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Association of Lutheran Church Musicians

October 1, 2024 e-newsletter

Greeting from President-Elect Karen Black

Like many people, I try to start the day by writing down things for which I am grateful. The paper planner I use has a place for it, so I do my best to use it, spending a few moments in thought and trying not to just resort to “coffee” too often! There is evidence that practicing gratitude or keeping a gratitude journal can have mental and physical benefits, and I do find that it provides a positive start to my day. Even on the worst day, I can always think of something to write!


One thing to be grateful for is the work that has been done to keep ALCM thriving for nearly 40 years. The ALCM staff, board, journal editors, conference, workshop planners and many others have given so much of themselves and their time over the years to provide support and resources for Lutheran church musicians and those they serve. Because of the work and generosity of others, I am able to access information, music, and expertise that I can use and pass on within my own setting. I am especially grateful for ALCM conferences, because they provide so much support not only in resources and information, but also in inspiration and encouragement for one’s vocational journey in church music. If at all possible, I encourage you to come to Raleigh-Durham next August; registration will open soon! If you have not been to an ALCM national conference before, I know you will be grateful that you did!  

Karen Black


Board Member Recommendations Wanted


We are looking for candidates for open board of director positions in 2024. If you have thoughts on candidates you believe should be considered for these important positions—or if you yourself are interested in serving on the board—please provide those names to president-elect Karen Black, who is chairing the nominating committee.


Send your suggestions to Karen at Nominations must be received by November 15.

Join Us in Raleigh-Durham in 2025!

I am looking forward to worshipping with you at our 2025 biennial conference, For all that is to be, in Raleigh-Durham, NC. In addition to great speakers, workshops, events, and networking, we’ll have a chance to worship together. We have many months of planning ahead, but we’re already deep into envisioning what songs, scriptures, and practices will help us proclaim together the love of God.

On the first full day of the conference you can look forward to a festival eucharist at Duke Chapel with leadership that includes members of the Duke faculty. We’ll gather for prayer together in the hotel ballroom the following two mornings, experiencing different forms and styles for prayer. In the evenings we’ll have a night prayer, a hymn festival, and at the end of the VOCES8 concert on the last full day of the conference a sending compline in Duke Chapel.

As we think about our theme, For all that is to be, we will lean heavily on some of the biblical prophets to remind us of our call to hold the richness of God’s action in the past, with the urgent need to share that in the present, and the promise that God will continue to enliven our song for generations to come.

You’ll hear more from all of us on the planning team, in the coming months, but for now, I encourage you to check out the registration information and sign up. As wonderful as it is to imagine in these months of planning, it’s when all of us are together that our harmonies finally take on flesh and sing God’s praise.

Steven Wilco

Conference Planning Committee

NOTE: Preliminary information, including pricing, is available on the conference website. New information is being added every day. You'll receive a separate email when registration opens.

2025 Raabe Prize

Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition. The Raabe Prize is established to recognize a recent musical work that promotes and extends the practice of church music as it is informed and shaped by Lutheran theological insight and worship practices. The composition so recognized will have been written during the five-year period prior to the year in which the prize is awarded and should be representative of a larger body of work by the composer. Preference will be given to those compositions that grow out of the heart of Lutheran worship – the song of the assembly that enables all to lift their voices in prayer, praise, and proclamation as they gather around Word and Sacrament.

Submissions for the 2025 are due today--October 1, 2024.

2025 Raabe Prize Description & Guidelines

Raabe Prize

ALCM Announces Fall 2024 Grant Program


The ALCM board is pleased to announce that we will once again be offering a series of grants for Fall 2024. These grants provide financial assistance for projects and initiatives that support ALCM’s mission to “nurture and equip musicians to serve and lead the church’s song.”


Who may submit a grant request? Anyone who is an ALCM member!


How much? $500-$1500, though larger amounts may be considered at the discretion of the review committee.


What kind of projects? You decide! Some possibilities include (but are not limited to): support of a particular aspect of the music ministry in your congregation; presenting a community event; purchase of instruments or equipment to support a musical ensemble in your congregation; personal study; or community outreach program. You decide what kind of project—use your imagination!


How do I apply? Complete this application form. Applications for the Fall grant program will be accepted through November 4, 2024.

Conference Recordings Now Available

For those who attended the July conference in Valparaiso (either in person or virtually), recordings are now available. Simply log in to the members area of the ALCM website and follow the link under "Conference Recording Links." Please note: that link will only work for conference registrants. If you registered but cannot access the page, send an email to

Commposers Symposium

Come to Fort Wayne, Indiana in February 2025 for a Church Music Composers Symposium entitled Where do we go from here? Its purpose is two-fold. First, it will attempt to stimulate conversation regarding our efforts to be faithful, creative, and nurturing stewards of the church’s song – even where gatherings have limited human and material resources. Second, it will offer composers a focused opportunity to explore newer music software. Through these two primary goals, this gathering of musicians will offer opportunity for meaningful worship, insightful conversations, informal sharing of manuscripts, and skillshops to develop one’s craft.

Register for the 2025 Composers Symposium AND the 2025 Raleigh-Durham Conference for a discount on the Composers Symposium registration. Additional information is available on the symposium page.

2025 Norma Aamodt-Nelson

Student Scholar Award

The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Norma Aamodt-Nelson Student Scholar Award. Students who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program as of Fall 2024 are encouraged to apply.

This award was established in 2021 to honor the legacy of Norma, a practicing church musician and instrumental acquisitions editor for Augsburg Fortress from 1993 until her death in 2020. The award is designed to encourage collegiate students as they prepare for a vocation in church music. In addition to completing the scholarship application, applicants are required to submit a video audition. The award winner will receive a full scholarship for the 2025 ALCM biennial conference in Raleigh-Durham, which includes conference registration, hotel housing, transportation, conference meals, a one-year membership in ALCM, and a cash prize of $500. The award winner may also be invited to play a piece at the 2025 ALCM biennial conference. The application deadline is February 15, 2025.

Do you have ideas for choir devotions that you'd like to share? Email us at

Choir Devotions

In addition to the settings of Luther's Morning and Evening Prayer highlighted last month, you may wish to consider the three-volume set from Augsburg Fortress titled Soli Deo Gloria: Choir Devotions for Year A, B, C. Each of the three volumes is written by an ALCM member:

Year A - Craig Mueller

Year B - Jennifer Baker-Trinity

Year C - Wayne Wold

From the Augsburg Fortress website:

Soli Deo Gloria is a collection of devotions for the choir, choir director, and music lovers. The collection features brief meditations based on the texts given in the Revised Common Lectionary, emphasizing the choir's leadership role in worship.

The ministry of choral music requires preparation of both heart and voice. These devotionals, used at either rehearsal or before worship, will provide a spiritual element much as vocal warm-ups provide the musical element. Also included with each devotional is a hymn text appropriate for the day and rehearsal planning pages.

Welcome, Meghan!

ALCM welcomes Dr. Meghan Benson as the new In Tempo editor. Meghan serves as Lay Minister at Trinity Lutheran Church in Warrenton, VA, and works for the National Science Foundation in Alexandria, VA. She brings a wealth of experience, having served in both music director and pastoral positions in LCMS, ELCA, and NALC congregations. We look forward to future issues with her as our new In Tempo editor.


Vi Messerli Memorial Lectures in Church Music:

Dear Christians, One and All

October 20-22, 2024

Concordia University Chicago

River Forest, Illinois


Please join presenters (and ALCM members) Michael D. Costello, Florence Jowers, Peter Reske, Paul Soulek, Paul D. Weber, Emily Woock, Daniel Zager, Barry Bobb and Steven Wente, co-coordinators, and many others. A full brochure can be found here.


Embark on an unforgettable European adventure enriched by a captivating blend of history and natural beauty from Poland to Tallinn, Estonia. Begin your travels in Warsaw, then proceed through the Polish countryside to Zakopane, nestled at the base of the Tatra Mountains. Explore Krakow’s rich history, including visits to Wawel Cathedral and Oskar Schindler’s Enamel Factory. Journey onward to charming Tallinn, Estonia, where you’ll celebrate the 28th Estonian Song and Dance Festival. The Song Celebration tradition began in 1869 as a way for Estonians to meet, share their national spirit, and celebrate their unity in times of oppression. Hear tens of thousands of voices lifted in song and see the performers colorful regional costumes. Reserved seats are included for the final day of the festival. 

Additional information.

Register for the event.

Raabe Prize

The Raabe Prize at 25!

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition. Endowed in 1999 by Dr. William and Pr. Nancy Raabe of Philadelphia, this prize is awarded every two years for a single musical work that reflects a larger history of excellence on the part of a composer. Its aim is to recognize and encourage significant accomplishments in composition contributing to the body of sacred music for the church in the Lutheran heritage. Throughout 2024, ALCM is highlighting each prizewinner with a video describing the piece, its significance and, where possible, featuring a conversation with the composer.

You can view previous interviews on the Prize Winners page on the ALCM website. Watch for new interviews in the coming months!

Kyries & Glorias

Kyries (prayer concerns) and Glorias (thanksgivings) are posted in the members area and on this page on the ALCM website. Kyries and Glorias for the following people have been recently posted:


Vivian Rindelaub

Mark & Kathy Helge

Bob & Lois Rimbo

Bob Hobby*

Jenny Hobby

John Ferguson*


Clayton Faulkner

Linda Borecki*

Abe Cáceres

In memoriam

Ralph C. Schultz

Michael Held

Rev. Marty Schaefer

ALCM members are invited to submit Kyries and Glorias following the link in the members area of the website. Non-members may contact the ALCM office at with information for posting.

* indicates a Charter Member

Enrollment is open for Lutheran Summer Music 2025!

It’s time to nominate students for LSM! Priority enrollment for LSM 2025 ends December 1, so now is the perfect time to help prospective students connect with LSM to learn more and consider applying. Know a musical high school student who would benefit from the life-giving and joyful musical community at LSM? Nominate them today at, or contact for more information.

Fourth Friday Happy Hour with ALCM

Friday, October 25 - 6:00 pm Eastern

Recognizing that virtual community IS real community, you are warmly invited to join "Fourth Friday Happy Hour with ALCM" on Zoom every fourth Friday. Moderated by President Nancy Raabe and Executive Director Jim Rindelaub, discussion will be oriented around a general theme each month, but the larger purpose is to encourage conversation, sharing, and community. Bring whatever thoughts, comments, or concerns are on your mind, and of course a libation of your choice. Click on this recurring link to join each month.

Post your own event!

Events are published both in the website calendar and in the monthly e-newsletter and adding your local event to the calendar is easy. Members can simply log in to the members area of the ALCM website and select "Add an event to the calendar" under "What would you like to do?" Click on the "Post Your Event" button and complete the form. Non-members should send event details to for consideration.

Your event will appear on the main event calendar, on the main page of the website, and in the e-newsletter for the month in which the event will take place. Good advertising - and it's free to ALCM members! View the complete ALCM calendar.

On the October Calendar

October 1 - Deadline for submissions for the 2025 Raabe Prize

October 1-3 - 2024 Center for Worship Leadership Summit, Chandler, AZ

October 5 (extended from October 1) - Deadline for submission of manuscripts for the fall/winter issue of CrossAccent

October 5 - 4:00 pm Central - Hymn Festival - Valpo's Lutheran Centennial Homecoming Weekend

October 6 - 4:00 pm Eastern - Seasons of Joy: Gainesville Brass Quintet, Joy Lutheran Church, Ocala, FL

October 6 - 4:00 pm Eastern - Concordia University Ann Arbor Choral Concert, St. Lorenz Lutheran Church, Frankenmuth, MI

October 12 - Time TBD - Hearts•Hands•Voices event with Felix Hell, Phoenixville, PA


October 18 & 19 - Organ recital, reception, and open house celebrating Dobson Pipe Organ Builders 50th anniversary.


October 20 - 7:00 PM Pacific - Church Music Symposium: The 500th Anniversary of the First Lutheran Hymnals


October 20 - 5:00 pm Eastern - Evensong, St. John's Episcopal Church, Carlisle, PA


October 20-22 - Vi Messerli Memorial Lectures in Church Music, Concordia University Chicago


October 25 - 6:00 pm Eastern (virtual) - Fourth Friday Happy Hour with ALCM


October 27 - 4:00 pm Eastern - Hymn Festival, St. Lorenz Lutheran Church, Frankenmuth, MI

Last Call for Essays:

CrossAccent, Fall/Winter 2024

Essays on the topic “Exploring AI in Worship” are welcomed for the fall/winter 2024 issue of CrossAccentClick here to read about this issue’s theme. Manuscripts are due October 5, 2024.

The Center for Church Music, in partnership

with the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, wishes to honor the legacy of Concordia University Chicago distinguished professor of music Dr. Richard Hillert. His legacy includes not only his many liturgical pieces and musical works, but also his many gifts for teaching composition.

The Richard Hillert Award in Student Composition is awarded every other year to a current student at a Lutheran university or seminary. The cash prize of $500 will be awarded at the ALCM biennial conference which may also include a performance of the work as a part of its program.

The Center for Church Music is pleased to announce that Katrina Jurica and Grace Marshall have both been awarded the 2024 Hillert Award in Student Composition! 

Katrina Jurica, (graduate student at Concordia University Chicago) - "O antiphons"

(SA/SSA choir, congregation)


Grace Marshall, (junior at Concordia University Nebraska) - “Holy Sonnet XIII”

(John Donne text for soloist or unison choir, piano)

 Download the Official 2024 Press Release

Liturgical Art Resources

The full-page liturgical art included in the most recent issues of In Tempo are available for download in the members area of the website. Once you log in, you’ll find a “Liturgical Art” link under the heading “What’s New for Members?”

Having difficulty logging in to the members area? First check to be sure that you are using the email address that we have on file (the address at which you receive copies of the newsletter). Click on the "Forgot your password?" link in the login box and follow the instructions to reset your password. If you still have difficulty logging in, send an email to and we'll be happy to help.

New FREE Arrangement from Lutheran Summer Music by Anne Krentz Organ

Download a new FREE arrangement from Lutheran Summer Music 2024 by Anne Krentz Organ: The Ash Grove for a solo instrument with keyboard accompaniment. The Ash Grove is a theme and variations based on the beloved Welsh folk tune and is this year’s installment in the LSM Hymn Tune Project. Free sheet music download:

Hymn Resources

As part of your worship planning, be sure to check your hymn selections against the list of Hymn Settings in the members area of the website. (See the link under the "Quick Links" heading.) There are hundreds of hymn settings to support congregational singing.

Here are three settings of the tune IN BABILONE, a prelude for organ by Jim Johnson, a brass setting by Jean Boehler, and a setting for organ and solo melody by Paul Otte:

IN BABILONE – Prelude for organ – Johnson


IN BABILONE – Otte harmonization

There are many resources in the members area. If you haven't looked for a while, log in and do some exploring!

Having difficulty logging in to the members area? First check to be sure that you are using the email address that we have on file (the address at which you receive copies of the newsletter). Click on the "Forgot your password?" link in the login box and follow the instructions to reset your password. If you still have difficulty logging in, send an email to and we'll be happy to help.

Are you getting the most out of your ALCM membership?

Did you know that new member benefits are being added all the time to the members area of the ALCM website? You will want to log in whenever you visit the site to be sure that you have access to everything available to members. Can't remember your login information? In almost every case, your username is your email address. You can change or reset your password by following the "Forgot your password?" link in the login box.


Items in the members area are available for unlimited use as long as your membership remains active. Here are a few items for members only:


  • All issues of CrossAccent (from the very beginning) and In Tempo are available for viewing. These items are for sale in the Marketplace to non-members;
  • Advertise your local events on ALCM's calendar;
  • Listen to all ALCM CD recordings for free;
  • Hymns, accompaniments, descants, concertatos, and hymn stanza alternations for choir;
  • Other free downloadable seasonal and non-seasonal resources;
  • Discounted registration fee for ALCM-sponsored webinars and conferences;
  • Past issues of ALCM's original practical resource, Grace Notes, from 1997-2011;
  • Discounts on purchases of CDs and other items in the Marketplace; and
  • A host of other resources free for viewing and downloading.


If you have any difficulty logging in or if you have questions or comments about the website or your membership, please feel free to contact us by email at

Are you a congregation looking for a musician?

A musician looking for a position?

ALCM can help!

Employment resources have been developed to assist congregations in the process of searching for and hiring a musician. Presented in a step-by-step format, these resources will guide you through the entire employment process.

The ALCM job listing service connects those looking for positions in the field of church music with congregations and other institutions that have openings. By completing an online job posting form, congregations can post their positions on the ALCM website where those looking for employment may view them.

Musicians searching for a job may view posted job openings on the ALCM website, where those looking for positions can view them. Both full-time and part-time positions are listed, and new positions are added as received.

The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
nurtures and equips musicians
to serve and lead the church's song.