TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Events
Oct. 26: School Board Meeting
Nov. 9-10: Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 12: Martinstag Celebration at the Landmark Center
Nov. 14: PTO Meeting
Nov. 16: Picture Retake Day
Nov. 20-24: No After School Activites
Nov. 22: Early Release
Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving Break |
Administrative Information
Join Us for our Halloween Parade and Flashmob!
Join us on Tuesday, October 31, for our Halloween celebration! Come to the school around 2pm for our school-wide parade and dance on the blacktop! Students will start lining up outside of the school at 2pm by the entrance on Van Slyke. Please stay off the grass as 560 students plus staff need to line up. Once everyone has lined up, the parade will head towards Chatsworth and loop towards the school. Parents are welcome to line up along the entire parade pathway to enjoy all of the costumes! We will end the parade with a school-wide Halloween flashmob.

Enjoy cider and donuts sponsored by the Girl Scouts after the celebration. Please remember that weapons, masks, or anything bloody or gory is not allowed. We hope to see you Tuesday!
Sign Up for Parents Teacher Conferences
The sign up for parent teacher conferences is still open! Conferences are from 4:00-7:30pm on Thursday, November 9 and 8:10am-3:30pm on Friday, November 10. The master password is
Before you log in, we suggest that you have the following information:
- A list of all the teachers you would like to see. The online conference system will not tell you the names of your children's teachers.
- The times you would like to have conferences. The system will tell you the available slots for all teachers. If the teachers you wish to see are not available, contact them to schedule an alternative time for a conference.
Now Accepting Sibling Applications for Kindergarten
We are now accepting applications for the 2018-19 school year! If you have a child that will be entering Kindergarten next year, please fill out this application form and return it to the school office at your earliest convenience. The application deadline is February 7, 2018, at 4:00pm. |
NEW Spiritwear Items for Sale NOW!
We have revamped our spiritwear and are excited about the new items we're selling! Check out our online store to see what we have to offer and to place your order today. We will be accepting orders through November 17. Orders will be available for pick up in early December. These items are great gifts for upcoming birthdays and holidays!
Please note that we will
only be accepting orders through our
online Square store. No orders will be accepted through Boonli or in person.
Picture Retake Day and Retaking Class Photos
Our picture retake day has been rescheduled and will now be on Thursday, November 16. If you would like to have your child retake their picture, please send them with their proof or picture package on retake day. This will help ensure that the correct order is printed for their retake picture.
We will also be retaking ALL class pictures starting at 8:30am that morning. After students retake their class photos they will have the opportunity to retake their individual photos.
If you would like to order pictures click here to login. |
Saint Martin's Day Celebration at Landmark Center
There will be a "Traditions of Germany" program at the
Landmark Center on Sunday, November 12th, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. (Please note the time change from last year's program.) TCGIS students from
grades 2, 4, and 5 will be performing starting at 2:10 p.m.
If you have a student in one of these grades, we ask that you arrive no later than 1:45 p.m. After the TCGIS performance, there will be a short parade with a horse and photo opportunities. In addition to the performances, vendors will also be offering items such as German breads and Glühwein. In the spirit of St. Martin, TCGIS and Landmark Center have asked attendees to bring a donation (coats, hats, mittens, etc.) for Joseph's Coat. Any questions can be directed to Frau Hall (
Intern Program: We Need ONE Host Family for Spring
We are still looking for ONE host family for the spring semester (January-June), offering your family an opportunity for greater language learning and cultural exchange.
Thanks for the Boxes!
Thank you for all of the empty cereal and oatmeal box donations! We have collected enough to make lanterns for Martinstag, although if your family ever has an empty oatmeal box during the year they could be sent in to Frau Lenburg in the art room. A HUGE thank you to the parents who took home boxes to cut for the lanterns!! Almost 300 lanterns couldn't happen without you. |
Lice Advisory
Halloween season is upon us and costumes and wigs are popular, but they also may be a home for lice! Please ask your children NOT to share costumes, hats, and wigs at school. Discouraging sharing of pillows and blankets can also prevent lice from spreading.
As a reminder, our school guidelines for lice are as follows:
- A student may attend school and remain in school even though he/she is know to have live or nits
- If we discover that a student has lice, we call or email the parent to notify them and recommend treatment as soon as possible
- A child may be excused from school for treating lice
- If a parent is aware of or suspects lice, they are to notify the homeroom teacher, office, and/or health office
- Teachers will notify parents if there is a case of lice in the class
click here if you want to read more about lice.
TCGIS Seeking Part-Time Food Service Associate!
TCGIS is hiring a part-time
Food Service Associate to join our Food Service team. This position involves working in lunch preparation, service, and clean-up, and requires approximately 20 hours per week.
If you or someone you know would be interested in working for our Food Service program, please send a letter of interest, current resume, and letter of recommendation to Gael Braddock at
Book Fair
November 6-10!
Volunteers needed!
We cannot do the book fair without parent help. If you are interested in helping out with the book fair, please email Ginger Sanford at Please include your name and the day/times you are able to volunteer.
We are looking for volunteers to run the cash register and monitor the book fair (it's super simple) during the following days/times:
Monday 11/6,
Tuesday 11/7, and
Wednesday 11/8:
3:30pm to 5:30pm
Thursday 11/9:
3:30pm to 8pm (during parent/teacher conferences)
Friday 11/10:
8am to 3:30pm (during parent/teacher conferences)
Friday 11/10:
3:30pm-5:30pm pack up
PTO Announcements
PTO Auction Closes tonight! Get your bids in before 9PM! Shop HERE.
Not interested in shopping? Donate toward our $250 matching funds instead.
Kindergarten Play Date. October 28 9:30-11:30 The PTO has rented the whole indoor playland at the Salvation Army Community Center. Siblings are welcome to join, too. Come meet other K parents and kids.
Don't forget to bring socks, and there is no food allowed in the playland area, only water.
Find the recent PTO newsletter here or in your email for more information about other PTO stuff or check out our
GAI Announcements
Sandbox Theatre 'In the Treetops'
Sandbox Theatre explores the life and stories of Wanda Gag in their new play.
Inspired by the life and art of pioneering illustrator, children's author, feminist, and New Ulm, MN-native Wanda Gag, In The Treetops is Sandbox Theatres first new production created for both kids and adults alike.
Kaffeestube European Breakfast Café, Saturdays thru November 18; 8:30am - 11am
Enjoy our European-style breakfast buffet with your friends & family! Frühstück includes German rolls, cheeses, cold cuts, eggs, spreads, and more!