TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Dates
Oct. 27: School Board Meeting
Oct. 31: Halloween Parade
Oct. 31 - Nov. 4: Scholastic Book Fair
Nov. 3 - 4: Parent Teacher Conference
Nov. 1:
Giving for Give to the Max 2016 Begins
Nov. 1-17: Give to the Max 2016 Campaign
Nov. 8: Picture Retake Day
Nov. 13: St. Martin's Day Celebration
Nov. 15: PTO Meeting
Nov. 17: School Board Meeting
Nov. 17: Give to the Max 2016 Ends
Nov. 18: K-8 Morning Circle & Kaffeeklatsch
Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
Administrative Information
Parent Teacher Conferences - Sign Up Today
Next week are parent teacher conferences! These are from 4:00-7:30pm on Thursday, November 3, and 8:10am-3:30pm on Friday, November 4. The sign up closes at noon on November 2. The master password is fall2016ptc
Before you log in, we suggest that you have the following information:
1. A list of all the teachers you would like to see. The
online conference system will
not tell you the names of your children's teachers.
2. The times you would like to have conferences. The system will tell you the available slots for all teachers. If the teachers you wish to see are not available, contact them to schedule an alternative time for a conference.
For further information, please find the attached parent letter and parent overview. The website to schedule conferences is here. |
Halloween on Monday - Pick Up Still at 3:15

Get your cameras ready and come to enjoy the fun and creativity from
on Monday, October 31 for our Halloween parade and flash mob!
*Please remember: NO masks, blood/gore weapons small accessories (i.e. wands or other things that could get lost over the course of the day).
Even if MASKS are a part of the costume, they are not ALLOWED FOR THE SCHOOL DAY.
We also would like to remind parents that Abschlusskreis (closing circle)
will occur as normal on Halloween.
Pick up will be at 3:15. Please wait outside in the pick line.
If your child normally rides the bus and instead will be picked up on this day, please remember to fill out the
dismissal change form
by 6:30am on Monday morning.
Arrival/Dismissal & Attendance Procedure Reminders!
Arrival/Dismissal Highlights:
Thank you to all families who have been working on getting students to school in plenty of time to enter their homerooms ready to learn by the time the morning bell rings!
You will note in our Arrival/Dismissal Information that children arriving to school after
8:10am should enter the Main Entrance and sign in at the Front Office. Students in grades K-4 must have a parent sign them in; students in grades
5-8 may sign themselves in.
Attendance Highlights:
Parents/guardians need to notify TCGIS every day their child will be late or absent. In order to ensure accurate attendance records, parents are asked to report absences by
on the day of the absence.
For convenience, TCGIS offers three options for reporting absences:
Written Note
When reporting an absence or tardy, parents/guardians are must include the following information so the Front Office can enter their child's attendance records accurately and excuse absences accordingly:
Student's Name
Date(s) of absence or tardy
Reason for the absence or tardy
Parent/Guardian's Signature (Hand-written notes only)
Basketball Sign Up
Basketball season is approaching! Whether you are a returning player or looking to learn and improve on your current skills, we are seeking players for the TCGIS Basketball teams. Players must be willing to commit to one practice and one game each week. Players must also be willing to approach improving their basketball skills and knowledge as part of a team. Click here for more information and to register today! |
Welcome to Skiwerx TCGIS 2016-2017!
We are an intermediate and advanced cross-country ski team for students in grades 5-8 at Twin Cities German Immersion School. Registration is limited, but available on a first come, first served basis. Please complete this registration link to reserve your spot today. Contact Britta Walker by email if you have any questions. We will finalize and communicate the team roster by November 11th.
Kinderclub -- More Moving, Fewer Screens
At Kinderclub we encourage social interaction and movement.
To support this effort, we have two requests of families:
- Electronic devices: Please keep electronic devices at home (handheld gaming consoles, cell phones, and tablets). We are finding that those students who bring these items from home are pressured to take them out of backpacks and lockers even when they are aware that it is not allowed during school and Kinderclub hours. Your help in limiting screen time for the well-being of all of our students is greatly appreciated!
- Warm clothing: Please remember to send students to school with layered clothing (hats, mittens, coats, sweaters) so they can participate in outdoor play safely. Be sure to label items! Kinderclub uses the all-school lost and found.
Invitation to TCGIS String Players
Herbert and Nancy Engelmayer, of Vienna Community Arts, will sponsor a String Orchestra starting in November. Orchestra times will be Mondays, approx 5-6, twice a month. Details TBA. This is open to all string players enrolled at TCGIS. You do not need to be studying with VCA. The orchestra will be funded by Herbert and Nancy, and directed by Elena Kolbrek and Sarah Guhl, both violin teachers with Vienna Community Arts. There is no cost to participants. Parents please contact Herbert or Nancy at 651-773-9525 for an interview request or email
Thank You for Participating in the TCGIS PTO Community Auction and Strudel Sale!
To parents, teachers, staff, and donors, thank you for your participation in the TCGIS PTO Community Auction and Strudel Sale! You've helped make the biggest PTO fundraiser of the year a huge success.
Watch your email for information about events you signed up for and picking up items you purchased or won.
Strudel pick-up is on Friday, November 18.
We are still looking for volunteers to distribute strudel on Nov. 18 and for one event.
Details are here. Please email if you can help.
Have a Treat During Fall Conferences & Support SEAC
The TCGIS Special Education Advisory Committee will offer drinks and homemade treats for sale in the foyer during Thursday night conferences November 3. All proceeds support the SEAC's mission to educate and support the families of students who receive special education and interventions in our school. |
Upcoming Scholastic Book Fair
Get ready for the scholastic book fair! The book fair this year will take place from October 31 through November 4. You can also shop the online book fair! Opening Monday, October 24, through November 11. Click here for our book fair homepage link.
Hours: Monday, Tuesday Wednesday 3:30 to 5:30
Thursday: 3:30 to 7:30
Friday: 8 to 3:30
We are also looking for volunteers to help during at the fair! Please click here to sign up today! |
Picture Retake Day - November 8
Picture retake day is scheduled for November 8. If your child received a picture package and you would like them to have their photo retaken, please send the old package with your student on November 8. If you would still like to order pictures, you can at any time here:
Please click here to read about PBIS, or Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, from the PBIS team. |
Spirit Wear Has Arrived!
If you ordered any spirit wear last month, it has arrived! Please swing by the front office to pick up your orders.
Curriculum & Instruction Corner
Please click
for an update from Mike Mullins in the Curriculum and Instruction corner about homework.
PTO Announcements
to find out more about these upcoming events:
- Parents' Night Out at Urban Forage Winery & Cider House, Nov. 10, 5:00-8:30 pm, featuring cider by glass and wine by the bottle, with 20% of proceeds going to the PTO
- PTO Meeting Nov. 15, 6:30-8:00
- Sign up to host a future Kaffeeklatsch here.