The Office of the Provost recently hosted a celebration of UNT faculty who received promotion, tenure or both in 2024. See the full list of honorees and congratulate a colleague on their career milestone!

Faculty Success Newsletter

October 2024

Message from the Vice Provost for Faculty Success

Greetings Mean Green Colleagues,

Faculty Success was glowing green with pride when we celebrated our Mean Green colleagues at the Promotion and Tenure event last week. This annual event recognizes all faculty who have been tenured and promoted effective Sept. 1.

Speaking of celebrations, please complete the Thank a Mentor/Colleague survey to recognize colleagues who are supportive and influential to your success. As I told our faculty honorees and guests at the Promotion and Tenure event, we are not on this journey alone. We will do some fun shout-outs in our future newsletters, so please respond!

Faculty Success and President Keller are happy to share that UNT will continue to support our NCFDD institutional membership. All new faculty and graduate students will be uploaded later this week. For current faculty, signing up takes just a few steps and gives you access to all the informative resources (14-Day Writing Challenge, the Core Curriculum, the Monday Motivator and more!).

Do you want to join a group of committed faculty advocating for actions to improve faculty job satisfaction? We are actively recruiting faculty to work on one of three COACHE Focus Area Groups: Interdisciplinary and Collaborations, Tenured Faculty Experiences, and Promotion and Tenure. If you missed the discussions at the Faculty Senate meeting and our Faculty Forum meetings, please complete this short survey, and one of our committee leads will contact you.

Finally, be sure to check out all the spooky things happening in Denton’s 31 Days of Halloween. After all, Halloween candy is yummy, but don’t forget to save room for “I scream"!

Talons Up!

Holly Hutchins signature

Holly M. Hutchins, Ph.D. (she/her)

Vice Provost, Faculty Success

Portrait of Holly Hutchins

On the Calendar

Oct. 29

Harness AI to Enhance the Teaching & Learning Experience with Microsoft Copilot


Nov. 5

Tuesday Talon TidbitsFor New Faculty

Faculty Success

Nov. 6

Encourage Active Learning with iClicker


Nov. 7

Faculty Writing Group

Promotion & Tenure Workshop

Faculty Success

Nov. 14

Professional Faculty Promotion Workshop

Faculty Success

Campus Connect Suicide Prevention Training

Counseling and Testing Services

Faculty Spotlights

Mentoring in Minutes

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the very first Faculty Success Speed Mentoring event!

Around 80 new and experienced faculty members gathered in the Jade Ballroom on Oct. 7 for tacos and lively conversations about adapting to faculty life at UNT. For the first time, Faculty Success’s annual Mentoring Luncheon was accompanied by Faculty Speed Mentoring.

Most faculty stayed after the luncheon to hear a short welcome from Vice Provost Holly Hutchins and an overview of the mentoring program from Faculty Development Specialist Marcella Clinard. About two dozen experienced faculty were invited based on their responses to a short mentor survey to serve as table mentors for topics ranging from time management and work-life balance to teaching effectiveness and creating a research plan.

Stay tuned for more mentoring and networking opportunities from your Faculty Success team!

Collaboration, interdisciplinarity and culture change drive University Research Day discussions

UNT faculty shared their insights and celebrated student research at the 2024 University Research Day.

Dr. John Peters, Distinguished Research Professor of English and preeminent scholar of the British author Joseph Conrad, will celebrate the publication of his latest book, Joseph Conrad and the Narration of Silence (Edinburgh University Press), on Oct. 31.

The Department of Social Work has welcomed its first cohort of a new Master of Social Work degree program.

The innovative curriculum integrates theoretical and methodological knowledge with research and hands-on experience to prepare students for jobs in health and elder care, child and family services, mental health and other fast-growing areas.

HSI Resource Hub

NSF-funded HSI Resource Hub

The NSF-funded HSI Resource Hub seeks to cultivate a community of STEM scholars across Hispanic-Serving Institutions and emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions in pursuit of three distinct goals:

  1. Fostering HSI collaboration and networking
  2. Supporting faculty professional development
  3. Generating and disseminating knowledge by and about HSIs

UNT faculty can log in with UNT's institutional credentials using the InCommon option on the login page.

Faculty Senate News

Get to know the UNT Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate is vital to ensuring participation of faculty in shared governance of the university, promoting and protecting academic freedom for faculty, overseeing curriculum, reviewing university policies, coordinating with administration to communicate information regarding a wide range of matters pertinent to faculty and recommending improvements to the work environment at UNT. 

Election or appointment to Faculty Senate and its associated committees counts as service to the university under workload agreements and demonstrates faculty commitment to the UNT System Shared Core Values We Care, Better Together and Show Your Fire. Reach out to your group or at-large representatives to find out how to engage with Faculty Senate or to share concerns, and feel free to attend a Faculty Senate monthly meeting to listen to discussions about hot topics. You’ll find the meetings schedule on the Faculty Senate website.

Deadlines approaching: Faculty Senate teaching awards

Nominations are being accepted now through 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11, for the President’s Council Service Award, President’s Council Teaching Award and J.H. Shelton Excellence in Teaching Award for 2024-2025. These three awards recognize faculty for exceptional teaching and service to the university.

Selection criteria, eligibility requirements and nomination forms can be found on the Awards page of the Faculty Senate website

Special elections

Faculty Senate special elections will be held this fall to fill Group VII and Group VIII voting group senator vacancies. Faculty in these voting groups should watch for the “Call for Nominations” Qualtrics survey in their email inboxes in late October/early November. A nominee must have at least two nominations from among the voting group faculty (one should be a self-nomination) to be included as a candidate on the ballot.

Get involved!

Serving on a Faculty Senate standing committee is a great way to learn more about topics important to faculty and make your voice heard. To see which committees have vacancies, visit the Faculty Senate website or email

Stay Connected

We want to hear from you!

If you have suggestions or items you'd like us to feature in our newsletter, please email by the 25th of each month. You also can find us on X: @UNTFacSuccess.

Faculty Success supports UNT faculty in developing their professional community, enriching their capabilities and advancing their careers.

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UNT Faculty Success logo


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