Dear members of the Acadia community,
I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving. As we enjoy this three-day weekend, many of us will also gather with friends or family to reflect and give thanks.
Personally, I want to thank you for making the start of our Fall 2022 term such a success. It is wonderful to have our campus back to life again, and I am appreciative of how everyone has followed our mask mandate as we do our part to minimize risks in our academic settings during what we hope is the tail end of this long and arduous pandemic.
This can be a stressful period for students as mid-term tests and assignments come due. I hope the Thanksgiving weekend will provide a short respite for all of you and that you will return refreshed and ready for the rest of the term. 
As we see many crises occurring around the world, it is a time to reflect on how fortunate we are to be in Canada. Despite our own challenges, this weekend is a time to be thankful for what we have.

Be thankful for this beautiful land of Mi‘kma’ki and the generosity of the Mi’kmaq in sharing its traditional territory.

Be thankful for the diversity of our community and the opportunity it brings to learn about others through their experiences and knowledge.

Be thankful for Acadia University and the transformational learning and working experiences that it provides.

Be thankful for family and friends and the strength that they give to help each of us succeed.

Last but by no means least, be thankful for yourself and for the incredible talents you have that make such a positive impact on the world. You are what brings the Acadia Spirit to life.
Please travel safely, stay healthy, and enjoy the break.
Happy Thanksgiving,

Dr. Peter Ricketts
President and Vice-Chancellor