E-Newsletter - October 27, 2023

Morning Service 9:15 a.m.

Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.


Seventh Sunday of the Exaltation

Discovery of the Holy Cross

Է. Կիրակի Վերացման Ս. Խաչի

Տօն Գիւտ Ս. Խաչի

 Celebrant: Father Hrant Kevorkian, Pastor


St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church welcomes Sophie Anna Markosian, who was baptized on October 22, 2023.

Sophie is the Daughter of Haroution & Ani Markosian, granddaughter of Arsen & Gayane Poturyan, and Rakel Keshishian.

We congratulateSophie and her family on this happy occasion.

May God Bless her and keep her in His care always.

St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church family congratulates Alexsandre Baljian & Carmen Ortega, who were married on October 22, 2023.

Alexsandre is the son of Andre & Paula Baljian, and Carmen is the daughter of Xavier & Linda Ortega.

We congratulate the families on this happy occasion and wish the beautiful couple a happy life together.


Online Order Form

You have the option to pre-order your favorite Armenian delicacies by clicking on the link below.

Click here to place your order!

2023 St. Sarkis Church Bazaar Volunteers

This year's St. Sarkis Church Bazaar is being held November 4-5, 2023. Thank you for taking time to help out the church.

Click Here to Volunteer for the Bazaar

It is our norm to hold a raffle during the annual bazaar to benefit our church. This year, after seeing the devastating news of Artsakh, and having over 100,000 displaced Armenians, we would like to dedicate the proceeds of our Grand Raffle to the Artsakh Armenians.

As a first project, we have ordered over 500 pairs of winter boots to be distributed to the displaced Armenians.

We will sell 300 tickets for $100 each, and the prizes are as follows: first prize $3000, second prize $2000, and third prize $1000. The raffle will be drawn on November 5, 2023 at 2:30pm.

Tickets can be purchased by calling the church office at 313-336-6200, through this online link CLICK HERE, or by approaching any BOT and/or NRA delegate member.

Let's Read the Bible! Readings of the week.

  • Monday, October 30: Sts. Anastasius the Priest, Varus, Theodota and her sons, and those who were martyred with her Proverbs 3:1-6; Jeremiah 17:7-8; 2 Timothy 2:3-10; Matthew 19:27-29
  • Tuesday, October 31: Huperichians who were martyred at Somosata, and Sts. Severianus of Sebastia, Babylas the Elders and his 84 disciples Proverbs 12:8-13; Isaiah 49:8-11; 2 Corinthians 4:6-14; Luke 10:21-24
  • Wednesday, November 1: Galatians 5:16-26; Luke 7:36-48
  • Thursday, November 2: St. John Chrysostom (Vosgeperan) Isaiah 49:1-6; Acts 20:25-38; John 15:17-25
  • Friday, November 3: Galatians 6:1-13; Luke 8:4-16
  • Saturday, November 4: All Saints – old and new, known and unknown Wisdom 3:1-8; Isaiah 33:5-8; Hebrews 11:32-12:2; Luke 12:4-9


Bible Readings for October 29, 2023

The First Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians 1:18-24 

For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.”

Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks desire wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

The holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew 24:27-36 

For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.

“Immediately after the suffering of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken.

“Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see ‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”


 Խաչին մասին քարոզութիւնը յիմարութիւն կը թուի կորուստի ճամբուն մէջ գտնուողներուն համար, մինչ մեզի՝ փրկութեան ճամբուն մէջ գտնուողներուս համար Աստուծոյ զօրութիւնն է անիկա: Արդարեւ մարգարէութեան մէջ գրուած է.-

«Իմաստուններուն իմաստութիւնը պիտի խափանեմ,

խելացիներուն խելքը պիտի կորսնցնեմ»: 

Այն ատեն ո՞ւր պիտի մնան իմաստունները կամ ուսեալները եւ կամ այս աշխարհի հարցերը քննողները: Չէ՞ որ Աստուած ցոյց տուաւ՝ թէ այս աշխարհի իմաստութիւնը յիմարութիւն է: Որովհետեւ աշխարհը իր ունեցած իմաստութեամբ չկրցաւ ճանչնալ զԱստուած եւ անոր իմաստութիւնը, ուստի Աստուած ուզեց յիմարութիւն համարուած խաչին քարոզութեամբ փրկել անոնք՝ որ կը հաւատան: Եւ թէպէտ Հրեաներ հրաշք կ’ուզեն, իսկ Յոյներ իմաստութիւն կը փնտռեն, մենք խաչուած Քրիստոսը կը քարոզենք, որ գայթակղութիւն է Հրեաներուն համար եւ յիմարութիւն՝ հեթանոսներուն համար, թէպէտ նոյն այդ Հրեաներէն ու Յոյներէն կանչուածներուն եւ դարձի եկածներուն համար՝ անիկա Քրիստոսն է, Աստուծոյ զօրութիւնը եւ Աստուծոյ իմաստութիւնը:


Որովհետեւ Մարդու Որդին պիտի գայ կայծակի նման, որ երբ փայլատակէ՝ կը լուսաւորէ ամբողջ երկնակամարը, արեւելքէն արեւմուտք: Անգղները կը հաւաքուին հոն՝ ուր դիակ կայ:

 – Նեղութեան այդ օրերէն անմիջապէս ետք արեւը պիտի խաւարի եւ լուսինը այլեւս պիտի չփայլի. երկինքէն աստղերը պիտի իյնան եւ երկնային մարմինները պիտի սասանին: Ապա Մարդու Որդիին նշանը պիտի երեւի երկինքի մէջ, եւ աշխարհի բոլոր ժողովուրդները պիտի ողբան, երբ տեսնեն Մարդու Որդին, որ կու գայ ամպերուն վրայ բազմած՝ զօրութեամբ եւ մեծ փառքով: Երբ մեծաձայն փողը հնչէ, ան իր հրեշտակները պիտի ղրկէ, որպէսզի հաւաքեն իր ընտրեալները աշխարհի չորս կողմերէն, երկինքի մէկ ծայրէն մինչեւ միւսը:

Թզենին ձեզի թող օրինակ ըլլայ: Երբ տեսնէք որ անոր ճիւղերը կը կակուղնան եւ տերեւ կ’արձակեն, գիտէք թէ ամառը մօտ է: Նոյնպէս ալ, երբ բոլոր ըսածներս կատարուին, գիտցէք թէ Մարդու Որդիին գալուստը մօտ է եւ արդէն հասնելու վրայ է: Վստահ եղէք, որ այս սերունդը չանցած՝ ասոնք բոլորը պիտի պատահին: Նոյնիսկ եթէ երկինքն ու երկիրը անհետանան, խօսքերս պիտի չանհետանան:

– Սակայն ո՛չ ոք գիտէ թէ ե՛րբ պիտի գայ այդ օրը կամ ժամը. ո՛չ երկինքի հրեշտակները, ո՛չ ալ Որդին, բայց միայն՝ Հայրը: 



This Sunday, October 23, the Armenian Church celebrates the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross (Kyud Khachi). Empress Helena, mother of Constantine and a devout Christian, wanted to visit the Holy Land and explore the sites Christ had walked centuries ago. She went to Golgotha (Calvary), which had become an obscure and neglected place. According to some chronicles, it was an informed Jew named Juda  who pointed out the location. At her instruction, workers excavated the site, and three wooden crosses   were found. Which one was the True Cross? The three crosses were successively placed on the body of   a youth who had just died. When one of the crosses was placed on him, the young man came back to life. This was determined to be the True Cross. The commemoration of this event takes place on the  Seventh Sunday of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

The cross is a great source of pride for Armenians, and they have created beautiful works of art using the cross. What once was a means of punishment and death, became a symbol of salvation and victory.

“After the marvelous vision which the empress had, she began to search in Jerusalem for the precious wood of the cross on which the Messiah had been crucified. At her awesome command the Jews assembled and pointed out to her the precious wood of the cross which the Creator of creatures had ascended. The discovery of the holy cross in the holy place was accompanied by the spread of fragrance and the universe was filled with great gifts.”


In memory of: Shoushanig Ashdjian Sarkissian, 40 days

Requested by: Garo Sarkissian, Shant & Dzovinar Jamgotchian and family, Sevan & Carol Sarkissian and family, Hamo & Tina Donigian and family

In memory of: Melina Sarkissian, 1 year; Vartkes Derderian, 2 years

Requested by:  Garo Sarkissian, Shant and Dzovinar Jamgotchian & family, Sevan and Carol Sarkissian & family, Hamo and Tina Donigian & family

In memory of: Norma Topouzian, 30 years; Armen Topouzian, 6 years 

Requested by: Keri, Rita, Taline, Armen, Shant and Stepan Topouzian; Daron, Simone, Ani, Knar and Teny Topouzian; Haig, Meline and Sebu Berberian; Ara, Della, Aline and Alec Topouzian; Chris and Licia Yangouyian; Anne Sirian; Mike Crane & family; Paul and Kim Sirian & family; Vasken and Annette Cholakian & family; Alec and Kara Sarafian & family; Lucy Ardash; Garin and Carolyn Ardash; Dr. John and Nyree Giragosian, Jenna, Lexie, & Alec; Vahan Ardash

In memory of: Azniv Tcholakian, Ohannes Keshishian

Requested by: Sarkis and Hourie Tcholakian & family, Arsen and Shoghig Terjimanian & family, Deacon Armen and Emily Terjimanian & family, Rafi and Seran Tcholakian & family, Barry and Haigan Szczesny, Vasken and Annette Cholakian & family, Anne Sirian, Mike Crane & family, Paul and Kim Sirian & family 

In memory of: Steve Der-Stepanian, 48 years; Steve Der-Stepanian II, 48 years

Requested by: Nancy Der-Stepanian; Brian, Mya Satenig and Ella Anoush Der-Stepanian; Betty and Lisa Anahid Kupelian; James Hachigian


All Available For You Online...
Do you want to request a Requiem Service for your departed loved ones? Do you have a Baptism to schedule? or a Wedding? or do you want to become a member of the Church?
All requests are easy today by using our online forms. Visit our website www.saintsarkis.org, go to the services tab, and you will be able to fill out any form you need online, or click on of the options on the right.
Requiem Form
Baptism Form
Wedding Form
Membership Form
Online Donations

For your convenience, St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church is now accepting online credit card donations using PayPal which is an easy and secure way to make your donations. To make a donation, please Click Here.

General Donation
Monthly Offering
In Lieu Of Flower Donation
Membership Dues


Stay Connected:
St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church
19300 Ford Road, Dearborn, MI 48128
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