Pugliese West Newsletter

October 2023

What's Happening in October

Steubenville City Schools-5 STARS

We were thrilled to learn that Steubenville City School District and Pugliese West Elementary have been rated an Overall 5-Star school district and building by the Ohio Department of Education. Districts and school buildings are ranked based on student achievement, progress, gap closing, graduation rates, and early literacy.

We strongly encourage all of our parents to log onto the Ohio Department of Education site to view our district and building results!

State Report Card

One School, One Book

Kick Off: Tuesday, Oct. 1st

All West students in grades Preschool through 4th grade will begin reading "Sideways Stories from Wayside School" this month! Students will engage in a multitude of activities pertaining to the theme of the book. We look forward to wrapping up the book with a Family Literacy Night Celebration on, Thursday, October 24th from 5pm-7pm.

Join us for the One School, One Book fun this month by reading along with the "Sideways Stories from Wayside School".

Family Literacy Night: Thursday, October 24th

 from 5pm-7pm

Fire Prevention Week

The week of October 7th is Fire Prevention Week. The Steubenville Fire Department will be here to show off their cool fire trucks and speak to West students about Fire Safety!

Please take the time to talk to your child about the family plan for evacuating at home in the event of a fire. Please make sure your home has working smoke detectors.

Working Smoke Detectors save lives!

West Safety Drill

West students will be engaged in a safety drill the week of October 7th. This drill, led by our School Resource Officer, Mr. Criss, will familiarize our students with a routine for evacuating the building or locking down a classroom in an emergency situation, such as an intruder in the building.

We are very aware of the sensitive nature of a drill like this in an elementary building. Our students have already had two fire drills and are aware of the evacuation procedure. This safety drill will be conducted in a very similar way as not to cause trauma or anxiety to our young students. Please feel free to call Mrs. Gorman at 740-264-1590 as she will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

State Testing-3rd Grade ELA

Ohio Department of Education

Week of October 14th, 2024

3rd Grade Ohio English Language Arts (ELA) Assessment

Third grade students will be taking the state English Language Arts assessment the week of October 14th.

This is a very important test for third grade students across the state of Ohio, as students must pass the state test in order to be promoted to fourth grade

The state calls this the Third Grade Guarantee.

Because this test is taken on the computer we are asking that you expose your third graders to the practice test at home. Most students will need to practice using the computer to be prepared for the test. This includes use of the mouse to click & drag and general typing. 

See the Practice Test here.  

Make-Up Picture Day

Date: October 17th

Day: Thursday

Any student who did not get a picture or did not like the picture they purchased can have a Make-Up Picture done on this day. Uniforms must be worn.

End of the 1st Quarter

Date: Oct. 18th

Day: Friday

Report Cards Will Post: Oct. 22

All interim grades & report cards are posted on Progress Book. If you need your child's username & password, please let Mrs. Wolfe know by clicking her name to send an email.

To access Progress Book, click the button below.

Progress Book

Jack Patch-at West

In preparation for our West Literacy night, we once again invite you & your family to participate in creating a Jack-o-Lantern to display at West. Please plan on placing your Jack-o-Lantern, with a battery-operated votive candle or cool strobe light on one of the marked hillsides the evening of Wednesday October 23rd or during the day Thursday, October 24th. We look forward to your family taking a walk through the Jack Patch during our Family Literacy Night Event, the evening of Thursday, October 24th.

Visit our website, for additional information regarding news and events happening at
Pugliese West Elementary
Visit our Website
Pugliese West Elementary, 435 John Scott Hwy, (740)264-1590