Notes from the Road
October 3, 2016 
In This Issue
Opportunity to Serve

We've got a pretty big need just around the corner. Our trailer team will be losing 2 of the 3 pull and set up folks after December.

We need to have those folks replaced in order to continue to have equipment for Sunday morning service. 

Please see Terry Kim about this opportunity!

We will train on the how-tos of all of it. 

New Feature!
Our Journey family has spread far and wide.  

To help folks stay connected and to give those who can't join us on Sunday mornings a way to hear our morning messages, we've started a sermon archive.

We'll do our best to keep the sermons posted! Stop by to listen in or to revisit sermons that spoke to you!

Check out our Sermon Archive
Quick Links
Sunday Services

9:00 - Sunday School
10:15 - Worship

Journey meets at 
Maricopa Wells Middle School.

45725 W Honeycutt Ave.
Maricopa, AZ 85139

We are the people of the United Methodist Church.

Notes from the Road is one of the ways that we at Journey stay connected. Connections and community are keys to a vital church ... and are part of what keeps us bound together in the service of Christ.

So, welcome to you as we journey together on the road where we as a s pirit-filled, forward-leaning community of believers seek to become the hands and feet of Jesus.
Bits and Bytes
Community Focus!

Another busy Maricopa Kids Day is in the books! 

Our Journey family was there meeting folks and making bookmarks with the kids who came by our area. We even provided the much requested photo booth for the event! 

The event was VERY well attended and we, once again, enjoyed being part of this community activity!!! 

We want to give a huge shout out to Deb Richmond and Carole Steinke who were so instrumental in getting this whole day put together. Thank you for all of your time and effort!

To Bev Patek Betty Bramer Connie Hancock Debra Carpenter Doris Henderson Ivanka Kim and Terry, thank you for coming out and spending your day in the booth!

To those who donated to our efforts and were there in spirit, your thoughts and prayers were appreciated!

It was a GREAT day spent in community!
SPRC Minute
Jen Salta

In my time as Chair of our Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), there have certainly been quite a few questions and challenges that have come our way. That's, of course, to be expected in a church plant finding it's feet as it moves into a more established space.

One of the most challenging, in my opinion, has been working to develop and maintain a set of reasonable work week responsibilities that allows our pastor to find time to get it all done in any given week! 

Churches like Journey constantly run the risk of living in a constant state of scramble that, if not watched, can create a scenario that leaves the pastor with little time to do anything beyond basic administrative tasks.

In order to be proactive, our SPRC team met with Terry to discuss this very risk. We started with the following question: 

So, what does the week of our pastor look like? 

As we worked our way through the conversation, the following chart started to take shape.

% of Week
50% Preparing for Worship
- Sermon Preparation
- Blog/Newsletter Entry & other Writings
- Sunday Mornings 
25% Meetings and Mentoring
- Committee Meetings
- Leadership Meetings
- Meetings with Mentor 
25% Fellowship Events
- Current Members/Attenders
- New Residents 

Journey has  been so very blessed by those willing to jump in and do what needs to be done. Thank you to all of those who have assisted with administrative tasks and other practical matters!

I invite you to join me in prayerful consideration of ways to support Terry as we continue to refine and strive to find a smart balance! This conversation will most certainly be an ongoing one.
News and Notes ...  from the Blog
Terry Kim



For this blog entry, I'd like to look at the topic of Christian unity. October 2nd ... World Communion Sunday. A day described by the National Council of Churches as a time to "promote Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation" among Christian churches worldwide. 


At the center of World Communion Sunday is the observance of the...


The post World Communion Sunday appeared first on Journey Church.


Mark Your Calendar!
Don't forget to bring in food or a donation for the food bank! 

8th - Women's Breakfast
  • 9 AM @ The Duke

  • 15th - Men's Breakfast
  • 9 AM @ The Duke

  • 25th - Journey Board of Trustees Meeting
  • 6:30 PM @ Barro's Pizza

  • For the most up-to-date information about what's going on at Journey, see our events calendar.
    We're young and old and we come from all walks of life. We don't check your ID, the make-up of your family, your tax returns, your political affiliation, or require a test for you to be part of our family! 

    All are welcome in this place.


    Your Journey Leadership Team
    Betty, Jen, Joy, Khyle, Marvin, and Terry

    Journey United Methodist Church 

    P.O. Box 684
    Maricopa, AZ 85139