October 25, 2024 Weekly News

Reminder: Friday, November 1 is the Feast of All Saints. Masses will be at Noon and 5:30 pm.

Please join us for Coffee and Donuts in the Undercroft after 9;30 Mass on Sunday October 27.

Cathedral Parish

Baby Bottle Boomerang for Little Way

Please return your donation to Little Way this weekend. Baskets will be available as you enter church. You may also donate using the QR code below. Your support makes these ministries possible. Thank you.

  • Pregnancy Services: 1600+ Free ultrasounds annually
  • Journey of Hope: Post-abortive healing ministry
  • Parenting Education: 700+ Baby Closet, Classes annually
  • The Rose: Hope, stability and holiness for families
  • Abortion Pill Rescue: Hope for those with a change of heart.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. " Matthew 18:20.

Join the Cathedral Garden Club!

The first meeting of the Cathedral Garden Club will gather on Saturday, October 26th at 10am to tidy the benevolence courtyard.

Bring your snippers and clippers and join your fellow parishioners for fellowship and fun. Gloves will be provided and all are welcome. Bring your green (even green-ish) thumbs and your kind heart to tend to the Cathedral green spaces.

Contact parishioner Emily Reid with questions and to RSVP: 502-314-8270.

Grow in Faith

Interested in learning more about becoming Catholic?

Are you in need of sacraments or would just like to learn more about your faith?

  •  We gather Sunday Mornings from 10:30 until Noon
  • Second Floor Meeting Room of the Parish Office

For more information please contact our Formation Coordinator at 502-657-5217 or nmcdonell@cathedraloftheassumption.org.

Adults looking to grow further in faith please contact our Formation Coordinator to learn more. 

If you or your child are in need of any Sacraments including Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation; please contact our Formation Coordinator. 

If you would to learn more or join in any of these programs you can contact our Formation Coordinator at 502-657-5217 or nmcdonell@cathedraloftheassumption.org.




On Sunday, November 10, at the Noon Mass, those who have died in the past year will be remembered in a special way. 

If you have lost someone within the last year and would like your loved one’s name included in the prayers, please share those names by November 4 with Angela Wiggins, 502-657-5213 or awiggins@cathedraloftheassumption.org.  

Hurricane Relief

If you wish to support the relief effort for those in the devasted parts of Florida, George, North Carolina and South Carolina, either mail your donation to

Archdiocese of Louisville

ATTN: Hurricane Relief

3940 Poplar Level Road

Louisville KY 40213-1463

or save a stamp and place your envelope in our weekend offertory basket. Thank you.

St. Agnes' Boy Scout Troop 4 is turning 75 years old this year! We are trying to find our alumni Scouts and families for a reception and dinner on Saturday, November 16 in the Saint Agnes Cafeteria at 5:00 PM. Anyone who would like to attend can RSVP at http://anniversary.stagnestroop4.org/.

Please spread the word to all you know and also please share contact information for former Scouts and families by emailing us at 75thTroop4@gmail.com.

Can't wait to see you there!

The annual Festival of Faiths returns Nov. 13-16 to the Kentucky Center, where a diverse lineup of spiritual teachers, thought leaders, movement makers and artists will celebrate the beauty of creativity and the power of ideas to change the world. Share in this experience of Sacred Imagining as we lean into our highest potential, explore our authentic selves and reimagine what the future might hold. Right now get 20% off your ticket price with code word SACRED.

Buy tickets/passes and learn more: https://festivaloffaiths.org/ 

Download this free

Parish App from your

apple or android phone. 


Simply download and choose your parish. You can access pertinent information from the palm of your hand. Be sure to subscribe to receive push notifications. And beyond Cathedral information, you can also look up other parishes throughout the United States who subscribe to the same platform.

Click here to make an online donation.