Brandeis Brief: October 2020
Due to a resurgence of anti-Semitism throughout the country, the Brandeis Center is expanding scope and staff to increase our efforts. We have been hard at work this month  on numerous initiatives in the ongoing fight against anti-Semitism across the nation. OCR's recent resolution of Title VI anti-Semitism claims at New York University (NYU) marked an important step forward in this fight. Our legal prowess is in high demand and we are grateful to our new staff assisting in these efforts. Over the last month we have increased our community outreach through op-eds, radio and virtual conference appearances on timely topics including: the US State Department's new initiative to combat Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS); Zionism and Jewish identity; the current state of anti-Semitism on university campuses; and the significance of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of Anti-Semitism. You can read, watch and listen to all of these and more in the October edition of the Brandeis Brief. As always, we thank you for your tax deductible donations and acknowledge that without you our work could not be done.

Rachel Wolf, Jerusalem Post

Adela Cojab, an NYU graduate, filed a Title VI complaint with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights in 2019 alleging she was the victim of anti-Semitic discrimination while at NYU. OCR recently released the landmark settlement agreement reached with the university. According to the Resolution Agreement, NYU will adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, and will agree to regular consultation with Jewish leaders as well as reporting to the OCR. Cojab spoke enthusiastically about the resolution and expressed her passion for improving the university's policies to help new undergraduates starting their education feel at ease.

Brandeis Blog

As hatred of Jews on college campus grows so does our staff. We are excited to welcome Denise Katz Prober, Esq. (LDB Director of Legal Initiatives); Rachel Frommer (JIGSAW Fellowship Coordinator); and Lynda Prior (LDB Executive Administrator) to the Brandeis Center. Their talent and expertise enriches the Center's capabilities and enables us to broaden our reach. We are excited to have them join our team as we continue to support students
across the country in utilizing the law to combat anti-Semitism.

Brandeis Center Chairman Kenneth Marcus: "State Department Campaign Could Be Groundbreaking"
Kenneth Marcus (The Hill)

In his recent article in The Hill, "State Department campaign could be groundbreaking", Brandeis Center Founder and Chairman Kenneth Marcus, offers insight into the Trump administration's plan to combat international BDS sanctions. Mr. Marcus explains how this would be a major advancement in international relations and human rights and U.S. support to the State of Israel.
Listen to LDB Founder and Chairman Kenneth L. Marcus on the John Batchelor Show
LDB Chairman Kenneth Marcus recently debuted on The John Batchelor Show discussing anti-Semitism in the United States and specifically in California. Mr. Marcus gives a disturbing overview of how students of all ages are experiencing anti-Semitism. However, he offers a beacon of hope - Trump's executive order combating anti-Semitism which establishes that Jewish students will be protected under federal civil rights law.

LDB Center Co-Sponsors: The IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism: Eleven Examples, Eleven Stories

This month the LDB center co-sponsored an event organized by the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM) titled, "The IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism: Eleven Examples, Eleven Stories." This program enabled a diverse audience to become better educated in the issues of contemporary anti-Semitism through various examples and personal stories that demonstrated the hardships of living in the face of hatred and bigotry.

Brandeis Center President Alyza D. Lewin-IHRA From Words to Action

LDB's President, Alyza Lewin, was featured on an online seminar designed to educate the public on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism. The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is often misunderstood. The seminar, which featured speakers from the US, Canada and Israel, highlighted ways in which the IHRA Definition can be used to combat global anti-Semitism. 
LDB President Alyza Lewin to Present at the State Department's Virtual Conference on Combating Online Anti-Semitism

LDB President Alyza Lewin will be presenting at the U.S. State Department's upcoming virtual conference on combatting online anti-Semitism entitled "Ancient Hatred, Modern Medium." The two-day conference will include presentations by Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo; Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Elan Carr; Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu; members of the US Congress, the UK Parliament and the Israeli Knesset; the EC Coordinator on Combatting Anti-Semitism; the President of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance; and the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Ms. Lewin's pre-recorded remarks will be broadcast on Wednesday afternoon, October 21, 2020 as part of the "Legislative Framework" session. Please join us on the afternoons of October 21 and 22 for this groundbreaking event - the first time the US government has hosted a conference devoted exclusively to the issue of combatting online anti-Semitism.

The Jews' Historical Case for Israel: Brandeis Center President Publishes Sweeping Account of People of Israel's Bond With the Land of Israel 
Rachel Frommer (Brandeis Blog)

In the April 2020 edition of Israel Affairs, Brandeis Center President, Alyza Lewin, published a sweeping account of the Jewish people's religious, historical, ancestral and ethnic connection to the Land of Israel. Lewin offers a unique analysis of Zionism, explaining that when Jews today are demonized and marginalized for expressing the Zionist component of their Jewish identity, Jews are experiencing a modern manifestation of an age-old pressure to shed the national and ethnic part of their Jewish identity.

Please help support the Brandeis Center on Amazon Prime Day - October 13th and 14th. When you make your Amazon purchases at, Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to your favorite charity. Use this link while shopping on Prime Day (or any day). Designate the Louis D. Brandeis Center and support our work as you shop. Thank you very much for your support!
In This Issue:
Support LDB
Louis Brandeis Photo
The Louis D. Brandeis Center is a nonprofit organization supported by individuals, groups and foundations that share our concern about Jewish college students.  Contributions are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  To support our efforts to combat campus anti-Semitism, please contact us at [email protected].
12-11-29 Standing KLM photo
Kenneth L. Marcus
Can We Help You? 


The Louis D. Brandeis Center stands ready if we can help you to combat anti-Semitism in higher education. Please contact us if you are a student or professor who needs our help.  We are also available to provide technical assistance to university administrators who are interested in achieving legal compliance and best practices for eliminating campus anti-Semitism.
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