October 1, 2024

Dear D101,

Our Toastmasters club is like a village, where every person, every speech, and every evaluation adds something special to our journey. Each interaction leaves an impact, shaping us in unique ways. With every renewal period, I find myself adding new chapters to my personal book of life—and while all the stories are meaningful, some truly stand out above the rest.

When I first joined Toastmasters, I was immediately welcomed by our then Club President, Randy Nystrom. His warm smile and unwavering support from day one made me feel at home. He was my go-to person whenever I had questions, even before I was officially assigned a mentor. He helped me navigate the newly introduced Pathways program back then, patiently answering all my questions and showing me around the website.

Jesus Garcia was an exceptional evaluation champion, and I was fortunate to have him as my evaluator for my first Icebreaker speech. He provided such thoughtful and encouraging feedback, while still offering valuable insights to help me improve. Jesus had this incredible ability to notice the smallest details—things I didn’t even realize I was doing—and gently bring them to my attention. Thanks to his keen observations, I learned to pay close attention to every gesture and movement I made, a habit that has stayed with me ever since. His guidance truly shaped my growth as a speaker.

But my journey wasn’t shaped by officers and evaluators alone—my fellow club members played a huge role too. One of my fondest memories is joining my first club alongside a fellow new Toastmaster who quickly became a great friend. We were at similar points in our careers and lives, and that connection helped us push each other further. Jorge and I would constantly challenge each other to give speeches, take on roles we’d never tried, and even compete for the coveted “Best Table Topics Winner” ribbon. Having an accountability buddy like him made the whole experience so much more exciting and fun.

As you reflect on your own Toastmasters journey, I’m sure you’ve impacted and been impacted by a community of people—whether they were official mentors or just friends who stood by your side, supporting you through every challenge. I invite you to share your story (or stories) with us and #ThankAToastmaster.

If there’s a friend you’re especially grateful for, why not invite them to your next meeting? Give them the gift of a Toastmasters membership and take the #PlusOnePledge!

Raji Bandanapudi, DTM


District Director, 2024-25

District 101 Toastmasters