October 27, 2024


The Select Board's next meeting will be held on October 29. The agenda is included below.

The Comprehensive Plan survey deadline has been extended to November 3rd. Please take a few minutes to complete this important survey that will help shape the future of Brookline.

Warmest Regards,

Paul Warren

Please note that this email is being sent by me as an individual and not as an official action on behalf of the Board. The content is created by me and any errors or omissions are solely my responsibility.

News and Updates

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. Here is some helpful information from the Town Clerk's website.

Comprehensive Plan Survey Extended to November 3rd - Please complete the survey soon. Your input will help guide future zoning reform, and act as a reference for prioritizing future investments and service priorities.

Comprehensive Plan Community Conversations - Do you enjoy small group discussions? Would you like to help shape Brookline's future? Please consider hosting a small group discussion using the Comprehensive Plan's Question Campaign Guide and Supporting Materials. Please contact Jacob Collins, Community Planner at jcollins@brooklinema.gov for additional information.

This Week's Meetings and Events

The calendar is subject to change. Please see the Board and Commissions Calendar and the Non-Board Calendar for updates.

Monday, October 28

Tuesday, October 29

Wednesday, October 30

Thursday, October 31

Saturday, November 2

Upcoming Select Board Meeting - October 29

Agenda, Packet, Meeting Registration

Public Comment - Advance registration is available by calling the Select Board’s office at 617-730-2202 or by e-mail at kmacgillivray@brooklinema.gov. 


Miscellaneous - Approval of miscellaneous items, licenses, and contracts. 


Appointment of Elizabeth Kernan and Shideh Amirifeli to the Brookline Commission for Women:

Presentation of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee's Annual Report to the Select Board. 

Sustainability and Natural Resources Update 

Washington Street Complete Street Project Update 

Warrant Articles - Public Hearings 

  • Warrant Article 8 - Amend Section 5.05 of the Town's Zoning By-Laws to allow the Zoning Board of Appeals to waive the minimum lot size requirement when granting a special permit for the conversion of single-family buildings into two-family units in SC or T Districts (Wu, TMM7)
  • Warrant Article 9 - Amend Section 4.07 and Table 5.01 of the Town's Zoning By-Laws to allow dwellings containing three units ("three families") in T districts (Seidman, TMM2, et al.) 
  • Warrant Article 10 - Amend Article XI (Harvard Street Form-Based Zones) of the Town's Zoning By-Laws to increase the list of allowed exterior materials, provide greater flexibility in certain exterior elements, and make modifications to comply with state law (Planning & Community Development). 
  • Warrant Article 11 - Amend Article XI (Harvard Street Form-Based Zones) of the Town's Zoning By-Laws to allow the Planning Board to permit substitutions or modifications to massing, facade, and architecture standards (Planning Board). 

Warrant Articles - Continued

  • Warrant Article 16 - Amend Article 8.41 of the Town's General By-Laws to expand the requirements of the Tree Preservation By-Law (Plazonja - Resident P8, et al.) 
  • Warrant Article 7 - Amend Table 5.01 in the Town's Zoning By-Laws to restrict height to 2.5 Stories in select S, SC, and T Districts and revise the definition of Story in Section 2.19 (Planning & Community Development). 
  • Warrant Article 12 - Amend the Town's Zoning By-Laws to add a section on outdoor lighting standards in residential districts (Planning & Community Development). 
  • Warrant Article 13 - Amend Article VII (Signs, Illumination, & Regulated Facade Alternations) of the Town's Zoning By-Laws to address sign design and commercial signage (Planning & Community Development). 
  • Warrant Article 14 - Amend Sections 5.03 and 5.04 of the Town's Zoning By-Laws to allow separate ownership of buildings on the same lot (Planning & Community Development). 
  • Warrant Article 15 - Amend Use 51B and Section 4.05.03 of the Town's Zoning By-Law to comply with the state requirements in the Affordable Homes Act (Planning & Community Development). 

Boards and Commissions - New Appointment 
