In this edition of ENews:
- Diocesan Book Study TODAY at 6:00 pm
- Bishop Megan visits Grace, Fairfield
- St. Michael's Episcopal School Celebrates 60 years
- Deanery Convocation
- Town Hall is this Thursday
- St. Patrick's Kenwood Hosts Legacy Circle gathering
- Five more Churches in Diocese receive Energy Assessments
- Bishop of Southern Philippines visits Diocese
- Best Skills Best Churches Registration Closes this Friday!
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Diocesan Book Study TODAY at 6:00 pm
Join Missioner Mack in a diocesan-wide discussion of Dr. Catherine Meeks’ The Night is Long, but Light Comes in the Morning: Meditations for Racial Healing
Tuesdays at 6:00 pm
September 26 – November 14
Zoom link
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Dozens Gather Online for Convocations | |
On Saturday, September 30, clergy and lay delegates from around the diocese gathered on zoom for the annual deanery convocations. In the first segment, participants meet and learn about the upcoming Convention, including nominees for Standing Committee and Board of Trustees, proposed Resolutions and Petitions, and learn about the 2024 Budget approved by the Board of Trustees. Then, each deanery meets in a separate break out room to discuss the business before convention. A survey of participants found that a large majority find this to be a very worthwhile event. | |
Town Hall is this Thursday at 5:00 pm. | |
A complementary event to the Deanery Convocations, Town Hall is a virtual forum where anyone in the diocese can learn more about upcoming resolutions from the proposers. This event is designed to offer delegates, clergy and others the opportunity to ask questions about proposed resolutions. It is not designed to be a formal debate, and no actions may occur in Town Hall (such as proposing amendments). Here are the Proposed Resolution and Petition to be discussed: | |
R1-2023 Add Howard W. Thurman to the Episcopal Church Calendar: Petitions the 81st General Convention to designate April 10, or other appropriate date, on the Church Calendar as the annual celebration of the life and work of Howard W. Thurman, pastor, educator, theologian, and civil rights leader.
R2-2023 Migration with Dignity: Petitions the 81st General Convention to advocate for “Migration with Dignity,” a set of immigration policies that assure equal and respectful treatment of all people, which follow directly from the teachings of Jesus and our baptismal promise to “respect the dignity of every human being.”
R3-2023 Canonical Amendment on the Qualification of Regional Deans: Amends Section 22.4.1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northern California to read, "The Regional Dean is to be a priest or deacon in good standing in the diocese."
R4-2023 Canonical Amendment on Appointments to the Disciplinary Board: Amends Section 60.4.1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northern California to read, "The members of the Disciplinary Board from this Diocese shall be appointed by the Bishop with the consent of the Standing Committee by November 1 of each year, with terms beginning the following January 1."
R5-2023 All are Welcome to Receive Holy Communion: Petitions the 81st General Convention to amend Canon I.17.7 of the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church to read: "Episcopal churches welcome all to attend services, receive Holy Communion, be baptized, become confirmed, and to enjoy all the blessings of the Episcopal faith. There are no exceptions."
P1-2023 Change St. Nicholas, Paradise to Organized Mission: Petitions the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California to change St. Nicholas, Paradise from Special Focus Parish to Organized Mission.
After opening statements, each resolution has up to 15 minutes for questions. We will start promptly at 5:00 pm and end no later than 7:00 pm.
Town Hall Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 876 8173 3266
Passcode: 396906
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Top left: The Rev. Karen Freeman, Carol Allen, Gaby Osuna, Pat Minkel, Larry Lindsay, Bishop Megan, and Gary McEachnie, Junior Warden. Top Right: Bishop Megan, assisted by Deacon Cookie Clark, and James Fulmer, Senior Warden (holding bishop's crozier). Bottom: Bishop Megan and the Rev. Karen Freeman with confirmand Gabriela Lopez Osuna and her godmother Eleanor Ramos. | |
Bishop Megan visits Grace, Fairfield | |
On Sunday, October 1, Bishop Megan traveled to Fairfield for her official visit with the parishioners of Grace Church. While there, she presided over worship, preached, and celebrated the Eucharist. She was assisted by the Rector, the Rev. Karen Freeman, and Deacon Cookie Clark. During the service, Bishop Megan confirmed one new member, presented certificates of appreciation to lay members, and celebrated Rev. Karen's five years of ministry at Grace.
Worship was followed by a beautiful luncheon in the parish hall. Many thanks to the folks at Grace Fairfield for your warm welcome and hospitality.
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Episcopal School at St. Michael's Celebrates 60 years | |
Bishop Megan spoke at the recent 60th Anniversary Gala for St. Michael’s Episcopal Day School.
Founded in 1963, St. Michael’s mission is to teach traditional academic skills in the context of a caring community dedicated to helping each child develop his/her intellectual, social, athletic, and spiritual capabilities.
The school is part of an ancient and venerable English and American tradition of independent church-related Episcopal schools, notable for their high academic standards, their dedication to humane values, and their service to society.
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
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Bishop Megan with Fr. Jesse Vaughan, St. Michael's alumnus, who gave an overview of the school's history at the anniversary gala. | |
Episcopal Foundation Celebrated at St. Patrick's, Kenwood Legacy Circle Gathering | |
Left to Right: The Very Rev. Edward Howell, Laurie Boone-Hogen, Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey, The Very Rev. Perry Polk and Gregg Wickham. | |
The St. Patrick's Legacy Circle met in late September at the home of Ann and Alec Peters to enjoy fellowship and to fete the leadership of the Episcopal Foundation.
The gathering featured remarks of The Very Rev. Edward Howell who highlighted why Legacy Gifts are crucial, especially now, in the life of the parish.
Another highlight was the attendance of very special guests, Gregg Wickham, President of the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California, and The Very Rev. Perry Polk, Vice President, and his wife, Sylvia. Gregg provided commentary regarding the history, and need for the work of the Episcopal Foundation. He noted that numerous parishes have benefited in the last few years, especially from the grant opportunities offered by the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California.
St. Patrick's Vestry and Planned Giving Ministry members were trained three years prior by Gregg Wickham, the Rev. Polk, and Peter Juve, on how to plan and implement a planned giving campaign. St. Patrick's utilized the excellent resources developed by the Episcopal Foundation including the, "Life Plan" workshop, and the "Let's Get to It" manual for conducting a planned giving campaign.
The results of the Planned Giving Campaign at St. Patrick's exceeded expectations with 18% of the parish committing to leaving a Legacy Gift to the church. The national standard is less than 6%. As a result, St. Patrick's Planned Giving Ministry Chair, Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey, and Priest Doyle Dietz Allen (former St. Patrick's Rector) were invited to offer a Zoom presentation to the Diocese of Northern California Leadership on their experience in utilizing the tools and expertise of the Episcopal Foundation.
Gregg Wickham and Rev. Polk were presented, by Laurie Boone Hogen, Chair of the St. Patrick's Education Ministry, with a binder that documented the progress of the various projects of the Becoming Beloved Community Ministry. These projects were funded by the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California, among other funders. These projects have greatly benefited numerous underserved children and school staff.
St. Patrick's is indebted to the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California for the many ways in which the Foundation assists the financial health of the Diocese.
– Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey
Chair, St. Patrick's Planned Giving Ministry
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Missioner for Disaster Resilience | |
Bishop of Diocese of Southern Philippines Visits Diocese of Northern California | |
Visitors from the Diocese of the Southern Philippines visited the Diocese from October 1–3 to learn about our disaster resilience program and share their experiences and ministries. The Rt. Rev. Ernie Morel, his wife Shermin Morel, and Gideon Bustamante, Development Director for Episcopal Cares.
Our guests visited the Office of the Bishop to share about their many ministries (the diocese has 217 preaching stations/congregations, 34 clergy, and over 750 lay Eucharisitic Ministers/Preachers).
After spending time with the staff of the Office of the Bishop, Missioner Mark took them to see the Tool Shed in Grizzly Flats, the Caldor Fire burn scar, and rebuilding efforts. Look forward to more details about their visit in the next issue of ENews.
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The need for support of Disaster Assistance has never been greater. Please consider making your gift today. 100% of your gift will go to disaster relief. | |
Deadline to Apply is This Friday, October 6!
This exciting program is designed to meet the professional needs of leaders of nonprofit and public organizations. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation.
This is a six-month program with classes held one weekend a month on Friday night (6:00pm – 9:00pm) and Saturday morning (9:00am – 12:00pm.). There are 6 courses that will consist of 2 classes per course (Fri & Sat).
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On October 9, 2023, CDSP will partner with the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California to host an event revisiting recent controversy about the role and relationship of sacraments in the Episcopal Church.
In the lead up to the the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, the legislative committees of the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies considered a resolution put forward by the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. Titled “All Are Welcome at the Table,” this resolution (C028) petitioned the General Convention to “repeal CANON I.17.7 of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church …, which states: ‘No unbaptized person shall be eligible to receive Holy Communion in this Church.’”
While the proposal never made it out of committee for the consideration of either of the convention’s houses, its appearance on the legislative docket created a firestorm of controversy in print and social media in the period leading up to the meeting. Proponents of the measure framed repeal of the canon as a matter of justice and hospitality. Opponents worried that repealing the canon would imperil the theological, liturgical, and formational connection between the rites of baptism and eucharist.
What too often seemed to be missing from the contest between these competing goods was a spirit of charity. Those on one side of the debate frequently failed to inquire into what was felt to be at stake by those on the other, and vice versa. Little attempt was made to identify areas of possible convergence, where sincerely held commitments could be maintained while taking action that addressed the concerns of others. In the rush to take sides, many seemed to forget that we are all actually on the same side, as loyal members of the Episcopal Church and disciples of Jesus Christ.
Read More
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Commission on the Environment | |
Five more churches assessed to support the Diocese’s goal to reduce our carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.
Colby May, Energy for Purpose Founder and energy efficiency expert, performed detailed energy efficiency assessments at Christ the King, Quincy; St Timothy’s, Gridley; Church of Our Saviour, Placerville; The Center at St Matthew’s, and St Paul’s, Benicia last week. As Colby walked through the church buildings with Green Team members and staff, he noted energy using equipment, light bulbs, wall and window systems, thermostats and shared energy saving ideas. Each church will receive a detailed report of their churches current status and ideas to increase their energy efficiency. In the past 3 months 26 churches throughout the diocese have been assessed.
On October 21, The Commission on the Environment will present a webinar about developing an Action Plan to accomplish the recommendations in the Energy Efficiency Assessment and become more energy efficient over the next six years. Green Team members from churches that have been assessed have been invited to this presentation.
If you are interested in being included in future rounds of assessments or would like information about the October 21 webinar, contact Bob Wohlsen at
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St Paul’s, Benicia
Green Team Members Carole Johnson, Kim Rodekohr, and Christine Stevens with
Colby May of Energy for Purpose.
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Partners in Ministries of Health | |
FREE! Advent Study from Living Compass
Offered to you by the Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health.
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Commission for Intercultural Ministries | |
I Will With God's Help:
Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice
This workshop is rooted in our baptismal identity and the promises we make in baptism. It focuses on how we can more fully live into our promise to be more loving toward our neighbors. During the workshop we follow the path of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth.
The workshops are open to anyone in the diocese. Workshops meet the requirement for licensing for Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Visitors Only. Other lay licensed ministries need to take Sacred Ground to meet Diocesan licensing requirements.
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Missioner for Church Life | |
Monthly Evangelism Gatherings. Last Wednesday of every month at 5:00pm | |
Apologies to those of you who tried to make the September meeting, I was having some Zoom difficulties. Our next evangelism gathering will be Wednesday, October 25 at 5pm. Each month, we gather on Zoom to discuss evangelism resources, share evangelism success stories, and address evangelism challenges. This month, we talk about how to “reclaim” the word evangelism, and hopefully make it a little less scary! The Zoom link to attend is here (please note this is a new Zoom link). Also, be sure to check out the Evangelism Resources on our diocesan website, where you’ll also be able to find recordings of past monthly gatherings.
“If I have achieved anything in my life, it is because
I have not been embarrassed to talk about God.” Dorothy Day
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Resources for Hispanic Heritage Month Available Here. | |
Clergy Openings in The Diocese | |
Job Opportunities in The Diocese | |
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here. | |
The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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