Our Vision: "To Humbly Serve God through Loving and Caring for Others"

Worship at MZUMC
For our Tailgate Service this week, everyone is invited to join us at 10:00 am in the church parking lot. Click here access the worship lineup; print and bring with your or access it on your smart phone during the service.

This Sunday's pre-recorded worship service can be found here.

*So you don't miss any uploads, be sure to subscribe to our page and turn on notifications.

*We will begin worshiping inside on November 8th. Services will be at 9am and 11am. We will then begin streaming live our worship services on YouTube during both services.
Sunday October 25, 2020
Prayer Concerns
Dorris Benson
Katie Constantine
Virginia Ethington
Joel Gerberich
Jack Kohl
Sean Levy
Peterman Family
Ernestine Small 
Jeff Snyder
Jackson Weber and Family

*Please call the church with any prayer requests or pastoral care needs
News and Opportunities to Serve

Night of Remembrance

On September 1st, we will me celebrating All Saints Day in two different ways. We will honor those lost this year during our Sunday morning services both online and at our tailgate services. We will also be holding a community "Night of Remembrance" in our church parking lot from 5:00pm-6:30pm. Luminaries will be set up with the names of loved ones gone from this world but still in our hearts. There will also be prayer stations set up along the walking path. We hope that this will be a time of prayer and reflection for all of those who have ever lost a loved one. this is a great event to invite friends and family who may be grieving at this time.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child boxes are here!! Come by the church, pick up a box or use a box or tote of your own. Full the boxes with fun goodies, toys, hygiene and school supplies and enclose $9 per box. Label fir a boy or girl and the age of the child. No liquids or violent items. Drop them off at the church by Nov. 14.


A BLESSED CHRISTMAS FOR ALL. We have pledged 210 boxes of Hamburger Helper this year. Will stores have it on sale for a dollar a box? Watch for sales; the drive ends the last of November. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.

Say Thank You to Your Teacher

In tough times, it's always important to be grateful. Teachers play such an important role in the lives of young people. We would love for each of our students to make a thank you card and give it to their teacher(s). Click here to download a card that can be printed and colored, or make your own. We will also have copies at the church to pick up. We hope you and your family will use this as a way to show God's love to those who dedicate their lives shaping our kids' future! 

Acme CashBack

The Acme CashBack program has begun! Please keep your receipts dated August 6 or later; and either drop them off at the church or mail them into us. Last year we earned the church over $375 for the discretionary fund!

"Seat Covers"

Open M needs diapers for families. Diapers are one of those things that people in poverty cannot buy with food stamps. Talking with Julie Carmeal from Open M, she said their "diaper" contact fell through and that they are in short supply. Often parents leave their kids in diapers longer than they should because they are in short supply themselves which causes the child to cry and raises the anxiety, let alone the health issue for the child! The East Ohio Conference used to do "Seat Cover" drives to gather diapers for local food pantries. That hasn't happened for a whole lot of years now but it was a cute way to promote and gather resources! Julie mentioned they take open packs too because they will always open them and put them in their own bags of 20 diapers before sending them out. So we will be collecting diapers to get to our friends at Open M! 

Midwest Mission Collection

This winter our church will be a collection site for the Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC). Giving through the MMDV is an opportunity within our UMC connection to give to areas in need around the world in ways that promote connection and done in a way that those receiving can make the most use of what they receive. We will be a collection site from Nov 29th - Dec 6th. Drop offs can be made whenever the church office is open or on Sundays before and after worship. Please read the below list as only these items are able to be accepted. 
  • Jump ropes
  • All types of sports balls (soccer, basketball, softball, baseball)
  • Pump for the deflated balls
  • Simple musical instruments like recorders, harmonicas, percussion instruments
  • Board Games like Jenga, Trouble, Candyland, Connect 4, and other simple games that you don't require a lot of reading or batteries.
  • Folding walkers
  • Wheelchairs
  • Crutches
  • Canes
  • Orthopedic supplies
  • Non-electric tools
  • Treadle sewing machines
  • 32-64 oz. bottle liquid laundry detergent (no spray)
  • 16-40 oz. bottle liquid concentrate household cleaner (no spray)
  • 16-34 oz. bottle dish soap (no spray)
  • Toothpaste - 2.5 oz. or larger
  • Any items on the list for UMCOR Relief Kits

Children's Ministry
Contact: Cyndi Liming limingcmboa@icloud.com
Check out the Children's Ministry Website for updates here
Sunday School and Children's Church lessons can be found on the church's YouTube Page. Each week Cyndi will be recording new and interactive lessons that your child can listen to from home!

Nursery Care Volunteers Needed

Now that we are starting to come back to some normalcy, we are in need of nursery care volunteers. Cyndi will set up a rotation schedule according to how many volunteers we can get. Please fill out this form. We need help immediately! Right now we have about 2-3 children in the nursery, and they are a TON of fun! If you need a baby fix, please consider volunteering! Youth and adults are welcome! https://forms.gle/Z5en2CqqnJobnC9X6
Student Ministry
Contact: Jennifer Dyer mzumcstudent@gmail.com
Both middle and high school boys as well as the high school girls will meet this Sunday from 11am-noon. Both groups will meet outside weather permitting. 

Both the middle and high school girls groups have a combined coloring/de-stressing event Nov 8th from 12-1:30 pm. Bring lunch if you would like. We will be coloring and talking about different ways we can manage stress in our life that is healthy and fun.  
Contact: Sharon Paige spaige@mzumc.org
The beginning of our week in Preschool we will focus on letter “F” and some “F”antastic learning and exploring! Frogs, fish and flies will be counted along with lots of farm and firemen learning centers. We will conclude our week with our annual Harvest Party but this year we will not be singing and parading at Copley Place due to Covid restrictions. Lots of fun games and activities are planned for the children all within the safety guidelines suggested by the state of Ohio. What a fun morning we will have!

We only have a few opening left in each of our small classes. Email Sharon Paige if you would like to schedule a tour.  

Music Ministry
Contact: Joe Leaman joeleaman@me.com

Anyone who is interested in providing Special Music during the special music time on Sunday mornings, please contact Music Director, Joe Leaman via email: joeleaman@me.com.
Contact Information
565 N. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Akron, OH 44333
Rev. Dr. Bill Liming x202
Katie Constantine
Office Manager
Jennifer Dyer x204
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Sharon Paige x205
Preschool Director
Cyndi Liming x206
Children's Ministry Director
Joe Leaman x207
Music Ministry Director