As many of you know, Columbus made four voyages across the Atlantic, although on none of the four did he actually land in what is now the United States.  The first voyage in 1492 took 80 days before they spotted land. As Columbus noted in his journal, he was glad they spotted land as he doubted the crew was willing to go much further. No matter what your opinion of Columbus, he was a good navigator.  On his third voyage the natives refused to cooperate with him and would provide no food or water.  Knowing that a lunar eclipse was scheduled in a couple of nights, he warned the locals of the precise time his god (despite being a Catholic) would make the moon turn red.  The next morning Columbus got all the food and water he needed.

Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:

Junior Masters
Bruce L Carriker 
Martin Eichelberger

Club Masters 
Susan G Carnovale
Sandra Savino 

Regional Master
Jennifer Sawyer 
NABC Master
Maryann R Fagan

Life Master
Jeffrey S Osman

Bronze Life Master
Nina A Sadler

Ruby Life Masters
Susan E Bruhn 
Carl E Fahnestock     

Gold Life Master
Pamela F Murray

South Central PA continues to host virtual games. See the website for a complete virtual schedule. Both limited master point and open games are held on a daily basis.

Two bridge cruises are planned for 2023, one in January and one in September. Deadline for registration for the January cruise is coming up fast. See the website for details.  

Take advantage of a chance to get a subsidy to Nationals in New Orleans by participating in the NAP events in October. All flights require advance registration, so plan accordingly. Also, Unit 168 will be hosting the Regional at Spooky Nook starting October 31. Unit 168 folks have put in a lot of time to make this a rewarding experience for everyone, regardless of your skill level. Please attend as your schedule allows.

Points to ponder: 

You hold a balanced 18-19 HCP hand and open 1D. After two passes RHO doubles and you bid a textbook 1NT followed by a pass from LHO and 2D from partner.  What is 2D?  Is it diamonds or is it hearts? Make sure you and your partner are in agreement.

My wife says I let the house get dirty.  I dusted once.  It came back.  I'm not falling for that again.  I agree with the Phyliss Diller quote "Housework will not kill you, but why take the chance?"