October 2022


Serving Cleveland County with the most up to date gardening, lawn, landscaping, and horticulture information.

Don't Forget to Take Our Survey!

2023 is around the corner and we are beginning to prepare next year's programs. We would love to hear from you! Tell us what you would like to see next year. Your feedback will help us determine important horticulture and environmental programs for Cleveland County

There were some issues with the link when we sent it out in September. If that was your case, please try again!

Take Our Survey!
Cleveland County Extension Office
601 E Robinson St
Norman, OK 73071




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Cleveland County Horticulture
In this issue...

Fall Decor

Plant of the Month
Garden Tips
Seasonal Eats
Upcoming Events

Volume 5 | Issue 5

Recent articles from...

Dishing the Garden Dirt!
The Cleveland County Master Gardener Association Blog

The Cleveland County Master Gardener Association started a blog! Dishing the Garden Dirt will provide readers with up to date and useful gardening, horticulture, and environmental information. New articles will be uploaded regularly.

Decorate Your Porch For Fall

by Judy Kautz, OSU Extension Master Gardener

Oklahomans definitely have a love affair with our crape myrtles; in many areas you can see them on practically every street. And why not? Few plants can match the crape myrtle's spectacular summer flowers, colorful autumn foliage, and attractive sculptured wood.


Harvesting and Preserving Herbs

by Courtney DeKalb-Myers, OSU Extension Horticulture Educator

Herbs are an excellent addition to any garden. They're easy to grow with few pest problems. Seasoned gardeners are accustomed to adding fresh herbs to their meals to create robust, unique flavors. As the growing season comes to an end, preserving herbs can be a way to bring that flavor into the winter season.


October Plant of the Month

Little Bluestem

A unique texture that will last through winter

In the winter, our design strategy switches to focusing on form and texture, rather than color like the rest of the year. Ornamental grasses are a great way to achieve texture and movement in winter gardens. This of course include little bluestem. Little blue stem, Schizachyrium scoparium, is native to Oklahoma prairies. It has deep root systems to help with soil stabilization and water uptake. Fluffy flower clusters can persist through winter. Cut back in early spring for new growth each season. In shady conditions, the plant will flop over, so make sure to plant in full sun.

Garden Tips for October

  • Begin planting spring-flowering bulbs like tulips, hyacinths, crocus, and daffodils

  • Plant cool-season annuals like pansies, ornamental cabbage or kale, and snapdragons when temperatures begin to cool

  • Spring-flowering perennials should be divided or planted now

  • Mulch around perennials to increase overwintering chances

  • Purchase trees from nurseries and garden centers at this time to select for the fall color you prefer

  • Many perennials can be planted at this time and are easier to establish

  • Dig sweet potatoes and harvest winter squash before frost

  • Consider building cold frame to protect cool-season crops for production during the winter

  • Remove all debris from the garden to prevent overwintering of various garden pests

  • Cool-season lawns like fescue can be established now

  • Consider planting a cover crop in the vegetable garden

  • Broadleaf weeds like dandelion can be controlled during October

  • Mow and neatly edge warm-season lawns before killing frost

  • Bring tropical and tender perennials inside before temperatures drop too low

  • Consider creating a compost pile; the abundance of leaves and other garden debris can make a great start

  • Preserve herbs for fresh flavor throughout the winter

Eat Seasonally

In-season produce is fresher, cheaper, more nutritious, and better for the environment. These are some of the seasonal crops for October:

Upcoming Events

Master Gardener Community Education Class | Oklahoma Proven

Date & Time: October 15th, 10:00am to 11:00am

Location: Cleveland County OSU Extension Office, Classroom C, 601 E Robinson, Norman, OK 73071

The Cleveland County Master Gardener Association, as part of OSU Extension, aims to present research-based information to the public... read more

Master Gardener Community Education Class | Native Plants for Oklahoma

Date & Time: November 19th, 10:00am to 11:00am

Location: Cleveland County OSU Extension Office, Classroom C, 601 E Robinson, Norman, OK 73071

The Cleveland County Master Gardener Association, as part of OSU Extension, aims to present research-based information to the public...

Oklahoma State University, State, and Local governments cooperating. The Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, national origin, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status. OCES provides equal opportunities in program and employment.