Message from the Vice Provost for Faculty Success
Greetings Mean Green Colleagues,
Faculty Success was glowing green with pride when we celebrated our Mean Green colleagues at the Promotion and Tenure event last week. This annual event recognizes all faculty who have been tenured and promoted effective Sept. 1.
Speaking of celebrations, please complete the Thank a Mentor/Colleague survey to recognize colleagues who are supportive and influential to your success. As I told our faculty honorees and guests at the Promotion and Tenure event, we are not on this journey alone. We will do some fun shout-outs in our future newsletters, so please respond!
Faculty Success and President Keller are happy to share that UNT will continue to support our NCFDD institutional membership. All new faculty and graduate students will be uploaded later this week. For current faculty, signing up takes just a few steps and gives you access to all the informative resources (14-Day Writing Challenge, the Core Curriculum, the Monday Motivator and more!).
Do you want to join a group of committed faculty advocating for actions to improve faculty job satisfaction? We are actively recruiting faculty to work on one of three COACHE Focus Area Groups: Interdisciplinary and Collaborations, Tenured Faculty Experiences, and Promotion and Tenure. If you missed the discussions at the Faculty Senate meeting and our Faculty Forum meetings, please complete this short survey, and one of our committee leads will contact you.
Finally, be sure to check out all the spooky things happening in Denton’s 31 Days of Halloween. After all, Halloween candy is yummy, but don’t forget to save room for “I scream"!