exploration resources

Using new tools such as My List to save and compare programs

Navigating resources and the application process through 

our website

Another one from: EducationPlanner BC

EducationPlannerBC invites parents, families, and student supporters to join our virtual presentation on Wednesday, November 6th, 2024. 

Learn about post-secondary education and career opportunities, as well as tools to best support your student in planning for their future. The information will be especially helpful for families with students in grades 10-12. 

Come explore our website! Search thousands of programs, get to know trades, and discover career paths. Find helpful resources, including financial aid options, admission requirements, FAQs, and the Glossary.

Learn how to create an account, save programs, paths, and careers to My List, and apply to post-secondary in B.C. 

EducationPlannerBC with Vancouver Schools

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

6:30pm– 7:45 p.m.

Registration is required. The session will be on MS Teams. 

Register HERE.

For more information:

UBC Okanagon Campus

In-Person Event

When: October 21st from 6:30pm-8:00pm at Prince of Wales Secondary (Vancouver, BC)

Topic: Discover UBC’s Okanagan Campus

Optional Pre-registration:


Discover UBC’s Okanagan campus by connecting with current students. This student-led event will allow you to connect with current students, and hear their personal stories and first-hand experiences of life at UBC’s Okanagan campus. Discover what it's truly like to be part of our close-knit, vibrant community, renowned for its world-class academics and over 300 days of sunshine. UBC Recruiters will be available during the event, to answer any questions that you might have. Don’t miss this chance to gain authentic insights and discover the exciting opportunities that await you at UBC’s Okanagan campus. Online registration is recommended but not required. You can also register in-person at the event.

UBC Vancouver

  • When: Nov 7, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
  • Topic: All About UBC
  • UBC invites students to join us for "All About UBC" to hear about degree options and student life at both UBC's Okanagan and Vancouver campuses.
  • During the presentation and Q&A, Advisors will walk you through the application and admission process. Come learn about the world-class education available at UBC 
  • Please click the link below to join the webinar:

  •  Passcode: 683280


Check the WAAG on Sundays

Kits Secondary publishes the WAAG (Week at a Glance) on Sundays.

You can check it HERE.

Project Shema

“Project Shema”: DPAC General Meeting

Vancouver DPAC's newly formed Antisemitism Working Group has arranged for a presentation by Project Shema at our upcoming DPAC General Meeting on October 30th at 7:00 pm by Zoom (link here) - mark your calendars ! All parents and caregivers of children attending public schools in the VSB district are welcome. 

Last May, the Vancouver DPAC Executives approved a motion to host a presentation on anti-semitism by Project Shema. This presentation was also discussed and supported at our General Meeting this past month on September 26th. 

Project Shema is a training and support organization focused on addressing contemporary antisemitism with an emphasis on how anti-Jewish ideas and implicit biases can be carried alongside conversations about Israel and Palestine.


We do not offer education or advocacy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, we do help upstanders understand Jewish identity and nurture empathy for Jewish traumas and lived experiences.

Built by progressive Jews, our programs focus on depolarizing difficult conversations around anti-Jewish harm to strengthen allyship for and within the Jewish community.

Other ways to support PAC

When you shop at Stongs Online for groceries, you can designate Kitsilano Secondary School as your community group. Kits PAC will receive a donation equal to 4% of your purchase. Link is HERE.

Next time you shop at Cobs Bread (2837 West Broadway or COBS on 4th Ave.) be sure to say "I'd like to support Kitsilano Secondary" before you pay and they will donate 5% of your purchase to PAC. *Note you cannot collect points at the same time.

Kits Prom 2025

From the Prom Committee: The Kits Prom 2025 Planning (KPP) committee is underway.  The KPP group had a first meet & greet on September 28th to organize parent-student membership & responsibilities. We will be hosting another information/update meeting on October 19th. Below is contact information for any parents of Class 2025 inquiring about the prom planning. 

The KPP students can also respond to DMs on the Kitsilano Prom Instagram account @kitsilanoprom2025 where updates will be available.

Please do reach out to us if you have any further questions about the Kits Prom 2025.

STUDENT MEMBERS : Avyanna Achandy, Avin Alaghehband, Luci Blythe, Adrianna Chambers, Angelina Chor, Nida Gezeravci, Sonya Uminska 

PARENT MEMBERS: Douglas & Denise Baird, Tanya Fisher, Beatriz Beccera, Joyce Gillespie, Janina Gomez, Michelle Porter 

Thank you kindly,

Denise Hanson          Joyce Gillespie


We have a winner!

It was wonderful seeing so many parents at our September PAC meeting.
We drew a name from the attendance list for:
$50 gift certificate to Footworks Relaxology.
Thank you KitsonBroadway for this donation.
Congrats Jana T!

Subscribe to the Newsletter

Do you know any new families at Kits Secondary?

Please let them know about signing up for the PAC Newsletter on our website

"" under the "subscribe" tab. Sign up here.

Vancouver District PAC News

The Vancouver District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) is a collection of parents (elected by PACs) working with the common goal of supporting education for all children of Vancouver.

You can subscribe to the Vancouver DPAC newsletter HERE

Speakers at PAC

PAC is open to suggestions for speakers for parent education at our meetings during the 2024/25 school year.

Other school PACs have successfully facilitated presentations to the student body on "Drug Awareness" (parent pharmacist), Drug and Alcohol Safety (Parent Advanced Life Support Paramedic), and Odd Squad Productions.

We welcome all suggestions for speakers. We are also looking for volunteers to co-ordinate speakers.

Safer Schools Together

Complimentary sessions through the Ministry of Educations’ erase strategy are now "live" on the new "erase" website. Click "family sessions".

Registration is now open for all dates. Upcoming dates include: Oct 30 & Nov 28.


Recommended for Parents/Caregivers/Grandparents and youth aged 10 and up as a way to facilitate the conversation of safe and caring use of technology at home and in the community. (60 minute session).

This session covers all things digital, from how to be a good digital citizen, the criminal consequences of cyberbullying, and how to report and receive support in cases of sexting/sextortion.

Some of the most prominent concerns currently surrounding use of social media platforms, smartphones, and artificial intelligence will be discussed.

Families will learn:

  • Digital media habits, oversharing, and digital addiction
  • The permanence of online posts/activity
  • The significance of your digital tattoo in how others perceive you (e.g., sports teams, college admissions, and potential employers)
  • The importance of caring for peers both online and offline
  • Geo-locational settings and the dangers of social media and cell phone misuse
  • The social and legal consequences of cyberbullying behaviour as well as possession and distribution of intimate images (sexting and sextortion)
  • An anonymous student reporting tool that can help you and your friends stay safe both online and offline

VSB Cell Phone Policy

VSB Cell Phone Policy: What You Need to Know

The Vancouver School Board (VSB) has updated its Administrative Procedure 350, introducing new policies for personal digital device use in schools to reduce distractions and promote focused learning. Key points include:

  • Secondary Schools: Devices must be off or on silent during class, with usage only allowed with educator permission.

Vancouver District Parent Advisory Committee has more information HERE.

Cartoon credit: Paul Karasik for Conde Nast

Community Events and Resources

Southlands Heritage Farm Pumpkin Patch

  • 3208 West 51st Avenue (Balaclava and 51st)
  • Information HERE

Remembrance Day

  • November 11
  • Billy Bishop Legion
  • 1407 Laburnum Street

Kelty Mental Health

  • BC Children’s Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre provides peer support, information, and resources to help you talk to and guide a youth in your life to the services and supports they may need.
  • Find tips for starting a conversation with your youth about their mental health, how to support a youth who comes to you with concerns, information on how to reach a parent peer support worker at the Kelty Centre, and additional resources and tools.
  • More info HERE


  • Excellent website to check out for resources on everything from healthy eating to getting support for mental health
  • Link HERE.

Youth Programs at Kits Community Centre

  • Youth Open Gym and the Youth Lounge
  • Follow @kitsccyouth on Instagram

Evidence-Informed Mental Health Resources 

  • HealthyMindsBC provides evidence-informed prevention and early intervention tools and resources, including online learning opportunities. This site is for parents, caregivers, families, educators, and other professionals to help them support the everyday mental health of children and youth.

Parent Peer Support

  • Family Smart provides practical help, service navigation, and peer support to families and caring adults that builds their connection, knowledge and capacity to better support their kids’ mental health.They help professionals and families better understand each other to better support the mental health of children, youth and young adults. Videos available online.

Alliance Francaise

  • French cultural and social events for teens. Link is here.

Kitsilano Community Fridges & Pantries

  • Free fresh and non-perishable food is available near our school, on Vine at 7th next to Kitsilano Neighbourhood House and in the lane behind 3066 West 13th Avenue. 
  • These community-led projects to combat food insecurity operate with a "Take what you need, leave what you can" approach. For more locations see

Please visit our PAC website for news, updates and events.

Find us on instagram @kits_secondary_pac

Subscribe to receive our Newsletters and information about PAC events.

Please forward this newsletter to others so they can subscribe.