A National Philanthropic sorority focusing on art, literature, music and speech & hearing. | |
Hello Sisters,
As we come together, I’d like to reflect again on our original purpose: to make a difference in our communities by introducing cultural experiences through Art, Literature, and Music. Making a difference is our call to action, a reminder of the profound impact we can have on those around us.
Art is more than just a visual experience; it is a powerful medium that can inspire, provoke thought, and foster community. By participating in events like the Hoosier Art Salon, we are not only supporting local artists but also enriching our communities. Each brushstroke, each sculpture, and each design contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our shared cultural experience.
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This month, we are celebrating our participation in the various art endeavors that Psi Iota Xi chapters are involved in, but particularly the 83 years that we’ve partnered with the Hoosier Art Salon to support artists. This prestigious organization showcases the incredible talent of artists and provides a unique opportunity for us to engage with and appreciate the richness of art with Hoosier roots.
According to our pre-convention reports 81% of our chapters contribute funds towards art projects. A 100% participation would be even better, especially this year since during our 2025 Convention we will be celebrating Art. Please consider donating to the Hoosier Salon this year in celebration of their 100th Anniversary. Any amount that your chapter contributes would be greatly appreciated by the Salon. The Hoosier Salon offers Psi Iota Xi a special Affiliated Organization Membership with benefits. See this link below.
As we celebrate Art this month, let’s remember that our efforts are vital in promoting the arts and culture within our communities. Together, we can continue to make a difference, one artistic endeavor at a time.
Mickie Hansen
National President
Upsilon, Greenfield, IN
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Future Planning - It Begins with You | |
Important Request from the Future Planning Committee
Chapter Presidents:
The Future Planning Committee of Psi Iota Xi met on Saturday, July 27th to discuss the future direction of our sorority. Several issues were discussed that we felt needed feedback from our membership. This is just discussion and is not on the agenda, but we feel that discussion is necessary to keep our viability in the future. A survey was sent out to all the Chapter Presidents in September. We would like you to discuss these issues at your chapter meetings.
We want to hear your feedback so that we can keep our mission of improving the lives of others in the areas of Art, Literature, Music and Speech and Hearing thriving! Please share this with your chapters and respond by November 8th. Below is a link for any individual members who would like to respond to our survey. Your response to this survey is crucial!
Taffy Day
National Vice President
Omega, Lebanon, IN
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Beta Pi is located at the southern edge of the East Central District in Cambridge City. I had the pleasure of visiting them in September for their first regular meeting of the year. They actually started their year in August with a Wayne County Social. It was organized by a couple members from each of the Richmond, Hagerstown, and Cambridge City chapters who got together for an evening at Dougherty Orchard. They had about eight members from each chapter attend.
Each year Beta Pi has a new theme – this year they have designed the front of their book picturing the areas that Psi Iota Xi focuses on in a Trivial Pursuit design.
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They are following along with the theme for the upcoming convention, “Share the Past, Experience our Future”. Each month they will have a contest on past chapter trivia and then will award prizes at the end of the year in celebration of their 90 years as a chapter in Psi Iota Xi.
On November 2nd they will hold their cookie fundraiser at the Golay Community Center. Each member bakes at least 12 dozen cookies. There are overachievers in every group of course and some bake way beyond the required amount!
The Wonderful Western Wayne Raffle is their other big fundraiser in April when they sell tickets for the raffle items. Chapter members drew the winning tickets and delivered the prize items to the winners. This project allowed them to make donations to each park in the community, each offering a matching grant. This will allow the parks to be renovated to allow for accessibility for community members with special needs.
As recipients of the state rotating grant, they sponsored “Art Therapy for Educators” this past summer. This was a two-hour workshop for 22 teachers with each participant taking home a piece of self-created art. They were also offered tips on self-care and mental health.
They received news at this meeting that the public library would no longer be able to store their archive history. I know this recalls modern storage methods, but this is boxes and boxes of history which has recently been moved to the home of Maggie Hormel, a library volunteer, and honorary active member (her mother was a founding member of Beta Pi). The question was where these items could be stored long-term. The decision was to have a social to go through the material. Their GuyOtes will be instrumental in getting the boxes moved to the social site. They turned lemons into lemonade and will have a fun time walking down memory lane!
This year, they have a member, Jenni Risch, who has decided to run for school board. Her motivation in making this decision is that this is the first year their high school will not be offering a choral program due to the retirement of the previous teacher. She is looking to see some changes made in the areas near to every Psi Ote's heart. The arts are an area of passion for Jenni as she was a volunteer for the drama department which has sadly also vanished from the school system.
This community-oriented group of ladies is certainly enriching the lives of those around them.
Submitted by,
Beth Vipond
East Central District Officer
Gamma Tau, Marion, IN
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Exert from The Helicon 1942
The Hoosier Salon
The moving of the Hoosier Salon galleries from Chicago to Indianapolis was a fortunate experience for Psi Iota Xi. My reasons for feeling this way are threefold. First, Psi Iota Xi had enjoyed only one year in the salon work, and since the galleries were in Chicago, too far away for most chapters to visit, it was not possible for the sorority to gain much recognition. However, with the change in headquarters and installation of Mrs. Beryl Holland as president, we were asked to appoint a Psi Ote as secretary. As you know, Miss Martha Moore has very capably filled this position. Each grand president of our sorority will serve as trustee. Second, Indianapolis is a more central location, where chapters may go to obtain paintings through their patron’s memberships and to make acquaintance of Mrs. Leonidas Smith, executive secretary, Third, the privilege of having a lay member on the salon jury and of being represented at the Mark Honeywell Garden Festival gave us splendid recognition.
Miss Helen Whitcomb, Tri Kappa council president, and I served as lay members on the Hoosier Salon jury. During the first day the jury viewed over eight hundred pictures, divided into three classes: rejected, accepted, and doubtful. The ease and intelligence with which these four men worked was remarkable, no arguments, only marked differences in their criticism, followed by an amicable decision. The first day Miss Whitcomb and I had no chance to air our opinions, since our duty was to vote only in case of a tie. You all know how hard it is for two women to bridle their tongues.
The second day the lay members had their fun when called upon several times to vote in case of a tie. By afternoon the judges were ready to select the prize pictures and at the end of the day their work was finished. The following morning the Psi Ote jury met to select three pictures. We all felt this a tremendous responsibility and hope all are satisfied with the selection.
I was proud to introduce the many Psi Otes who went through the receiving line. What a thrilling moment for the artists when the prizes were awarded! One could feel the bated breath in the room. The salon paintings were also exhibited in Chicago and at Ball State Teachers College in Muncie.
Dorothy Morton
Psi Iota Xi Grand President, 1941-1942
Omega, Lebanon
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The Hoosier Art Salon 100th Exhibition | |
August 22nd was a wonderful night to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Hoosier Art Salon. The exhibition is again being held at the beautiful Indiana State Museum. Artists were honored, their talents were celebrated. Eight of Psi Iota Xi’s National Council members were there to enjoy all of it. Hoosier Art Salon Board President, Michael Quinn, was the best host and we were honored to be their invited guests for the evening.
A record number of 675 pieces were entered by 266 artists for the exhibition; of which, 143 works were chosen to be included in this year’s exhibition. Forty pieces of art were given Merit Awards. The $100,000 in Merit Awards in observance of the 100th Exhibition is also a record high for the Hoosier Art Salon Exhibition.
Psi Iota Xi provided two Merit Awards at the Exhibition. Third place in 3D, “The Shape of Her Song” by Betty Scarpino (walnut acrylic paint steel) and third place in Figure, Peter Lupkin “Old Friends, New Friends” (oil paint on canvas). We were able to meet and talk with both artists at the Gala. These awards were very well deserved, and the artist showed great appreciation for the support that Psi Iota Xi provides to Hoosier Art Salon.
The exhibition is open August 23rd through October 20th. If you're looking for a day trip destination, head to Indianapolis and spend some time at the Indiana State Museum. You won't be disappointed!
Terri Resler
National Project Chair
Alpha Psi Washington, IN
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Old Friends New Friends
Peter Lupkin shared his thoughts on "Old Friends New Friends" an oil on canvas with National Project Chair, Terri Resler, at the 100th Hoosier Art Salon Annual Exhibition.
The oil on canvas painting earned third place in the Figure category. The prize was made possible by funds donated by Psi Iota Xi.
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The Shape of Her Song
Betty Scarpino was awarded third place in the Three-Dimensional Work category at the 100th Hoosier Art Salon Annual Exhibition in August.
"The Shape of Her Song" is a sculpture comprised of walnut, acrylic paint, and steel. The prize for this beautiful piece was made possible by funds donated by Psi Iota Xi.
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What a glorious year for the arts in Indiana. The Hoosier Art Salon celebrates 100 years in 2024. What started as a little art exhibition at Marshall Fields in Chicago has grown to what has become the premier art contest and exhibition in the State of Indiana.
The legacy of the Hoosier Art Salon is woven into the cultural fabric of Indiana. From its humble beginnings in 1924, it has grown into a revered institution that has showcased thousands of artists, each contributing to the unique fabric of our state’s artistic heritage. This milestone is a testament to the enduring spirit and dedication of Indiana artists, who have consistently pushed boundaries, explored new mediums, and enriched our lives with their creativity.
In 1940 the Hoosier Salon annual exhibit moved from Chicago to Indianapolis. The exhibition came home, and LS Ayers Department Store was its new home. That same year Psi Iota Xi included a second cultural project, the Hoosier Salon Patrons Association. The sorority’s support of the Salon began by purchasing three paintings each year to be presented to chapters through drawings at each convention, which began with the 1941 convention.
Psi Iota Xi continued to support the Salon, and at the 1950 Convention, Psi Iota Xi increased their contribution to the Hoosier Salon by giving an outstanding artist a “Jury Prize of Distinction”. The support of the Art Salon continues with funding for prizes of distinction to Salon artists. At the 2024 convention Psi Iota Xi awarded The Salon $5,000 in celebration of their 100th Anniversary to be given for Art Awards.
The Hoosier Art Salon has been a beacon of artistic expression, championing the talents and visions of Indiana artists. It has provided a platform for artists to share their work, connect with audiences, and inspire future generations. Without the support and leadership from Psi Iota Xi over the decades, the Hoosier Art Salon would not be.
As we reflect on the past century, we also look forward to the future with excitement and optimism. It is with heartfelt gratitude to the Psi Otes for all their support and leadership for so many years.
Please visit our website at Hoosierartsalon.org to view the works from this year’s art competitions.
Michael Quinn
Hoosier Art Salon President
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Indiana State Association | |
Summer is over and it’s that time of year again – hopefully cooler weather, pumpkin spice and Psi Ote deadlines!
State Association has the following deadlines:
- Chapter fees are due November 1st.
- State Project and Rotating Grant applications are due November 15th.
- Bylaw changes are due December 1st
If you have not received your fee statement, project and grant applications or bylaw letter, please let the committee chairs know as soon as possible!
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month | |
At the 2024 Convention National VP Taffy Day shared with the membership that I am a 3-year Breast Cancer Survivor. Since October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I would like to briefly share my story. I was diagnosed with breast cancer following a routine mammogram in early 2021. I had surgery, followed by 12 weeks chemotherapy, 15 rounds of radiation, and then continued to receive treatments for my HER2+ breast cancer every 3 weeks for 8 more months. It was undoubtedly the longest year of my life! I am blessed to have a fabulous medical team that I continue to see every 6 months. The support I receive from my family, friends, and especially my sorority sisters has been immeasurable. | |
What I want to share with my sorority sisters is that early detection and finding cancer before it spreads it critical! Please be pro-active ladies. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Schedule your mammograms and do your self-breast exams. If you are currently being treated for breast cancer or any cancer don’t give up! Your spirit is strong, and you are a fighter!
Mickie Hansen
National President
Upsilon, Greenfield, IN
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National Council - We are Here for YOU! | |
National Council is available to talk with Chapters and members anytime questions or concerns arise. Please don't hesitate to reach out to National Council if they can assist you.
Contact us at: info@psiiotaxi.org
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Celebrating Art in our Communities | |
Gamma Eta, Knightstown, IN, encouraged attendees at the Fall Festival to get creative with paint. | |
Iota Lambda, Ferdinand, IN, provided free kids crafts at the Ferdinand Folk Fest. | |
Art was part of the speech and hearing clinic in New Palestine recently. The clinic was sponsored by Upsilon, Greenfield, IN. | |
Alpha Rho, Garrett, IN, build baskets for the students in HeadStart. Their recent baskets included art supplies. | |
Theta Delta, Bremen, IN, recently learned how to etch designs on glass vases at the Bremen Art Collective. | |
Iota Chi, LaGrange, KY, is a sponsor of the Women of Abstraction art show at Gallery 104 in La Grange, KY! There are 75 pieces all created by talented women artists. These amazing pieces of art will be on display until October 19th. | |
This isn't art related but is so cute it needs to be included. Pi, Fort Wayne, IN, has the cutest kids tree house at the Fort Wayne Zoo. | |
Fundraiser & Event Invitations | |
Have you ever wished you could invite all Psi Ote sisters to your chapter's fundraiser or special event?
If you are planning an event or fundraiser (in person or virtual) and would like to share your invitation with Psi Ote Sisters from other chapters, let us know. The newsletter is great way to reach many sisters and hopefully increase your attendance or sales!
Electronic money transfer apps like Venmo plus virtual platforms like Facebook Live make it possible for even our most distant sisters to participate in another chapter's fundraisers with ease. You can support your sisters across the organization, and you might even get a few ideas for your own chapter!
Advertising in the newsletter is easy, just email janepatton@psiiotaxi.org and she will do the rest.
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Erika Brattain
December 27, 1929 - August 24, 2024
Beta Pi, Cambridge City, IN
Erika A. Brattain, of Cambridge City passed away on Saturday August 24, 2024, at her home. She was born on December 27, 1929, in Schwaebisch Hall, Germany to Konrad and Hermine Gensmantel. Erika graduated from high school in Germany. She later met her future husband, George E. Brattain, Sr while he was serving his country in the U.S. Army in Germany. On January 11, 1956, they were married in her hometown at St. Michael’s Cathedral.
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Together with their children they moved numerous times before settling in Cambridge City in November 1970. Erika worked as the office administrator for Brower-Gaar Nursery. Her greatest love was caring for her family, and she also enjoyed cooking, baking, gardening, needlepoint, and embroidery. She was also a member of Beta Chapter of Psi Iota Xi Sorority.
Survivors include three daughters, Sonja Zimmerman, Carolyn Sue (Terry Valentine) Kohler and Patricia Anne (James) Cohen; three sons, Frank K. (Laurie), George E. Jr. (Kathy) and Mike (Amy); 17 grandchildren; 28 great grandchildren and 11 great-great grandchildren.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 51 years, George E. Brattain, Sr on May 15, 2007; her sister, Marianne Schwuchow and brother, Walter Gensmantel.
Friends may call from 4 until 8 PM on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, and from 9 AM until the start of the funeral service at 10 AM on Thursday, August 29, 2024 at Waskom Capitol Hill Chapel in Cambridge City. Interment will follow at Valley Grove Cemetery in Milton, IN.
Memorial contributions may be made to the George and Erika Brattain Memorial Scholarship through the Wayne County Foundation, 33 S. 7th St., Richmond, IN 47374.
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Nancy Jo Pinney
October 27, 1942 - May 31, 2024
Gamma Sigma, South Bend, IN
My dear sister, Nancy Jo, age 81, passed away at Memorial Hospital where she was also born. The cause was pneumonia.
Preceded in death by her parents, Joe and Evelyn Pinney; aunt and uncle, Muriel and Devere Goheen. Survived by her sister, Kaylyn Kramer of Los Angeles, CA.
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Nancy graduated from Riley High School in 1960. Attended Indiana University in Bloomington, IN receiving a B.S. and master’s degree in library science from there. She taught briefly in Columbus, IN, but returned to South Bend in the early ’70’s. In 1988 she transitioned from the elementary level to high school. Nancy spent the rest of her career at Washington High until her retirement in 2015.
She was a sponsor in the National Honor Society where she designed the invitations, programs and place cards for the banquet. Assigned seating with everyone’s name at the tables. It was a new format for the event.
An active member of Psi Iota Xi (Gamma Sigma chapter), a philanthropic organization, as was her mother and aunt. I still have the cookbook she helped to create in 1973 for them. It was written on typewriters. No computers back then.
In retirement she was a volunteer usher at the DeBartolo Center of the Performing Arts at Notre Dame. Which she much enjoyed! Was a season ticket holder with the South Bend Symphony and the Lyric Opera in Chicago for many years.
Many thanks to her friends Bonnie, Brenda and Jeanmarie for all your help and friendship.
Donations came be made to the South Bend Symphony or charity of your choice.
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Mary Gladys Wheeler
October 1, 1927 - September 11, 2024
Alpha Omicron, Vincennes, IN
Mary Gladys Wheeler, 96, of Vincennes, Indiana, passed away September 11, 2024, at Good Samaritan Hospital.
Mary Gladys was born in Vincennes on October 1, 1927, the daughter of Alfred T. Nardine and Mary Lattie (Owen) Nardine. She married William E. Wheeler on May 11, 1952.
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Mary Gladys was a 1944 Valedictorian graduate of St. Rose Academy, and a graduate of St. Mary of the Woods College. She served as the Executive Director of Vincennes Housing Authority for 15 years and President of Old Towne Development Corporation.
She is survived by her daughter, Dr. Lisa L. Lewis (Dr. Jeffrey); grand-daughter, Charlotte Rose Elizabeth Obermaier (James); daughter Maria J. Avra (Dr. Bret); son, Kevin Schiffinger; and her faithful canine companion, Sally.
She was preceded in death by her husband; her parents; her son, William A. Wheeler; daughter, Kathleen Wheeler; sisters: Charlotte McCarthy and Julianne Richardville.
Mary Gladys was very active in her community. She was a Member of the Parish Council, the choir and Altar Society of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church (Old Cathedral). Some of her other numerous services included: A Lifetime member and First Woman President of Vincennes Rotary, Co-Chair for the USS Vincennes Association, Past President of PSI Iota Xi, and one of the 5 Founding members and First President of “The Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous”. She had also received many awards over the course of her life, to name a few: Walter A. Davis Memorial Citation in 1985, Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian Award, The Brute Society award through the Catholic Diocese of Evansville, and Vincennes Outstanding Citizen 1996-1999.
A visitation for Mary Gladys will be held at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church (Old Cathedral), 205 Church St. on Monday, September 16, 2024 from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. A mass of Christian burial will be held at 12:00 pm at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church following the visitation, with the Rev Tony Ernst celebrating. Mary Gladys will be laid to rest in Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to: St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Mass intentions for Mary Gladys Wheeler at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, or The Vincennes Animal Shelter Pet Port.
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Hotel Information:
Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel at Keystone Crossing
$159 per night per room - last day to book at this rate is Friday, May 23, 2025
- Rate includes complimentary self-parking in attached hotel parking garage and complimentary guestroom Wifi
Click on the button below to reserve your rooms:
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You can also call the Sheraton Indianapolis for reservations:
- (888) 627-7814
- Ask to make a reservation within the Psi Iota Xi Convention 2025 Group Block
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Convention 2026
Convention 2026 will be hosted by Omega, Lebanon, IN.
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Convention 2027
Convention 2027 will be hosted by Theta Kappa, Edon, OH.
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National President
Mickie Hansen, Upsilon
National Vice President
Taffy Day, Omega
National Secretary
Sandie Carlson, Theta Kappa
National Treasurer
Mona Knight, Iota Theta
National Project Chair
Terri Resler, Alpha Psi
National Advisor
Rhonda McNall-Crisenbery, Theta Theta
National Conductress
Valerie Helms-Mejia, Alpha
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National Editor
Jane Patton, Alpha Omicron
Northeast District Officer
Lauren Huyvaert, Gamma Sigma
Northwest District Officer
Pam Gunterman, Theta Delta
East Central District Officer
Beth Vipond, Gamma Tau
West Central District Officer
Missy Cooper, Gamma Nu
Southeast District Officer
Carol Good, Alpha Theta
Southwest District Officer
Erin Schroering, Iota Lambda
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If you have any questions about this newsletter, the National Website or have an address/phone/email update please contact your National Editor Jane Patton, janepatton@psiiotaxi.org or 812-881-9064 (call/text). | |
National Office
3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 303
Indianapolis, IN 46268
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