A few weeks ago we met with Steve Thomas, who heads up the So. Maine chapter of the American Red Cross's NNE region, to learn more about the organization. Most of us know the Red Cross for the great work they do in helping to ensure an adequate blood supply, but they are also a critical first- responder organization when disaster strikes.
Soon after that meeting, we all witnessed the horrible impact that Hurricane Ian wrought in Florida and elsewhere. Since then, the Red Cross and its partners have been working tirelessly to provide food, shelter and comfort for people impacted by Ian. The NNE Region of the Red Cross has deployed 12 team members and 2 Emergency Response Vehicles from Maine to assist thousands of others from across the U.S. in relief efforts.
We were surprised to learn that for all the great work they do, the Red Cross basically receives no federal funding support; it's a donation-driven organization. You can help the Red Cross from right here in Maine by hosting a blood drive, making a corporate gift, collecting contributions through employee or customer giving programs, recruiting volunteers, or exploring other opportunities for collaboration by contacting Steve at: steven.thomas@redcross.org
If you would like to make a personal donation in support of Red Cross disaster relief efforts, Hurricane Ian response, or a gift, please visit www.RedCross.org/donate and select your designation. Thank you!