Cook's United Methodist Church
October 2024 Newsletter
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We exist to make followers of Jesus Christ who love God and others. |
A Jesus-follower is an apprentice of the Lord of all. The way apprenticeship works is a deepening relationship that looks something like this: Stage 1 – the master does and the apprentice watches, Stage 2 – the master does, and the apprentice helps, Stage 3 – the apprentice does and the master helps, and Stage 4 – the apprentice does and the master watches.
As we grow – both individually and as a church family – in our practice of the way of Jesus, there comes a time that we must begin the doing. It’s easy to understand our hesitancy when we consider the magnitude of the ‘things’ Jesus did; he spoke truth to power, he sent evil and demons screaming away from their victims, he healed by touch and power. What are we to make of John’s gospel promise from Jesus’ own lips: “and you will do greater things”?
One way we can read Jesus’ prophecy and promise is about the size or magnitude of the act, the thing done (i.e., the healing, the teaching, etc.). Another would be to consider the generosity of the one doing the doing. In this culture, most of us hear the word “generous” and think about the amount of money given or resources donated such as food or clothing. Jesus certainly had plenty to say about money:
A person can’t serve two masters (God and money); you’ll love one and hate the other.
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.
Give to the one who asks of you.
Don’t make a show of your giving.
Store up treasures for yourself in heaven.
If generosity truly is the quality of being kind and giving in a plentiful or abundant way, then we must be honest about all the other expressions of generosity that will be part of a Jesus-apprentice’s daily life. Consider these teachings (and practices) of Jesus:
- How many times should we forgive (the same person, the same wrong?) … 7 times? No, 70 times 7! Jesus’ own words.
- One of the fruits born in us of the Holy Spirit is long-suffering or patience. Patience with others when we wish they or their circumstances that involve us were different.
- Carry each other’s burdens (this requires energy, among other things, that we could use for something else).
And, there’s plenty more. If we do the things that Jesus did we find ourselves living with generosity of spirit, of resources, of the things of God.
Our stewardship focus will be ‘Generous Like Jesus.’ On October 27 we will share the first of 4 lessons and studies as we discover a more holy relationship with the stuff of life and hear together God’s call to a life of generosity. This season of study is less about you deciding how much money you might give the church and much more about listening to God’s invitation to us to be generous in all we do in the coming year. You will hear more in the coming weeks about growing in generosity the way Jesus showed us. You will have an opportunity to be a part of a small group conversation over the four weeks as well to work out the practice of generosity in your daily living as an apprentice to Jesus. We hope you’ll make time to do so. May we follow Jesus so closely that the world undeniably sees, hears, knows Jesus in us.
Let’s be Salt and Light!
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October is Clergy Appreciation Month and the Cook’s congregation has historically offered overwhelming love and kindness to Pastor Sandra and Terry in expression of our appreciation for their family and for her ministry. This year, in lieu of those gracious gifts of coffee and meals, Pastor Sandra is requesting that you send what you would gift to her/them to UMCOR for relief efforts following the devastation from Hurricane Helene.
Please go to and follow the prompts to give. Through this link, your donations will be distributed through UMCOR to the following Annual Conferences to bring relief and restoration:
· Holsten Annual Conference (East Tennessee)
· Western North Carolina Annual Conference (Western North Carolina)
· Florida Annual Conference (Big Bend and Tampa areas)
(There are other ways to access UMCOR’s giving channels; if you choose use another link or channel, please use the Advance #901670.)
Let’s love our brothers and sisters well.
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Samaritan Fund
The dollars in this fund are used to help those in our community with immediate needs. The money used to fund this account comes from donations left on the altar rail during communion.
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Communion Sunday
We will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, October 6. If you will be worshipping/celebrating with us from home, please gather bread (or tortillas or crackers, etc.) and juice (if you don't have grape, any juice or liquid will suffice) enough for everyone in your household. We look forward to celebrating God's grace in this very special way.
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Got a question about the Bible that’s been bugging you for a while? This new opportunity is for you. Wonder why Methodists do the things we do how we do them? You’re not alone AND this new opportunity is for you. Got an idea that you think could help our church be her best? This new opportunity is for YOU!
Pastor Sandra invites you to bring your questions and ideas and join in conversation over tea or coffee … on her! There’s no agenda except to listen to one another, fellowship together, perhaps meet a new friend, and spend time together. Mark your calendar for one or all the following opportunities: bring a friend or meet a friend and join Pastor Sandra:
Tuesday, October 8 at The Paper Mill (9:00-10:00 a.m.)
Thursday, October 24 at Cracker Barrell [MJ] (5:30-6:30 p.m.)
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Like to read?
We had such a good time chatting about "American Dirt," we decided to do it again! Join us WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 at Barrel House in Mt. Juliet at 5:45 to discuss Kristin Hannah's "The Women." We'll share our thoughts, questions and insights over a relaxed discussion and a tasty bite. Reach out to Alison Nash if you have any questions.
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Staff Corner
Some time last year, I found a box at my mom's house. My dad, Rev. J. Harold Coomer, died thirteen years ago, and I thought I might never hear his voice again. I had remembered him telling me about a radio show he did in the early 80s called “Intersection”, but I figured the show was lost to time. There it was though! A whole box of cassette tapes with recordings of the show!
I should tell you about the show. In 1979, when dad was pastor at Hodgenville United Methodist Church, he was approached by a local radio station. They asked if he would like his church to be on the radio or if he would like to come into the station to preach once a week on Sunday mornings. He asked if he could instead produce a full radio show since he had all the equipment. He had kind of dreamed of being a radio DJ since he was a little boy, and he loved technology, so he had the microphones and tape recording equipment to make a full radio show.
The result was “Intersection”, a show that was certainly ahead of its time. It was a sort of cross between podcast and mixtape on which he provided a weekly devotional supported by songs. It was a half hour set aside for meditation, focusing on God, and thinking about how our lives intersect with each other and God. He played both secular and the still fairly young contemporary Christian music (CCM, Jesus Music) and spoke about God in a way that everyone could understand—even those who didn't go to church or had given it up.
In 1979, he understood what many pastors didn't realize until 2020 – that people might want to worship outside the walls of a traditional church building, whether it was because they were homebound by illness or had to work or just didn't want to be around “those pesky Christians.” He often encouraged people to join him at HUMC at the end of the broadcast, but whenever he did, he would add something like, 'or just join me here again next week on this show.'
After listening to the first episode, I decided to make it into a podcast without even listening to the subsequent ones. I never regretted that decision. I had 14 episodes to work with and decided to do my best to bring them into the 21st century by digitizing the audio. I used AI to make his voice sound better and researched each episode's music to try to find better recordings.
Some weeks I found nearly all of the songs in digital form. Some weeks I found almost none of the songs and the sound you hear is just how the cassette tape sounded with some of my fancy schmancy EQ and sound editing thrown in. Some of the songs were superb and I never found out what they were, even after asking several expert friends who have been in the Christian music industry since back then. Some were corny and dated sounding. Some I replaced with better versions (for instance, he had a terrible version of “Keep the Customer Satisfied” by Simon and Garfunkel and I thought, “Why not just use the real version?”). For each episode, I added a modern song at the end that I felt fit the theme of the episode.
I was truly surprised to learn while listening that dad had actually recorded a couple songs for the show himself. He was a great singer. It was a blessing enough to just hear him speak again after all these years, but listening to him sing was another treasure in itself. I also recorded a theme song based on a song he had written that never left my head.
After a few weekly episodes, I came up with the idea of reporting on world events from that week's episode. That was a huge endeavor, but I'm sure that if you listen to the show, it will be a trip down memory lane for many of you. For others, it's a fun and interesting history lesson of 1979 and 1989.
And I hope you will listen to it! It's available on Spotify and other places that have podcasts, but the best way to experience it is at
I'll sign off in the same way my dad did in his church newsletters:
With you in the journey,
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SALT (Serving at the Lord’s Table)
CANNED BEANS (northern, pinto, black, kidney, pork & beans)
TOILET PAPER (4-roll package)
BAR SOAP (individually wrapped)
All donations can be left in totes in back hall.
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Cook’s Charge Conference
November 3, 2024
Cook’s Friendship Hall
Lunch will be provided
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Backpack Program
The Backpack program supports our neediest children. Students are supplied with food items to bridge the weekend gap during the school year. The Church at Pleasant Grove sponsors the Backpack Program for 5 schools in our area and they need help stocking their shelves. Items requested are: Instant Oatmeal Packages; Individual Mac & Cheese; Pudding Cups (non-refrigerated; Ravioli, Spaghetti-O's; Granola Bars; Fruit Cups; Applesauce; Juice Boxes (avoid those with lots of sugar). All donations can be left in the totes in back hallway.
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Tuesday, October 1 Lay Leadership @ 6pm (Seekers Room)
Wednesday, October 2 Practicing The Way Study @ 10:00 (Seekers Room)
Wednesday, October 2 Missions Team @ 6pm (Library)
Thursday, October 3 Committee Budgets Due
Tuesday, October 8 Tea’s on Me with Pastor Sandra @ 9am (Paper Mill)
Wednesday, October 9 Practicing The Way Study @ 10am (Seekers Room)
Wednesday, October 9 Book Club @ 5:45pm (Barrel House)
Sunday, October 13 SPRC Meeting @ Noon (Lamplighters Room)
Sunday, October 13 Finance Committee @ 3:30pm (Lamplighters Room)
Sunday, October 13 Church Council @ 4pm (Youth Room)
Wednesday, October 16 Practicing The Way Study @ 10am (Seekers Room)
Wednesday, October 16 CareGivers Connection @ 1pm (Youth Room)
Thursday, October 17 Discipleship Team @ 5pm (Library)
Saturday, October 19 Friendship Hall & Kitchen Reserved ALL DAY
Sunday, October 20 Men’s Club Breakfast @ 7:45am (Youth Room)
Sunday, October 20 Youth Room Reserved @ 2-4pm
Tuesday, October 22 Staff Meeting @ 11:45am (Library)
Wednesday, October 23 Congregational Care @ 10am (Lamplighters Room)
Wednesday, October 23 Practicing The Way Study @ 10am (Seekers Room)
Thursday, October 24 Tea’s on Me with Pastor Sandra @ 5:30pm (Cracker Barrel)
Saturday, October 26 Habitat for Humanity @ 7:30am
Wednesday, October 30 Practicing The Way Study @ 10am (Seekers Room)
Wednesdays @ 7pm Choir Practice (Seekers Room)
Last 2 Wednesdays of month @ 6pm Women’s Ensemble Practice (Seekers Room)
Mondays @ 9:30am Bible Study (Youth Room)
Thursdays @ 6:00pm Boy Scouts (Youth Room & Shine Room)
Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays @ 6:00pm TKD (Friendship Hall)
Tuesday & Thursdays Oliver Academy 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
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Habitat for Humanity
Saturday, October 26
7:00am – 3:30pm
Please contact Brooks Harper for the volunteer link or any questions.
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Home Centered
Ralph & Miriam Appleby,
Dot Creasman,
Gladys Pennington,
Norman & Ruby Walker
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Caregivers Coffee Connection
A Caregivers Support Group meets the third Wednesday of the month at 1pm in Cook’s UMC Youth Room. This is to offer respite, support, and connection for those who are caregivers. Our purpose is to surround each other with support and friendship as we encourage the journey of a Caregiver. If you or someone you know would benefit from a loving time of encouragement or just a place to meet and have coffee, desert and conversation please know you are welcome to meet with us. If you have any questions, call Judy at 615-417-9002.
NEXT Meeting Wednesday, October 16 @ 1pm.
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Fellowship Donuts
Volunteers needed to bring donuts for our fellowship time (between first service and Sunday School). There is a sign-up sheet on the wall next to the donut table across from the coffee pots by friendship hall. 4-5 dozen needed each Sunday and must be here by 9:15am. Keep your receipt to be reimbursed by the office. Tax exempt forms available in the office.
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Tuesday, October 1 -- Lay Leadership @ 6pm (Seekers Room)
Wednesday, October 2 – Missions Team @ 6pm (Library)
Sunday, October 13 – SPRC Meeting @ Noon (Lamplighters Room)
Sunday, October 13 – Finance Team @ 3:30pm (Lamplighters Room)
Sunday, October 13 – Church Council @ 4pm (Youth Room)
Wednesday, October 16 – CareGivers Connection @ 1pm (Youth Room)
Thursday, October 17 – Discipleship Team @ 6pm (Library)
Sunday, October 20 – Men’s Club Breakfast @ 7:45am (Youth Room)
Tuesday, October 22 – Staff Meeting @ 11:45am (Library)
Wednesday, October 23 – Congregational Care @ 10am (Lamplighters Room)
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Current Information
The most recent Newsletter, Financial Statement, 2024 Officers / Committee Members Listing, and approved Church Council minutes can be found in the literature rack in the back hallway (just outside the Friendship Hall).
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Are You on Facebook?
You can help us spread Cook's news! It's easy: first, be sure to "Like" Cook's Facebook page ( Then keep your eye out for announcements, inspiration, and invitations to worship. When they show up in your FB feed, "Like" or "Share" the posts. The more who do, the more people see it, even if they're not yet members and/or don't “Like” the CUMC page. Have photos from a church event or something you want to promote on social media? Send info/photos to Alison Nash or the church office.
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In Person Giving An offering plate is passed around during traditional worship service in the sanctuary and an offering basket is available at the back of the Friendship Hall during "The Well" worship service, or you can drop your offering off by the church office during regular business hours. | |
Online Giving You can give online at or text cumc to 73256.
Standard text message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel.
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Electronic Bank Draft If you are interested in this easy and convenient way of giving, please contact the church office. | |
Mailing Address: PO Box 397, Mt. Juliet TN 37121
7919 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet TN 37122
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Sunday Schedule
8:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary), Facebook Live & YouTube
10:00am Sunday School
11:00am "The Well" Service (Friendship Hall), Facebook Live & YouTube
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