Issue: 262                               
October 6, 2016 
In This Issue

Quick Links

TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Sept 22: Board Meeting

Sept. 26: After School Activities Begin

Oct. 1: Auflauf Cook Off

Oct. 6: Picture Day

Oct. 19: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 20-21: MEA Weekend
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
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Administrative Information
Join Us for our Halloween Parade!

We are looking forward to a fabulous, safe and creative Halloween enjoyed by all students! With good weather, we are hoping for a parade at the end of the day, making for another great opportunity for parents to connect with the school! Please get your cameras ready and come to enjoy the fun and creativity from 2:15-3:00 on Monday, October 31!

Interested in meeting our new director, Ted Anderson? Come at 1pm to enjoy donuts and cider sponsored by our Girl Scouts, and for a chance to chat with Ted.
Information for TCGIS Bussing Families

Please check out the October 6  Bus Brief to link to the full 2016-17 Bussing Handbook, general bussing information, and the latest updates on our bussing program.

THANK YOU to all of our bussing families who completed their October bus orders o Order Lunches, and for utilizing our new Dismissal Plan Change Form!

Any questions or feedback regarding the bussing program can be directed to Gael Braddock at  gbraddock@tcgis.org.
Important Drop Off & Pick Up Reminders

PLEASE SLOW DOWN around the school.  PLEASE STOP for pedestrians AT ALL TIMES.

Van Slyke: Do not block the alley, driveway, or bus stop.
Como: Pedestrians need to use the crosswalk area closest to the tree near the visitor parking lot (NOT the crosswalk in the MIDDLE of the pick up traffic area a.k.a. in front of the Aula stairs)

SEEKING: Parent Volunteers to assist with the  "Safer Routes to School Plan" and getting the School Safety Patrol Program up and running! Contact Michelle Wallace if you're interested. 
Save the Date for Martinstag!

Mark your calendars for our Martinstag celebration at the Landmark Center! Join us on November 13 from 4-6pm to light lanterns, listen to music, and to come together as a community. More details to come!
Get Ready for the PTO Community Auction and Strudel Sale

Thank you to everyone who donated to the TCGIS PTO Community  Auction , which will open on October 18 . There many great events (like movie parties and game nights) to sign up for, items to bid on, AND ten varieties of fabulous strudels to choose from (chocolate-covered raspberry, anyone?). See all the flavors here.
We need a few more  volunteers  with the auction, namely someone to proofread donation entries and a few people to distribute strudel. Find out more about the duties and time commitments here .
For questions, please contact auction coordinators, Becky Deimel and Astrid Knott Johnson at  auctionTCGISPTO@gmail.com
Refugee Supply Donation Drive

TCGIS Girls Scout Troop 57317 is holding an all school and community supply donation drive for The International Institute of Minnesota.   The International Institute of Minnesota welcomes New Americans to the Twin Cities and offers them a continuum of services to promote their full integration into our community. The Institute is located in The Como neighborhood and has been chosen by our Girl Scout Troop as a way to become Global Citizens right here and now! 

The drive begins on Friday, September 16, and runs until Saturday October 15. Collection boxes are located in the entryway. Please click here to see a list of supplies they will be collecting. 
Looking for Early Morning Recess Volunteers on Mondays

Our early morning recess is back! *We are still in need of volunteers on Monday mornings from  7:45 - 8:10am. This early morning recess  is a time for kids to get some energy out before the start of the day. At 8:10 the kids head up to their classroom for Morgenkreis. Please sign up  here  if you're interested in volunteering to chaperone this! 
Collecting Empty Gallon Buckets and Cereal Boxes

P lease bring in your  cereal   boxes  and round oatmeal  boxes ! Frau Lenburg  needs 12 more oatmeal boxes and 125 more cereal boxes before MEA weekend in order to make lanterns with the K-3rd graders f or the annual Martinstag celebration.  In addition, if you are interested in an easy take-home project preparing (cutting) boxes for the classes, please contact Frau Lenburg.

Empty  boxes  can be given to Frau Lenburg in the morning at drop-off (Como side on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays) or sent to the classroom with your student.  
Box Tops Update

Congratulations to Frau Kulhanek's class for turning in a total of  437  Box Tops this September and winning the ice cream social! Great Job everyone!

This year's Box Tops submission deadline is October 28 . So don't let them expire, send them in to win treasure and popcorn parties!

PTO Announcements

Click here to find out more about these upcoming events:
  • Kindergarten playdate, Oct. 8, in NE Minneapolis
  • PTO meeting, Oct. 11, featuring a panel discussion with Ted Anderson, Michelle Wallace, and Mike Mullins
  • Parents' Night Out at Urban Forage Winery & Cider House, Nov. 10, 5:00-8:30 pm
  • Sign up to host a Kaffeeklatsch