October 29, 2021

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Upcoming Events

H.O.P.E. University Resumes

November 3rd at 10:00am at Hope Central Campus

Men of Hope Breakfast

November 11th at 8:00am at Hope Central Campus - Featuring "Stump the Pastors", a program where you can ask our pastors anything!

Cantata Reservations Begin

November 12th on hope4all.church

Community Pancake Breakfast

November 13th at 8:00am at Hope Lake Weir Campus

Giving Weekend

November 13th and 14th at all campuses

To access the full calendar, click here!

Community Pancake Breakfast at Hope Lake Weir Campus

Saturday, November 13th from 8:00am to 11:00am


Join us for a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,

November 13th from 8:00am to 11:00am at Hope Lutheran Lake Weir Campus.

Everyone is invited to attend! The cost will be $1.00 per person – adults and children alike. Registration will take place at the door. You are especially encouraged to invite friends, neighbors, and folks who may live in the Summerfield area.

The menu will include pancakes, sausage, coffee, and OJ.

If you would like to help with this pancake breakfast, contact Len Robertson at lvrobertson@aol.com or (612) 669-5680 or Virginia Robertson at luvbutkus@aol.com or (612) 619-0220.

H.O.P.E. University Returns November 3rd

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H.O.P.E. University classes will resume on

Wednesday, November 3rd at 10:00am in Room 203 at Hope Central Campus.

Pastor Bruce will lead a 12-week series on the publication “The Freedom of a Christian”, written by Martin Luther in 1520.

The topic of November 3rd class will be "An Introduction & History of The Freedom of a Christian."

The ELCA provided the webpage elca500.org, a 12-week study guide, and a link to a free PDF of the document. You may access a link to the document here. If you choose, you can also purchase the book from Augsburg Fortress for $14.99.

Even if you don’t wish to read the document, feel free to come to class anyway as we slowly study this important Lutheran document.

As always, classes will be livestreamed and archived for those unable to attend. We will begin the series in November and December, take a break over the holidays, and continue in January and February 2022.

Click Here to Access the PDF Version of the Publication
Click Here to Access the Notes for Week 1

Hope's Annual Christmas Cantata

Be Part of Hope’s Annual Christmas Cantata


This December, we are excited to celebrate the return of our annual Choral Christmas Cantata! Our presentation this year is “Christmas All Year Long”, a celebration of the hope and promise found in the story of our savior’s birth.


Our three presentations will take place on December 4th at 7:30pm, and December 5th at 3:00pm & 6:00pm.


We’d like you to join the choir!


New and experienced singers alike are invited to join the Combined Choirs of Hope. Friends from outside Hope Lutheran Church are also invited to participate!

The cut-off for RSVP-ing is November 1st at 5:00pm. If you can commit to rehearsal and you’d like to join us in this annual tradition, please email musicupdate@hope4all.church.

Click Here to View a Full Rehearsal Schedule

Cantata Reservations

On Sale Beginning November 12th

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Our presentation this year is “Christmas All Year Long”, a celebration of the hope and promise found in the story of our savior’s birth.

Christmas Cantata Showtimes

December 4th at 7:30pm

December 5th at 3:00pm & 6:00pm

Cantata reservations will be available starting November 12th via our church website: Register | Hope Lutheran Church (hope4all.church)


Each seat is $5.00, with no household limit. If you need assistance with reservations, the church office would be happy to help! Stop in during office hours for assistance.

Room Requests Now Accepted for 2022

Attention team leaders! If you are responsible for reserving rooms for your group or ministry, you may now make your room requests for 2022!

Please use the Room Request page on our website.

Click Here to Access the Room Request Form

Disciples' Faith Grows

When you received the Disciples’ Faith Grows stewardship information, we hope you took time to read through it. This year we are asking you to once again review your giving plan and return to God as He has loaned to you.

Sharing your giving plan is crucial to our planning. Budgeting for a growing church with three campuses requires informed decisions. Completing and returning your Giving Plan Card is just good stewardship! It helps the church better manage and plan for the future using gifts that you offer.

There are several ways to offer your giving intentions:

• Traditional Giving Plan cards returned on Commitment Weekend and placed in the offering boxes.

• Digital Giving Plan Cards submitted through our website Hope4all.church. Go to the website and at the top of the page, click on Giving Plan.

• Giving Plan Cards returned by mail or dropped off to the office at Hope Central during business hours.

Next weekend – November 6th and 7th – is Commitment Weekend. You can also complete you Giving Plan online. Click the link below!

Click Here to Access the 2022 Giving Plan
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Men of Hope Monthly Breakfast Prayer Meeting

Thursday, November 11th at 8:00am

Please reserve your place online before Monday, November 8th. Please also register a friend you are bringing.

Doors open at 7:45am. Breakfast is served at 8:00am. Donation is $7 at the door.

Menu: Belgian Waffles with syrup, choice of cinnamon apple or blueberry topping, Sausage links, Home fries, Eggs, Yogurt, and Assorted pastries.

After breakfast the program will be "Stump the Pastors". Our called pastors will be on the hot seat to answer ANY questions. Bring your neighbor and enjoy the fellowship.

Click Here to Register

Annual Thankoffering Service & Breakfast

Thursday, November 18th at 9:30am

Hope Central Campus

It's time for Hope's annual Thankoffering and Breakfast! Breakfast will begin at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall at Hope Central Campus. The cost is $7.00 per person. Our menu will include link sausage and bacon, gravy and biscuits, egg casserole, assorted fruit, bagels and pastries, and yogurt. Following the breakfast we will proceed to the Sanctuary for our Thankoffering Service at 11:00am.

Each year the Women of Hope hosts a THANKOFFERING SERVICE. We are inviting all members of the congregation to attend -- men and women. This service is a tradition grounded in the celebration of community and of meeting together to joyfully give thanks for what God has given us. A blessed opportunity to begin the season of Thanksgiving with family, friends and to share with others in worship service.

Thankofferings have always been and still are an opportunity to say THANK YOU to God in both significant and ordinary moments. All offerings from this service are forwarded to the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) to support missions and ministry of the Churchwide Women's Organization (CWO).

We look forward to your participation in this service and encourage you to attend. Invite your friends! Attending the service only at 11:00am is optional. Questions? Contact Virginia Robertson at (612) 619-0220 or Margaret Furlong at (352) 430-5092.

Click Here to Register

Serendipity Circle Returns November 18th

Serendipity Circle will resume on November 18th and every third Thursday through May at 1:00pm in room 202 at Hope Central Campus.

This year we are studying "The God You May Not Know" with David Jeremiah. It is a very insightful bible study and continues to the study "The Jesus you may not know."

Join us for study and fellowship! All ladies are welcome to join.

Questions? Contact Shirley Koltes at (612) 819-2804.

"C.S. Lewis: The Most Reluctant Convert"

In Theaters


The popular movie "C.S. Lewis: The Most Reluctant Convert" will be shown on November 3rd, 2021 at AMC Theatres in Leesburg.

The film follows an elder C.S. Lewis as he looks back on his remarkable journey from hard-boiled atheist to the most renowned Christian writer of the past century.

Click Here for Tickets

Thanksgiving & Christmas Dinners at Hope Lake Weir Campus Food Pantry

Recently one of our volunteers counseled with a new patron to the Food Pantry. Our patron has been diagnosed with a condition that will cause her to lose her sight. Our volunteer shared that the attitude of this person was amazing as she continued to thank God for the years God has blessed her with sight.

As you make your preparations for the Holidays, please think of our Food Pantry recipients. This is a difficult time for many families because expenses increase at this time of year.

Our Food Pantry continues to serve 100 families per week. During the months of November and December, the Food Pantry will be closed for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, which may be an additional burden on our families.

We would like to provide a nice meal for our families, and a special donation for a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal would be greatly appreciated. Our Food Pantry has partnered with the Rock to assist Lake Weir Middle School families with a Christmas meal. If you would like to give a monetary donation to provide a meal, please designate your check or offering envelope as "Food Pantry Meal."

For the past two months, we have spent more than our contributions, so please consider donating from your abundance. Food can be dropped off at all three campuses. We give thanks for all the many volunteer hours (over 1000 volunteer hours this past month) and your generosity and prayers for our ministry.

Angel Trees & Giving Weekend


Save the Date! Giving Weekend will be November 13th and 14th.

During that weekend, there will be Angel Trees at all Hope campuses so you can participate in this favorite Christmas tradition.

There will also be cider and cookies at Hope Central Campus in the Fellowship Hall.

Be sure to visit the Angel Trees and help bless those in need in our area.

Southern Congregation Social Night


Join your friends down South for a social group meeting on the second Tuesday of every month from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. The next gathering will be Tuesday, November 9th.

You are invited to bring your own beverage, though water and coffee will be available. You are encouraged to bring a simple finger snack to share, and of course, remember your Villages ID!

For more information, please contact Jane Stephens at jstephensrn@aol.com.

An Update from The Rock

The Rock continues see about 45 learners most days. On the days and times that we are not there, staff and teachers have access to the Rock and visit often. When we arrived Wednesday we found a note taped to the desk that said:


I can't thank you enough for the difference you are making. You were a lifesaver for a learner who had an accident and no clothes to wear. Thank you for sharing God's love with us!!


Thank you so much for supporting this important ministry of Hope. We may never know the importance of a few positive adult role models in the life of a child in need.


We could still use a few more volunteers. If you could help on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 11:00am to 1:00pm, or if you would like more information, contact Fred O'Brien at fobrien@gate.net.

Nominating Committee 2022

Members of the committee: 

Cathy Daley, Chairperson

John Ruff

Susan Ninstil

2022 Council Elections Positions Available:

Treasurer - 3 year term

Secretary - 2 year term

Council Member-At-Large - 3 years (2 positions available)


All nominees must turn in a completed Council Nomination Bio Form no later than December 6, 2021 to the church office. Forms are available at the church office or by clicking here.

List of nominees and positions nominated for will be published in the church newsletter the weekends of December 11th & 12th and December 18th & 19th.

If a petition from the congregation is forthcoming after publication of the nominees, it must be signed by at least one hundred (100) voting members of the congregation and submitted to the Council Secretary no later than January 16th, 2022 (21 days prior to the Annual Meeting).

Wednesday Evening

Prayer Bulletin

Hope is excited to offer Wednesday Evening Prayer, also known as Vespers, every Wednesday at 6:00pm at Hope Central Campus.

Our Evening Prayer is a quiet, meditative way to end your day and bring peace to the middle of your week. The Wednesday Evening Prayer bulletin for this week is now available!

Click Here to Access the Bulletin

Faith & Fellowship

Faith & Fellowship has returned to in-person gathering every Monday at 9:30am at Hope Central Campus. The Zoom link is also active, so those who cannot attend in person can use the link below to join the conversations online.

Meeting ID: 952 5901 4615.

Join by phone: (929) 205-6099.

ID: 95259014615# 

Click Here to Access the Zoom Link

Sanctuary Flower Donations

Flowers this week were given by...

Suzanne Keubler, in honor of her birthday and Reformation

Bernice Zygowicz and Steve Lider, in memory of Robert Zygowicz

In Memoriam

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We mourn the death of Donald E. Meyer on October 17. Donald was born on January 7, 1932. He and his wife Dorothy were married on July 22, 1955. They joined Hope Lutheran Church on February 27, 2005. He and Dorothy had moved back to Wisconsin last year to be closer to family, our former members Susan & Bill Barreau.

Please keep Dorothy and her family in your hearts and prayers during their time of grief.

Worship Attendance for October 23-24, 2021

Central Campus:

4:00pm = 152

6:00pm = 63

8:00am = 101

10:00am = 295

Lake Weir Campus:

10:00am = 70

Everglades Rec Center:

8:00am = 63

10:00am = 101

Scripture Reading for

October 30-31

1 Kings 5:1-5; 8:1-13

John 2:17-22

Scripture Reading for

November 6-7

1 Kings 19:1-18

John 12:23-28

Have news to share? Please fill out the Newsletter Article Request Form for inclusion in a future edition!