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MONTH-2-MONTH is intended to provide you with updates on AFP and timely financial planning and investment information on a variety of topics. 

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All Hallows' Eve

Leaves are falling and the days are rapidly getting shorter. It seems the cool fall weather arrives later each year. With Beggar’s Night nearly upon us, little ghouls and goblins will soon be out hunting for treats. We hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween!


  • Five Star Wealth Manager Award – AFP has received the Five Star Wealth Manager Award for 2024. This is the fourth consecutive year that we have qualified for this distinction. Additional information can be found in the October 2024 issue of Columbus Monthly magazine.

  • Check out our New Social Media and "Like Us" Too – We have created a YouTube channel to post our webinars and plan on producing regular short videos as well. We have also created an Instagram page since we know many of our clients have accounts there. You can click on the links at the top or bottom of this newsletter to begin following us. Please continue to "Like us" as we post new items that are of interest to you.


  • AFP October Webinar “Should You Convert or Not Convert by December 31st?” with Teri Alexander CFP®, MSFP, CeFT®, AIF and Nathan Swab CFP®, AWMA® on Friday, October 25th at noon.

It's a hot topic this time of year and the deadline is looming. Does converting money from a pre-tax retirement account (IRA, 401-k, 403-b, 457) to a Roth IRA make sense for you? Along with this topic, we will provide an update on Beneficiary IRAs inherited after 2019 or who may be inheriting an IRA in the future.

  • How do you attend? Let Erik know at A webinar link will be sent via email the morning of the webinar to those who have expressed an interest in attending. If you know anyone who would like to attend, please pass along the webinar email to them.


Click below to read our October 2024 Blog edition.

You Have Homeowners Insurance. Is it Enough to Rebuild Your House?

We would enjoy receiving your feedback on our Blog. Please share any comments or suggestions for future topics with us via email.


+ Teri's World

It's been a busy month and it’s not over yet. I volunteered to watch my 2 oldest grandsons while their parents took a trip to celebrate their 10th anniversary. It was so much fun! They both play soccer and flag football so off to practices and games we went. Since they are in a French immersion school it only seemed fitting to take them to La Chatelaine for brunch, but we never made it past the chocolate French pastries.

This weekend is the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon and I will be running the ½ again this year. Every mile is dedicated to a child at the Hospital and it is a very moving experience just seeing them as many are out on the course. Here is some additional information on each of the children. 2024 Marathon Mile Champions

+ Nathan's Notes

Ellie’s cross-country season ended this past week, and we’re very proud of the way she finished. The final meet was for her small conference, and the top 7 finishers won a medal, which was her goal. However, during the first half mile of the race, her feet got caught up with another runner and she took a fall in some gravel. Thankfully, a couple of friends were nearby to help her up and she continued on finishing in 7th place with a personal best time of 16:51. After she finished we realized how beat up she was from the fall – her left knee had a nasty gash in it and she had blood splattered all over her legs. (sorry to be so graphic) We were very proud of her, and she was proud of herself, for overcoming such adversity and doing her best. No one in the world would have faulted her for dropping out of the race, but she carried on and did her best. It was great for her to finish the season on such a high, albeit painful, note. Also, she finished the first quarter with straight A’s and we’re proud of her for that too. Meanwhile, Ainsley just had her 6th birthday, and we’re looking forward to celebrating at an indoor trampoline park this weekend. It’s difficult to believe our baby is now six years old.

+ Tracey's Time

The cooler weather has been a welcome change and it’s been nice to open the windows and air out the house. Andy and I have been taking some time off. Last month we could not decide where to go so we enjoyed a staycation at home, getting some tasks completed. We have another week and plan to get away for certain. We typically plan well in advance, but this is more spontaneous and direction is driven by the weather forecast. Still there is no shortage of possibilities.

+ Erik's Exploits

Earlier this month I attended the OSU vs. Iowa game with my dad. We had pretty solid seats in the lower bowl and were right in the corner where Jeremiah Smith made his highlight reel one-handed touchdown catch. I also went to a showing of The Book of Mormon this month. I had seen the play before, and it was just as funny as it was the first time I saw it.


Current Economic and Investment Information

THE BULL TURNS TWO – On October 12th, the S&P 500 marked the two year anniversary of the start of the bull market. Through October 9th, the S&P 500 has gained 62% during this bull market, and since 1928, the eleven bull markets that lasted at least two years had a median S&P 500 gain of 126% over five years. (source: Bespoke)

PAYING DOWN THE PLASTIC – Consumer balances on credit cards (non-revolving debt) declined by $1.4 billion in August for the largest monthly decline since March 2021. After rising for 37 consecutive months (longest streak since 1997), balances have dropped in 2 of the last 3 months. (source: Federal Reserve)

SEPTEMBER INFLATION RATE – Inflation (CPI) rose 2.4% in September, ticking down from the pace of the previous month of 2.5%. This was less of a decrease than economists had expected, but there was good news about housing costs. (source: US BLS)

2025 SOCIAL SECURITY INCREASE – Social Security beneficiaries will get a 2.5% increase in their monthly payments in 2025. This is the lowest increase since 2021. However, it follows a 5.9% increase in 2022, 8.7% in 2023, and 3.2% this year. (source: SSA)

Crude Oil Production

Israel's offensive in Lebanon against Hezbollah has led to Iran firing hundreds of missiles at Tel Aviv, potentially leading to a spike in oil prices. Analysts believe Israel will target Iran's missiles, rather than their energy facilities, as the U.S. is more interested in disrupting Iran's military capabilities than global oil markets. However, should Iranian production take a hit, the market is well-positioned to absorb the shock, as OPEC has excess production capacity and member nations plan to revive capacity over 2025. Modern-day oil markets are resilient, but geopolitical risk is high, so hedgers should consider investments in defense or global transport.

Click here to view the source.


Medicare Changes

Medicare Plans Are Making Big Changes for 2025. Here's How to Navigate Them.

By Anna Wilde Mathews

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Buckle up, seniors. 

The enrollment period for picking 2025 Medicare health-insurance coverage began Tuesday (10/15), and it could be tough to navigate. Insurers are making changes that could leave you stuck with more costs and skinnier benefits. But you can still find good deals, if you know what to look for.

Specifically, some insurers are dumping plans, trimming popular offerings like dental coverage and increasing charges such as deductibles in response to new federal government requirements and to improve profits. 

Because of the changes, about 1.5 million people will see their Medicare Advantage plans eliminated next year, while a further 3.5 million are losing their current Medicare drug policies, known as Part D plans, estimates Healthpilot, which offers a website to help people choose Medicare coverage.

“This is the largest disruption we’ve experienced in a decade,” says Healthpilot Chief Executive Seth Teich.

Click here to read this article.

Dealing with the Death of a Spouse

Financial Tips for Widows and Widowers

By Lucy Lazarony

Source: Next Avenue

At Alexander Financial Planning (AFP), we have become unexpected experts in handling the death of a spouse or a single client. Sadly, we have clients pass away each year. While we mourn the loss of a client, we know that our advanced skills in this area are another reason that our clients & their families have maintained relationships with us over the years.

If your home operates anything like ours at AFP – everyone has a role to play in running a household... John cooks and Susan pays the bills. Mike mows the yard while Mary schedules services to be done around the house. Andy walks the dogs, and Carol takes out the trash. For single people, it can be more complicated, especially if you have pets or minimal family and friends where you live. You get the picture.

But in all seriousness, losing a spouse or a family member is incredibly difficult, even if you think you are prepared and ready to take on what you have identified that needs to be done. For most, this is new territory, and the questions aren't ones you have encountered before. It can be an incredibly trying time and we look to help our clients navigate the process as painlessly as possible.

Click here to read this article.

Do you know someone who can benefit from FINANCIAL PLANNING?

At Alexander Financial Planning, we are passionate about financial life planning. We also know that it is not just about the numbers. While numbers are important, they are there to support your hopes, dreams, and desires. When we can put all the components of financial planning together, (cash flow, insurance, investing, taxation, and estate planning) your unique picture of a path forward comes into view. For 27+ years, we have been helping individuals and families develop their plan and navigate the twists and turns each year.

Whether you’re planning for retirement, becoming an empty nester, or navigating how to take retirement distributions, we are your thinking partner. We are here to make sense of it all, one step at a time. If now is the time for you or someone you know to get serious about your financial future, contact us. We’d love to be of service. 



“There is magic in the night when

the pumpkins glow by moonlight.”

- Unknown

Alexander Financial Planning

3600 Olentangy River Rd, Ste. C2

Columbus, OH 43214


Office Hours:

MondayThursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM 3:00 PM

Registered Investment Advisor

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This material is distributed by Alexander Financial Planning, Inc., (AFPI) and is for information purposes only. Although information has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy. It is provided with the understanding that no fiduciary relationship exists because of this report. Opinions expressed in this report are not necessarily the opinions of AFPI and are subject to change without notice. AFPI assumes no liability for the interpretation or use of this report. Financial planning, investment conclusions, and strategies suggested in this report may not be suitable for all investors and consultation with a qualified advisor is recommended prior to executing any investment strategy. No portion of this writing should be construed as legal or accounting advice. All rights reserved.
© Alexander Financial Planning, Inc.
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