October 2024 News

I-NUF Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to November 11

The International Urban Freight conference (I-NUF) began in 2006 and has been hosted by the METRANS Transportation Consortium (based jointly at University of Southern California and California State University, Long Beach) approximately every two years since. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners in urban freight, supply chains, and logistics from around the world. The event is a showcase for cutting-edge research and dynamic information sharing and provides a forum for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to reimagine and guide the future of the industry. Call for abstract submission is currently open and will close November 11, 2024.


Research Spotlight: Validation of Freight Volume Modeling on Major Highway Links

One of the most challenging problems in urban transportation planning is the lack of fine-grain data on freight movements. Cities and regions do not know how many trucks operate on their streets and highways and have limited freight flow information.

In the recently published research report Validation of Freight Volume Modeling on Major Highway Links, METRANS faculty researchers Dr. Cyrus Shahabi, Dr Luciano Nocera, and team develop methods to generate freight volume information such as hourly origin-destination count (OD-matrices) directly from sensor observations.



  • The Transportation Research Symposium, hosted by Elsevier in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, recently announced a new invited speaker, Dr. Susan Handy (UC Davis). Abstract submission is currently open and is set to close on November 15, 2024!
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The METRANS Transportation Consortium was established in 1998 as the first University Transportation Center in Southern California. METRANS is a joint partnership of the University of Southern California (USC) and California State University, Long Beach (CSULB).

METRANS' mission is to solve transportation problems of large metropolitan regions through interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach. Its three primary objectives are: (1) fostering independent, high quality research to solve the nation's transportation problems; (2) training the next generation transportation workforce; and (3) disseminating information, best practices, and technology to the professional community.

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