October 2019
There are bridge treats galore in store this month. NAP Flights A, B, and C are coming up fast; the PCBA Fall Sectional will be held October 25-27, at a new venue in South Jersey; and the Lancaster Regional follows October 28 - November 3 at Spooky Nook. Also, please remember we invite you to submit your questions regarding irregularities at the table. Our District Directors are ready and willing to get you the answers!
District 4 Officers  
small margin
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Meyer Kotkin  

Dave Kresge   
Bill Bauer 

Pat Civale

Joann Glasson 
President's Message

One of my favorite authors is Lucy Maud Montgomery. Better known as L. M. Montgomery, the author of Anne of Green Gables wrote "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." Ms. Montgomery was referring to Halloween and its associated traditions including sugar free chocolate that I know you all love and wait for all year long. District 4 (D4) players should be even happier when October rolls around each year because, besides Halloween, D4 has some great October bridge traditions. 

The Lancaster Red Rose Regional, the last D4 Regional of the year, is traditionally held the week of Halloween so if you haven't already done so, make your plans to play at the Spooky Nook Sports Complex in Manheim, PA on Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2019. Tournament Chairs Jeanne Gehret (U168) and Tom Coxey (U168) and their Tournament Committee have been working diligently to provide you with a great player experience, with tons of hospitality including free lunches every day (dinner on Monday), and a fun, welcoming week of bridge for all levels of players. The playing space at Spooky Nook is fantastic and Lancaster is home to many great restaurants, bars and late-night entertainment. You don't have to take my word for it even though I clearly like to eat. The New York Times wrote about the Lancaster restaurant scene and you can find that article here. Check out the local restaurant guide here  on the Lancaster Fall Regional website.

Less well known is that Lancaster, PA is the home of the Twizzler factory. Most people are familiar with traditional strawberry Twizzlers but the chocolate and orange crème Twizzlers are really a slice of heaven on earth. Come in early and take a tour of the factory but please don't buy everything in the store - be kind and leave Tom Coxey some of those yummy chocolate Twizzzlers to buy for me.

There will also be a full D4 Board meeting on Friday, Nov 1, during the Lancaster Fall Regional. Contact your Unit's District Board representatives if there are any issues you would like your Unit's representatives to raise at the D4 Board meeting. The Lancaster Board meeting has traditionally been the meeting where the District President and Treasurer are elected to one-year terms. At the June Board meeting at the Philadelphia Regional, the D4 board amended the D4 bylaws to extend my term as President and Pat Civale's (U141) term as Treasurer and established three-year terms for the President and Treasurer to align with the three-year term of the District Director (Joann Glasson [U141]). So, you are stuck with me for one more year. Don't worry, I am not crazy - I voted against extending my term but was overwhelmingly outvoted.

October is also traditionally the month for the D4 North American Pairs (NAP) District Finals in the three flights. The Flight A (no masterpoint limit) D4 finals will be a two-day, four-session, qualifying event (Semi-Finals on Saturday and Finals on Sunday) held on October 5-6, 2019 at the North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club, 298 Wissahickon Avenue, North Wales, PA 19454. Regardless of your masterpoint holding, you are eligible to play in the Flight A finals if you qualified in Flight A at a D4 club game. The top three pairs will receive a D4 stipend of $700 per player, $300 per player and $100 per player, respectively, to play in the National NAP Finals in Columbus, Ohio in March 2020. Pre-registration is required and there is still time. See here  for more details.

If you qualified in Flight B (less than 2,500 masterpoints) at a D4 club game, you can play in the two session Flight B D4 NAP Finals on Oct 12, 2019 at one of two sites: North Penn on Oct 12, 2019 and the Johnson City Senior Center, 30 Brocton Street, Johnson City, NY 13790 (coinciding with a U112 Sectional). The top four pairs across the split-site Finals will receive a D4 stipend of $700 per player, $300 per player, $200 per player and $100 per player, respectively, to play in the National NAP Finals in Columbus, Ohio in 2020. Pre-registration is required and there is still time. See here for more details. And yes, if you qualified in both Flight A and B at D4 clubs, you can play in both District finals. However, if you are in the top finishers of both events, you will have to choose whether to play in the National A or B Finals in Columbus.

The 2019 D4 Flight C (less than 500 masterpoints) Final will be held at eight bridge clubs throughout D4 on October 5, 2019 and will be scored similar to a District Sectional Tournament at Clubs. Every club in D4 was eligible to hold the Flight C Final but only seven clubs and a Sectional chose to hold the D4 Flight C NAP final. A list of those eight participating sites is here. You must pre-register directly with the clubs or Sectional. Stipends for the top four pairs in Flight C are the same as for Flight B. You can play in both the Flight B and C finals but if you are in the top four of both events, you will have to choose whether to play in the National B or C finals in Columbus.

Dr. John Dickenson (U141) is the D4 NAP and Grand National Teams Coordinator and he has breathed new life into these events with new locations and improved hospitality. John did almost kill me last year when he served blueberry bagels which is simply an affront to anyone who grew up with traditional New York bagels and, even better, bialys (look it up). It took months of counseling and lots of recreational beverages before I could go out in public again.

The authorized US repair and maintenance rep for PlayDealer4 and PlayDealer4+ dealing will be playing in the Sunday Dupli-Swiss in Lancaster. People around the country love Dupli-Swiss but I mention Rick Bingham's (D6) attendance in case any of you club owners or unit officials want to bring your PlayDealer4 and PlayDealer4+ dealing machines for service or repair. By special arrangement with D4 and its adorable chick-magnet president, if you hand carry the machines to Lancaster, Rick will take them, perform maintenance or repair in a couple of days, and ship them back to you in very secure packaging. Last year, U141 had Rick provide the complete top of the line service (~$300) for their PlayDealer4 and my son Josh, who duplicates boards for U141 and D4, reports that the machine is running so much better and so much faster after Rick's maintenance service.

There is a lot of non-bridge stuff to celebrate in October as well. For example, October 19 is the date of one of the most significant events is US history that almost no one remembers from elementary school when, thank God, there also was no such thing as a blueberry bagel (but there were Twizzlers). On October 19, 1781, General Lord Cornwallis and more than 7,000 soldiers surrendered to General George Washington at Yorktown, effectively ending the Revolutionary War. The American band played Yankee Doodle Dandy to drown out the British band that played The World Turned Upside Down.

If you would like to discuss any bridge matters in general, or D4 matters in particular, you are welcome to talk to me at any D4 tournament or event that I attend, or you can e-mail me at guymath@comcast.net , or call at 856-986-5109.

From the District Director 
joann glasson

District 4 Bridge Lessons
The ACBL is planning a new website that will be directed at brand new players. It's an important part of this initiative that we provide interested newcomers with a place that they can go for beginner and intermediate lessons.

If your bridge club offers a series of lessons to new players or to new advancing players, could you please send me the information about the lessons so that I can make sure that we are doing everything that we can to grow the game of bridge?  Information should include the name and and address of the bridge club, when the lessons are being held, whether they are for brand new players or advancing players and contact information for the club or teacher.

Message for Snowbirds
District 4 has an increasing number of "snowbirds," bridge players who fly south for the winter months.  When leaving the north for several months during the winter, it makes sense to change your address with the ACBL so that you can receive the ACBL bulletin at your winter home, but you might want to consider not changing your Unit affiliation.

Your home Unit in District 4 receives a reimbursement of part of your annual ACBL membership fees if you designate that Unit as your home unit even when you change your address.

ACBL has an alternate address system for our snowbirds. If you have two addresses and go back and forth at the same time each year they can put both addresses on your record and have them switch back and forth automatically at the proper times. If they set this up for you, you can pick one Unit to stay in year round no matter which address is current.

If you let the ACBL know your your winter address, the times you come and go and the District 4 Unit you would like to be a permanent member of, the ACBL will continue to send a portion of your membership fess back to your home Unit in District 4.

Units depend upon these funds in order to support teaching programs and sectional tournaments in your local Unit.

Cindy Wages at ACBL will be happy to set this up for you. Her email address i cindy.wages@acbl.org . If your extended vacation is a one time temporary change just send her the temporary address and tell her to keep you as a member of your home Unit in District 4. You can notify her when to change your address back to your District 4 address.
District 4 and it's member units need your support to continue the programs that we provide for bridge players. Thank you!

Special Guest at the Lancaster Regional

Russ Jones, President of the ACBL, will be visiting District 4 at the Lancaster Regional at Spooky Nook this month.

Russ will be playing bridge on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the Regional and would love the opportunity to meet and talk to members of District 4 about the ACBL.  Look for Russ at the Regional and share your thoughts about our wonderful game!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at  Joannglasson@msn.com
District 4 Schedule

Wilkes-Barre PA 
Oct. 4-6
Oct. 12-13
Oct. 18-20
                                 Cherry Hill * note venue change
Oct. 25-27
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 11
Nov. 16-17
Dec. 14
Dec. 20
Dec. 27-31

October 28- November 3

November 28-December 8


NAP Flight C   October 5
    NAP Flight A   October 5-6
   NAP Flight B   October 12

Our Monthly Feature

The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:

advancing logo
  Larry's Learning Center  by Larry Cohen:
  January, April, July, October

novices only logo
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November

abc logo
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
  March, June, September, December

October, and it's time for a pre-Regional tip from Larry. Are you finding yourself moderating your opening bids as you gain more experience? Larry suggests you may not just be becoming older, but wiser, as well. Borderline hands may provide rebid problems and patience can pay dividends! 
Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

How can you give your partner a true picture of your hand? The answer may differ depending on partnership agreements. Test yourself, then compare your choice with this month's   Master Solvers, here

Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online: http://d4msc.straguzzi.org
October PCBA Sectional News

The PCBA October Sectional has moved! Unit 141 is excited to announce  the PCBA Fall Sectional, which takes place October 25-27, will be held at the Bridge Club of South Jersey. The club offers plenty of space for bridge and plenty of free parking. It's located on the ground floor of the Barclay Pavilion right on Route 70 in Cherry Hill, so the venue is easy to get to with easy access once you arrive.

The Friday morning start time will be 10:30 am to give folks a little extra time to get there. Other than that, the tournament features the same schedule to which you are accustomed.

In addition to hosting daily bridge games, the club offers lessons and beginner's classes. It also hosts non-bridge games, including Pinochle, Mah Jongg, and Dungeons and Dragons. You can find out more on their website    http://southjerseybridge.com/

Unit 141 looks forward to seeing you there and then!

News from Around the Units 
four corners
Unit 112: Central New York
Pat Stadelmaier

Unit 112 Congratulates its Advancing Players!
Junior Master
John Cullen, Rochester
Augustus Garnsey, Seneca Falls
Martha Lasley, Newfield
Lawrence Marks, Alpine
George Urich, Canandaigua
Stephen Waite, Pittsford
Club Master
Carol Achilles, Fairport
Ellen Agin, New Hartford
Barbara Hull, Horseheads
Marjorie O'Mara, Oneonta
Marsha Oenick, Penn Yan
Kathryn Wissler, Pittsford
Sectional Master
John Driscoll, Rochester
Regional Master
James Case, Lindley
Eleanor Parce, Unadilla
Cathy Pasztor, Webster
Janelle Tauer, Ithaca
Jo F. Wilson, Rochester
NABC Master
Martha Gilchrist, Fairport
Silver Life Master
David Waterman, Canandaigua
Life Master
Kathy Creveling, Rochester
Sapphire Life Master
Constance Hrabchak, Cape Vincent
Note to players -when you advance your rank check your email from our secretary (sandjack) for a free play!
********BIG GAMES AT CLUBS********
Joan Powell DG: 9/13 8T - 70.54% - **Lincoln Brown & Rick Hurd**
********Club Directors Please email me games over 70%********
Looking for Silver  Points?
Join us in October for our Sectionals!

Binghamton Sectional
Johnson City Senior Center - 30 Brocton Street - Johnson City, New York
Tournament Chair Eileen Schuchman eschuchman@stny.rr.com 607-761-4273
Partnerships             Mary Jo Whitehead   mwhitehead@stny.rr.com    607-634-4108
Saturday October 12 - 0-199 Open Pairs (3 table minimum) 2 Single Sessions
10:45 and 3:15     Bridge Lesson 10:00-10:30
Stratified Open Pairs Two Single Sessions     11:00 & 3:30
Unlimited/1000/300 pair average
Oct 12 NAP Flight B Final Two-Session Event Pre-Registration Required
$30/person  Make Check to Broome-Tioga Bridge Association
Mail to Mary Poplawski, 600 Princeton Dr. Vestal, NY 13850 Call 607-797-3729
Good Free Food All Day Long Saturday
Sunday - October 13 - Open Swiss Teams    11:00 AM Play Through
   Stratified Team Average Unlimited/1000/500
Pizza available on Sunday 2 Pieces & drink & Dessert $5
Congratulations to our Utica Fall Sectional Winners
Open Pairs Saturday Morning - 10 Tables
         Flight A - 1st Philip Geibet, Durhamville - James Carroll, Lyons                  65.28%
                         2nd Lynn Ackerman, Pittsford - Mary Miller, Canandaigua           64.81%
         Flight B - 1st Debbie Carpenter, - Xiang Long, Ithaca                                    63.66%
                         2nd David Smallen - Ann Smallen, Clinton                                     54.17%
         Flight C - 1st Debra Carpenter - Xiang Long, Ithaca                                      
                          2nd Richard Hartz, Jr, Deerfield - Richard Evans, Rome                52.78%                              
299er Pairs Saturday Morning - 10 Tables
         Flight A&B 1st Linda Kandel, Jamesville - Marilyn Smith, Syracuse            61.54%
         Flight A&B2nd Mary Borte - Patricia Coughlin, Oswego                               60.30%
         Flight C     1st Mary Borte - Patricia Coughlin, Oswego
     2nd Linda Bouton - Karyl Pecora, Oneonta                                    58.19%
Open Pairs Saturday Afternoon - 10Tables
         Flight A - 1st Richard Hartz, Utica - Betty Youmans, Whitesboro                 66.20%
                         2nd Richard Hartz, Jr, Deerfield - Richard Evans                           62.04%
         Flight B&C - 2nd Medardo Gutierrez, Morris - Paul Hager, Maryland          57.18%                                                
299er Pairs Sat Afternoon- 4 tables
         Flight A&B&C 1st Pamela Cuda, Utica - Marilyn Keeble, Pittsford            63.22%
         Flight B             2nd John Van Gelder III - Lucy Van Gelder, Stuart, FL      59.41%
         Flight C             2nd Lynda Olmstead, Utica - Pauline Tracy, New Hartford 56.68%
Sunday Open Swiss Teams - 12 Tables
     Flight A - Eleanor O'Connor - Richard Hurd, Freeville
                      Lincoln Brown - June Meyer, Newfield
     Flight B - Richard Hartz, Jr, Deerfield - Richard Evans, Rome
                     Mike Mihevc, Little Falls - Betty Youmans, Whitesboro, Richard Hartz, Utica
     Flight C - Barbara Monie - Willis Monie, Cooperstown
                      David Smallen - Ann Smallen, Clinton

Get your Silver  Points this November at our last sectional of the year!     
November 16 and 17
Finger Lakes Sectional - Waterloo NY

More Silver Points at your local clubs -  STaC Game - November 18 - 24

For more information visit our website. See you at the tables!
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!! So much to share so let's get right to it. In September the Unit had several milestones reached.  Please give a rousing round of applause to the following:

Beverly Bright of Scott Twp, Pa...New Advanced NABC Master
Christopher P Stephens of Scranton, PA...New NABC Master
Costas Lambropoulos of Stroudsburg, PA...New Sectional Master
James C Haley of Pittston, PA....New Club Master
Edel Hofstetter of Equinunk, PA...New Club Master
John Uffalussy of Tunkhannock, PA...New Junior Master
The Life Master Party, honoring our newest Life Master, Pat Rosenthal, and 2019 Annual Unit Meeting was held on September 18, 2019 at the Irem Country Club in Dallas. It was wonderful to see so many in attendance. Here are a few candid pictures, courtesy of Beth Rosenthal.



As stated, it was nice to see so many friends and players attend the party/annual meeting. During our annual meeting, discussed was the issue of diminishing attendance of our members at Unit events.

PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND PLAN TO ATTEND the NEPA Bridge Association Sectional Tournament that is being held at Quality Inn & Suites October 4th-6th 2019. Please open the attached link for the details.
Ellen Preece, our hospitality chairwoman, is looking for food donations. If you would like to donate something please email Ellen and let her know what you are going to bring and on which day. Ellen's email is:  espreece@comcast.net   Thanks for your help!
The North American Pairs Flight "C" finals are also being held at the Quality Inn on Saturday October 5 for those NON LIFE MASTERS with fewer than 500 master points who have qualified at the club level. Please contact George Mansour to register.

The element of surprise makes Halloween one of the most captivating holidays celebrated by both children and adults. Here are a few Fun Facts that you may not have known.
  1. Orange and black are Halloween colors because orange is the Fall Harvest color and black is associated with night.
  2. Jack O'Lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away ghosts on the Samhain holiday (Samhain marks the end of the harvest and the "darker" end of the year.
  3. Halloween candy sales average about 2 billion dollars (yes with a B) annually in the United States, with the chocolate Snickers candy bar topping the list as the most popular.
  4. Bobbing for apples is thought to have originated from the Roman harvest festival that honors Pamona, the goddess of fruit trees.
  5. The fear of Halloween is known as Samhainopobia.
So let's all "treat" ourselves, get out to "witch" ever local bridge club you choose, and "scare" up a few "tricks" at the tables. Have a "Boo"tiful month.
See you all at the Bridge Tables!!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder 

The Annual Doris Sheeder Memorial Picnic & Unit Game was held Saturday August 3 at Sacred Heart Villa. First overall winners were Jack Berry and Tony La Paro.

The Fall Fest Unit Game was held Thursday September 12 at Sacred Heart Villa. First overall winners were Alfred and Travis Crump.

Unit 121 now offers three 0-500 games every week. They are on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 12:30 and Saturday morning at 10:00. All three of these games are at Sacred Heart Villa.

Our next 0-500 Sectional will be held on Friday December 20, 2019. CLICK HERE for more information.

Sue Wessner will host a bridge cruise November 9-20, 2020.    CLICK HERE for more information.

Congratulations to the following on their advancement in the ACBL Masterpoint Ranks:
New Club Master - Margy Esterly
New NABC Master - Greta Dolinski

Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Lois Fuini

As our thoughts turn to pumpkins, falling leaves, crisp air and Halloween, Unit 133 is preparing for a busy Fall Bridge Season. Please join us at one of our Fall Special Events.

Congratulations! New Rank Achievements 
New Club Masters
Susan Keller
Gretchen Reed
New Sectional Master
Nelson Rabenold
New Regional Master
Rita Keiper

New Invitational Duplicate Bridge Game at Steel Club
Steel Club is excited to announce a new Invitational Duplicate Bridge game. The first game will be October 17 at 10 am and will be scheduled for the first and third Thursday of every month. The game will break for lunch at noon and be completed by about 2:30 pm. The fee is $20, which includes bridge fees and lunch. For more information, please contact Sylvia Hand, Director, at mimihand@aol.com.

Congratulations to August STaC Winners
Overall Winners
Monday, August 26th at LVAL 
1st Place Tie - Betsy Cutler/Betty Abrams and Judy Cary/Kay Hays 
2nd Place - Patty Fosselman and Beth Dimler
Wednesday, August 28th at Lehigh Country Club 
1st Place - Sylvia Hand and Jim Busby 
2nd Place - Marie Bond and Jane Havighurst
Thursday, August 29th at LVAL 
Open Game 
1st Place - Richard Claussen and Don Swan 
2nd Place - Karen and Stan Yellin 
0-300 Game
1st Place - Vadali Sastry and Bob Post
2nd Place - Nelson and Laura Rabenold 
Friday, August 30th at LVAL 
1st Place - Jeanne Kuebler and Sara Gainey 
2nd Place - Pat Sabatino and Lou Powell 

Thanks to Betsy Cutler for scheduling the August STaC Games and thanks to all the players who helped make the games successful. Please mark your calendar for the next STaC games in November.

Mentor/Mentee Game
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Lehigh Valley Active Life - 12:30 pm

This Over/Under 300 Masterpoint event gives mentees and other players an opportunity to play in a Swiss Team game at their local club. Each pair within the 4-person team must have at least one player with less than 300 points. The game serves as a finale to the 6-month Mentor/Mentee program and a lead-in to the LVBA Fall Sectional, October 18, 19, 20, 2019. For more information, please contact Mike Kohler at michael.h.kohler@gmail.com .

Allentown Fall NLM Tournament Overall Winners
Thanks to all the players who participated in the Unit 133 NLM tournament at Lehigh Valley Active Life in Allentown on September 21.

0-500 Morning Session
1st Linda and Brendan O'Malley
2nd Mindy Goldberg and Robin Siegel 
3rd Mark Nehra and Donald Pyne 
4th Janet Chaiken and Kathy Vogel 
0-100 Morning Session 
1st Joanne Yanek and EJ Krall
2nd Barbara and Jeff Smith
0-500 Afternoon Session 
1st Sherri Lampert and Richard Greenberg
2nd Harold Kohler and Ann Pelak 
3rd James Post and Joe Kovach 
4th Richard Patterson and Diane Meyer
0-100 Afternoon Session 
1st Richard Hyman and Karen Guido
2nd Barbara and Jeff Smith

Special thanks to volunteers Betty Abrams, Michael Adelizzi, Barbara Berk, Betsy Cutler, Barbara DaRe, Lois Fuini, Kay Hayes, Mike Kohler, Pat Saeger, Mary Ann Sharpless, Bryan Snapp, and Charlene Thomas for all their help in making this tournament successful.

October is Jane Johnson  Club Appreciation Month
Jane Johnson is the former manager of the ACBL Club Membership Department. When Jane passed in 2000, the ACBL honored her by establishing the Jane Johnson Award for the best customer service provided by ACBL staff and tournament director. Play in one of the October Club Appreciation Games to honor her achievements.

Lehigh Valley Active Life 
Monday, October 7 and 21
Wednesday, October 2 and 16
Thursday, October 3, 10, and 24
Friday, October 4 and 25
At all the games, winners will earn extra black points. On October 3, winners will earn a small amount of gold.

Unit 133 Fall Sectional  October 18, 19, 20
Lehigh Valley Active Life 
1633 Elm St. Allentown PA
October 18, 19 - Friday and Saturday, 10am and 2:15pm, Stratified Open Pairs and 0-500 NLM Stratified Pairs. 
October 20 - Sunday, 10 am-with lunch break, Stratified Open Swiss Teams two session playthrough or 10 am single session 0-500 NLM Stratified Swiss Teams. 
 FREE lunch, coffee, tea, and snacks every day. For more information, please contact Pat Saeger at ps1035@verizon.net .

Annual Meeting and Dinner Sunday, November 10, 2019
WHERE : Brookside Country Club
901 Willow Lane, Macungie PA
WHEN : Sunday, November 10, 2019
12:00 PM Social and Cash Bar
12:30 PM Dinner and Meeting
2:00 PM Bridge Games (Open and NLM)
FEE : $25 per person (by October 30th)
How do I make a reservation?
Mail checks (payable to LVBA) to Mimi Lengel, 1460 Fox Ridge,
Easton,PA 18040
Pay by cash or check (payable to LVBA) at club games.
If you have questions please email:
Mimi Lengel at richmimi@rcn.com

November STaC Games
Please join us for an exciting opportunity to play for  Silver Points at our own home club.
Monday, November 18th
Lehigh Valley Active Life -  0-100 game and 0-500 game at 12:30pm
Wednesday, November 20th
Lehigh Valley Active Life - 0-50 game at 9am
Thursday, November 21st
Lehigh Valley Active Life - 0-300 game and Open game at 12:30pm 
Friday November 22nd
Lehigh Valley Active Life - Invitational Game at 12:30pm

Upcoming Events
  • Allentown Fall Sectional - October 18-20  at LVAL
  • Jane Johnson Club Appreciation Game - October 2, 3, 4, 7, 16, 21, 24, 25 at LVAL
  • Mentor/Mentee Game - October 3 at LVAL 
  • Annual Dinner - Open and NLM Pairs - Sunday, November 10 at Brookside Country Club at 12 noon
  • In Memoriam - Open and NLM Pairs - Sunday, December 8 at LVAL at 1 pm
Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Howard Kahlenberg

I do have one non-ACBL bridge result to report. Each year, the Hamilton Club (the premier rubber bridge club in the area) holds a member-non-member Invitational bridge game. Many fine local players play in this event. This year's event was held on September 25, and for the 3rd consecutive year, the winners were Eileen Borat and Rich Rothwarf. (Rich is the single nicest guy in bridge, for those who don't know him.) 2nd to 4th in order, were Frances Abramson - Evie Rosen, Joan Brandeis - Elliot Shalita (making a rare guest appearance at the bridge table) and Gerald Korn - Peter Kyper. The winners were paid in Green points (also known as dollars). For more information about the Hamilton club, please check out their website here: https://www.hamiltonbridge.club/. Thanks to Club President Everett Young for running a great game.

We have one NEW LIFE MASTER this month. Congratulations to Jean Roberts of Bensalem.
Other folks moving up in the ACBL ranking world:
  • New Sapphire Life Masters (3500 points) - Zach (Mr. Redouble) Madden and Joanne Yurchak.
  • New Ruby Life Masters (1,500 points) - Ed Kung (regular partner of 4Spot editor Janet Johnson) and Larry Plotkin
  • New Silver Life Masters (1,000 points) - Barbara Albert and Lynn Berg
  • New Advanced NABC Masters (300 points) - Donald Hockman and Donna Meilinger
  • New NABC Masters (200 points) - Patricia Blackman, Kathy Hazen, and Howard Salasin
  • New Regional Masters (100 points) - Carol Azoff, Stephen Greenwell and Louise Harter
  • New Sectional Masters (50 points) - Moon Beifermanhaines, Stephen McReynolds, Kathy Roberts, Gail Stein, and Lene White
  • New Club Masters (20 points) - Nancy Gardy, Anne Gerson, Alison Hargreaves, Kenneth Kapp, Jeanne McDonnell, Jane O'Connor, Carol Oleyar, Mark Stuckley, and Marcia Yanoff
  • New Junior Masters (5 points) - Bernadette Hennessy May, Andreea Magalie, and Gary Whitson
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret 
CONGRATULATIONS to these Unit 168 members on their new masterpoint rank achievements:
Sectional Master:
Sue Cathcart, Linda Davidson, David Kraus, Kurt Meyer, Elaine Smith
Regional Master:
Benjamin Eckerson, Susan Hunter, Brenda Miller, Ronald Mundy, Mayrose Noto-Hardy, Robert Renzi, Barclay Richards
NABC Master:
Mary Ann Pezzullo, James Riccio, Ruey Rodman
Life Master:
Jacqueline Granite, JackThorp
Bronze Life Master:
Matt Sherman
Gold Life Master:
Jeffrey Jones
News From York - Bridge Boardroom
    2109 Industrial Highway York, PA 17402   
    Phone:  717-755-9505 Email:  edjsiii@yahoo.com   www.bridgeboardroom.com 
October Special Events at the Bridge Boardroom:
Friday, 10/4 - 9:30-11:30am Workshop:  Team games
Monday, 10/7 - all games $1 extra:  Club Appreciation
Wednesday, 10/9 - all games $1 extra:  Club appreciation 9:30am Mentor game
Thursday, 10/10 - Afternoon game is $1 extra:  Unit Game
Sunday, 10/13 - 1:00pm Swiss team game. Registration required!  Partial GOLD Point
Thursday, 10/17 - $1 Extra:  Club appreciation games
Friday, 10/18 - 9:30am Marti Boot Camp (SOLD OUT)
Sunday, 10/20 - 1:00pm Individual game. Registration Required! Club appreciation game
10/21,10/23, 10/24, 10/26:  Club appreciation games
Wednesday, 10/23 - 9:30am Mentor Game
Saturday, 10/26 - 6:00pm Saturday Night Special. Registration required!
News From York - White Rose Bridge Club
    904 Lancaster Ave., York, PA 17403    http://whiterosebridge.homestead.com/
WRBC, the oldest bridge club in York, is sponsoring bridge classes at Jewish Community Center of York for the second year. The JCC has advertising and community presence; we have the expertise! Our certified teacher, Cathy Brown, and her assistant, our co-club manager Henry Behr, have offered beginner, intermediate, play of the hand and defensive classes using the proven ACBL system of books and lessons. Our club has welcomed many new members as a result of these classes. In addition, a mini-lesson is offered each Tuesday before our limited game here at White Rose. If your club can't host lessons, maybe you can look for a partnership like we did. It's been win-win!
Wacky Hands & Gadgets - by Dave Bort
This month we are pleased to introduce a new presentation format that will make it easier for you to view and review Wacky Hands & Gadgets topics. 
Topics presented this month include :
Kokish 3-Way Game Try
Vega in Direct Seat Over NT
To open the article, simply click here

Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day 
November 9   DSBA Delaware State Open Pairs Championship

JUNIOR MASTER : Neil Himelein and Merrie Johnson
NABC MASTER :   Debbie Schenkel
RUBY LIFE MASTER : Melody L. Henderson

For news and results from the Wilmington Sectional and Annual meeting, as well as the fabulous Rehoboth Beach Sectional, please go to the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:

Unit 217: Susquehanna  
Jim McKeown

Congratulations on the following rank advances!!
Reggie Bartram to Junior Master, Janie Irwin to Club Master and Paula Kruszewski to Regional Master
We held our Fall sectional September 20 to 22 at the Williamsport Bridge Club. We were pleased to welcome players from California, Illinois and New York in addition to more-local folks from Pennsylvania. Ed Bissell and Mary Ann Churba won the Friday morning pair game with Cynthia Harris and Christine Ayoub first in B and C. Jackie Humilovich and Jim Van Etten won the Friday afternoon pair game. On Saturday Barbara Mateer and Dave Hoover won the morning pair game with Lynn Henry and Don Dascher first in B and Sue Fletcher and Charnell Havens first in C. Barbara Mateer and Dave Hoover also won the Saturday afternoon pair game with Sue Fletcher and Charnell Havens first in B. Ed Bissell, Mary Ann Churba, Carol Reitz and Jim McKeown won the Sunday Swiss with Steven Mast, Holli Mast, Marjorie Winder and Ann Day first in B and Jill Anderson, Shirley Miller, Sue Fletcher and Charnell Havens first in C. Jim McKeown squeaked out the master point race.
Please join us for our next sectional May 29 to 31, 2020 at the at the Boalsburg Fire Co in Boalsburg, PA .

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4Spot | September 2019 | Editor: Janet Johnson | janet.johnson210@gmail.com