October 6, 2024


The Select Board will meet this week on Tuesday, October 8 at 5:30 PM. The agenda is included below. A summary of the Board's prior meeting held on October 1 is also included.

Brookline is kicking off a Comprehensive Planning Process to help shape the future of the town, its neighborhoods, mobility, and businesses. As part of this process, the public is invited to participate in the public launch of community engagement. Your voice matters in shaping the vision and priorities for our town. 

There are three ways to get involved in the Public Launch / Visioning Workshop:


In-Person Visioning Workshop

Wednesday, Oct 9, 7-9 pm, 22 Tappan Street/111 Tappan Street Café

Drop in anytime to share your vision for Brookline.


Virtual Visioning Workshop

Thursday, Oct 10: 12:10-12:50 pm

Share your ideas online from home or work. The online session covers the same topics as the live workshop. Register for the virtual meeting here.


Online Survey

October 1 - October 20

Can’t make it to the workshops? Fill out an online survey to share your thoughts.

Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.

Warmest Regards,

Paul Warren

Please note that this email is being sent by me as an individual and not as an official action on behalf of the Board. The content is created by me and any errors or omissions are solely my responsibility.

News and Updates

Comprehensive Plan Kickoff October 9 and 10 - Brookline is continuing a comprehensive plan process to help shape the future of the town, its neighborhoods, mobility, and businesses. As part of this process, the public is invited to participate in the public launch and visioning workshops being held on October 9 and 10 and via an online survey which is available now through October 20. Please see the kickoff announcement for more details.

Town Administrator's Newsletter - The October issue of the Town Administrator's Newsletter is now available.

Flu Clinic October 9th - The Brookline Department of Public Health and Human Services is hosting Family Flu Clinics for residents aged 6 months and older at The Baker School (205 Beverly Rd) on Wednesday, October 9th, from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Pre-registration is required. Please bring a valid ID and insurance cards, and wear short sleeves or a loose-fitting shirt for easy access. If you're feeling unwell, we kindly ask that you stay home.

This Week's Meetings and Events

The calendar is subject to change. Please see the Board and Commissions Calendar and the Non-Board Calendar for updates.

Monday, October 7

Tuesday, October 8

Wednesday, October 9

Thursday, October 10

Upcoming Select Board Meeting - Tuesday October 8 @ 5:30 PM

Agenda, Packet, Meeting Registration

Public Comment - Public Comment period for those who request to speak to the Board regarding Town issues. Advance registration, while not required, is available by calling the Select Board’s office at 617-730-2202 or by e-mail at kmacgillivray@brooklinema.gov. The full Policy on Public Comment is available at https://www.brooklinema.gov/372/Policies . 

Miscellaneous - Approval of miscellaneous items, licenses, and contracts. 

Boards and Commissions - Interviews with candidates for various boards and commissions: 

Probationary Police Officers - Question of approving the following two (2) student officers as Probationary Police Officers - Caitlin Perry and Sean Reid 


Walnut-High Project - Presentation by the Brookline Housing Authority (BHA) and Housing Advisory Board (HAB) related to the potential to:

  • Commitment of $7.5 million in Affordable Housing Trust (AHT) funds for phase I of the BHA's redevelopment project at Walnut High Apartments to include 96-affordable housing units ("the Project") with conditions as outlined by HAB. 
  • Entering into a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement to allow for tax-exempt financing capacity for the Project in the annual amount of One Dollar with BHA. 
  • Waiver of building permit fees including demolition permit fees for the Project subject to conditions as outlined by HAB. 


Language Access Policy - Presentation, discussion, and possible vote on the Town Language Access Policy

Sanitation Contract - The sanitation contract is due for renewal, and an update on the current services and proposed changes will be presented. The Select Board will receive a summary of the evaluation process and the recommendations for changes or enhancements to the sanitation services provided to the community. The discussion will focus on the direction for negotiating the contract scope, with the final package coming back to the Board at a later date. 

Warrant Articles - Public Hearing, discussion and possible vote on the following warrant articles for the November 19, 2024 Special Town Meeting:

Warrant Articles - Continued- Continued discussion and possible vote on the Warrant Article 5 - Amend the General By-Laws to create a Brookline Youth Council.

Boards and Commissions - New Appointments

Previous Select Board Meeting - Tuesday October 1

Agenda, Packet, Full Meeting Video

Miscellaneous - The Board approved the following miscellaneous items, licenses, and contracts. 

  • Transmission of the Preservation Commission's Annual Report to the Select Board (in the form of its Certified Local Government Annual Report submitted to the Massachusetts Historical Commission). 
  • Question of approving contract PW/24-19 "Epoxy Lining of Sewer Manholes" with National Water Main Cleaning Company in the amount of $1,357,620.00. 
  • Question of approving contract PW/25-03 "Complete Street Improvements at Beacon St. and Strathmore Rd." with Dagle Electrical Construction Corp. in the amount of $148,841.00. 
  • Question of approving EWO 2 with Brown and Caldwell in the amount of $28,000 for GIS data development for stormwater model and data gap analysis for surveying work performed by others. 
  • Question of accepting an award from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration funds for FFY 2025 Municipal Road (MRS) Program in the amount of $31,080. 
  • Question of accepting a rebate check from National Grid, An Energy Solutions Implemented Program, in the amount of $23,550 for the installation of heating pumps
  • A Temporary Wine and Malt Beverages Sales License to Pierce School PTO for Fundraiser and Auction to be held on November 15, 2024 from 6:00PM - 9:00PM at 194 Boylston Street. 300 people expected to attend. 

Boards and Commissions - The Board Interviewed with the following candidates:

Noise By-Law Waiver - Public Hearing - The Board discussed and approved a noise by-law waiver for Bonded Wearing Course -- Hammond Street Nighttime Paving. Work to happen between October 1 through October 14, 2024. 

Warrant Articles - Public Hearing - Discussion and possible vote on the following warrant articles for the November 19, 2024 Special Town Meeting:

Warrant Articles - The Board voted favorable action on Warrant Article 4 - Accept Chapter 59, Section 5N of the General Laws, allowing for the creation of a Veteran's Tax Work-Off Reduction program. 

Chestnut Hill Commercial Area Study - The Board received and discussed a Presentation of the Chestnut Hill Commercial Area Study. 

Outdoor Dining - The Board discussed and approved the proposed amendments to the Outdoor Dining Program Regulations and Guidelines. 

Committee of Seven - The Board voted to appoint David Pearlman as the Select Board representative and Chair of the Committee of Seven for Public Safety Building Front Entrance Lobby Feasibility Study

Boards and Commissions - Police Commissioners Advisory Committee

Boards and Commissions - The Board voted to reappoint the following individuals:

  • Human Resources Board - Lori Cawthorne
  • Board of Assessors - Harold Petersen 