"Inspiring students to love God, their Catholic faith and learning"

Sunday School for Ages 2-5/Kindergarten

Sunday School for Ages 2 through 5 is held during the 10:00 a.m. Mass starting October 6th.

Parents and grandparents are invited to bring their children to the preschool building at 9:45 and pick them up immediately after Mass. 

Children will learn about God’s love, pray together, play, and have fun in a safe and creative environment. A Sunday school registration form must be submitted before children are enrolled in the program. This will allow us to have adequate staffing and supplies.   

All volunteers undergo a screening interview and a criminal background check, read and sign the Code of Conduct, and must be certified in “Protecting God’s Children,” the diocesan safe environment training program. For more information, contact Gayle Trachsel at gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org.  

Sunday School Registration Form

Next Big Bucks virtual meeting: October 7th at 5:30. 

Please email Abby Borberg (Borberg.abby@gmail.com) or Brad Shimmens (bssdn2@gmail.com) if you would like to help. We are looking for more parents to join our team! 

Scrip News:

Watch your Raiseright App. Every day they have bonuses for different companies

on e-scrip and you can earn higher percentages on your purchases.

New Vendors added to our program:

KFC offers $10 & $25 cards at 6%

Tractor Supply offers $25 & $100 cards at 4.5%

Other Fundraising News:

The Fall Gifts and Cookie Dough Fundraiser will start next Friday, October 11th.

Thank you for a successful popcorn fundraiser. We sold 1420 bags of popcorn

this year. That was 200 more than last year. Great job everyone.

There is a new website available to parents who want to have information about parental controls and cyber security for their families. This website has been created by our IT Coordinator, Samantha Sekelsky, to help our school families navigate the internet in a safe and fun way.

Go to: http://bit.ly/buildbetterfamily

Parents were introduced to the website at the Screen Safety meeting and now it is available to everyone in our school family. Use this information to help guide your family in working with time limits, content filtering, and parental controls to keep you and your children safe online!

The Sisters of the Poor Foundation is sponsoring a Soup and Chili Dinner at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1822 Tanner Bridge Road, on October 26 from 4-8 p.m. There will be different soups and chilis sure to satisfy anyone's taste! Proceeds will provide food and medical care for the impoverished and destitute people in Abakaliki, Nigeria. Tickets are $10. To purchase tickets or for more information, contact Lisa Fender at 573-821-1111 or stpeterorganist@gmail.com.

Our Catholic school, along with others in the Diocese of Jefferson City, participates in a six-year self-improvement process. We are seeking volunteers to join the Self-Study Committee. Committee members will collaborate with teachers, the School Advisory Board, and Home & School members to assess our school's strengths and identify areas for growth. This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to our school community and help shape its future. If you’re interested in volunteering, please reach out! to Dr. Gayle Trachsel or Mrs. Felicia Hubble.


Mrs. Valerie Jones is an 8th grade homeroom teacher at St. Peter Interparish School. She teaches  8th grade Literature and Religion and 7th grade Religion.

She  grew up literally all over the world. She was born in Japan, attended kindergarten in England and moved to Missouri from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when she was ten years old. She graduated from both St. Peter Catholic School and Helias Catholic High School, and attended college at Rockhurst University in Kansas City. She began her teaching career in Florida, where she taught 3rd and then 5th grade. Mrs. Jones is  in her 23rd year of teaching here at St. Peter Catholic School.  

She is married to her best friend Joe Jones, and they have five wonderful children. Joe Jr. attends Helias Catholic High School. Noah lives and works in Columbia. Maggie is an architect in New York City. Nate works in Los Angeles in film production. Nick is currently attending Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, MO.

She enjoys traveling and trying new things, and still nurtures a lifelong love of reading and theater. A perfect day for her would be spent with her entire family. 

She considers being able to work at St. Peter Catholic School an honor and a blessing. She loves working  here for two reasons:  her talented co-workers and the ability to share her faith everyday.

Come see how Helias Catholic High School is building a community of saints and scholars for Christ!

Helias Catholic's annual

Open House is from

9-11 a.m.

Saturday, November 2. 

Stop by to tour the campus; explore academics and extracurricular opportunities; and meet teachers, staff, and students. Open House attendees can enter a drawing for prizes, including the chance to have their enrollment fee waived!

Please contact Helias Catholic's admissions office at admissions@heliascatholic.com or 573-635-6139 with any questions.

Fall Picture Re-Takes are Monday, October 14, 2024 starting at 8:00AM.

Race Entry Form

Intro video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0f1sqS0P8E&list=PLgCGT7nNXGY44m_6vFR7g2C-IpexTWKvq&index=2

Holy Moment Prompts

Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th, grades 3-8 will take the Iowa Assessment. There are a number of ways you can support your child before and after testing. It is important to remember the following points to ensure that your child is functioning at full capacity:

  • Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep.
  • Wake up at a good time so as not to be rushed. 
  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Arrive on time to school.
  • Stay home if you feel sick (make-ups will take place the following week).
  • Encourage your student(s) to do their best, but don't stress.
  • Pray with your child(ren) in confidence, and remind him/her that testing is just one part of their total education
  • Please contact Mrs. Garner at 636-8922 ext 327 if you have questions.

Monday, October 7th- Thursday, October 10th students are allowed to wear Spirit Wear with uniform bottoms. Friday, October 11th will be a dress down day for all in celebration of completing testing week! Please avoid scheduling appointments during testing week.

Athletic Registration:

Please remember to contact Mrs. Bell with any of your athletic needs or questions. She can be contacted by email at kbell@stpeterjc.org or by phone at 573-636-8933 Ext. 233. Please be patient for a response, especially during the school day. 

Attached are the links to register for basketball and archery, as well as to be a coach or assistant coach for the 2024-2025 academic school year. The deadline to register for archery and basketball is October 4th.  THERE WILL BE NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED!!!

If your child is interested in archery, please register them. Registration for Archery will be BEFORE the students do archery during PE so if your child wants to participate, please register them by October 4th.  Please do not duplicate registrations as it becomes tedious looking through all students who are registered.  If you are unsure whether or not you have registered your child for basketball or archery, please contact me and I will let you know.  

The links will also be found on the St. Peter School website under the Athletics tab, then click on Athletic forms. The information will also be emailed through FACTS.  

Information regarding the season, placement, etc. for individual sports can be found on the sports pages on the St. Peter website under the Athletics tab.

To register for athletics, click HERE

To sign up to be a coach or assistant coach, click HERE

If you would like to coach, please fill out the coach application.  

The only paperwork required to be sent to Mrs. Bell is a copy of a current physical exam form. The MSHSAA physical form can be found on the St. Peter Athletics page, and is available on the MSHSAA website as well.

As always, we are looking to add new members to the St. Peter Athletic Committee. The committee is a sub-committee of the School Advisory board and meets monthly. The AC is responsible for supervision when St. Peter hosts athletic events. If you have questions or would like to know more about the responsibilities of an AC member, or are interested in becoming a member of the Athletic Committee, please contact Mrs. Bell at kbell@stpeterjc.org.  

Other athletic information:


If you are interested in becoming an archery coach, please contact Shane Boessen at shane@midmosamaritan.org. Coaches must be a certified BAI instructor in order to help coach archery.  

There will be a basketball parent and coaches meeting on Wednesday, October 9th in the school cafeteria. The parent meeting will be at 6:00PM and coaches meeting will follow.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Church News

Mass Schedule

Saturday - 4:30 PM (Saturday Vigil)

Sunday - 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Espanol)

Monday - 12:03 PM ONLY

Tuesday - 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Wednesday- 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Thursday- 12:03 PM ONLY

Friday- 8 AM and 12:03 PM

The Diocese of Jefferson City is sharing a new four-part podcast series designed to help us deepen our understanding of the spirituality of stewardship as we approach the October Catholic Stewardship Renewal.

The final episode is now available, focusing on formation. In this series, we will hear from clergy and lay people from across our diocese about what it means to be stewards of God’s gifts. Click here to listen now.

Quick Reference Guide to the Diocese of Jefferson City Stewardship Model

Catholic Stewardship Renewal/Time and Talent Form


  • To Pray: that is, attend Mass faithfully in the parish on weekends and Holy Days.
  • To Participate: that is, to use one’s time and talents to strengthen the parish community and advance the Gospel.
  • To Sacrificially Give: that is, pledge and remain current on a tithe of financial first fruits to support the life and ministries of the parish. The goal is 8% to the parish and 2% to other worthy charities.

Important Dates

Thursday, October 3, B Day

Friday, October 4, C Day Basketball/Archery Registration Due, Family Event Rhymers Ridge

Monday, October 7, A Day Achievement Testing

Tuesday, October 8, B Day Achievement Testing, 1:30 Dismissal, Dress Down Day

Wednesday, October 9, C Day Achievement Testing, Basketball Parent/Coach Meeting, Home & School Committee Meeting

Thursday, October 10, A Day Achievement Testing

Friday, October 11, B Day Achievement Testing, Fall Gift/Cookie Dough Fundraiser, Donuts w Dad


Click on the link to see the attachment:

Updated October Menu

Sign Up For Text Alerts

Scrip Order Form

St. Peter Catholic School Webpage

For questions, concerns or comments related to school, please see below for contact information.

If it relates to general classroom instruction, homework, schedules please talk to the classroom teacher.

If it relates to attendance: attendance@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to general school information such as calendar items, school uniform, fees, lunch, etc: kbezler@stpeterjc.org or chayes@stpeterjc.org

If you need the school nurse: egarnett@stpeterjc.org or jhummel@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to policy, safety, &/or discipline: mveit@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to administration: gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org 

If it relates to enrollment or counseling: sgarner@stpeterjc.orgpwekenborg@stpeterjc.org or gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to athletics: kbell@stpeterjc.org

Gerard Rockers

St. Peter Catholic School

314 West High Street

Jefferson City, MO 65101