Common Threads
This last month it has been so gratifying to see our parish full of life and activity. Each week I see more of you back celebrating Mass, hundreds of you were together for our Parish Picnic, our Sunday Socials have returned, and the Parish Center and School are once again buzzing with activity. We have all missed this sense of community.

Our Tapestry Program has been a success. We have received thousands of volunteer and pledge forms that will help our parish continue to offer the committees, ministries, and programs that will meet your spiritual needs. Let’s keep up this momentum. Continue to share your time, talent, and treasure with us.  Join our ministries, and attend the wide variety of activities and offerings we have here. 

Thank you for your continuing support. Our parish is the community it is today because of your generosity.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
Thank You Katherine Florian; Music Director Job Posting
St. Brigid of Kildare Parish would like to thank Katherine Florian, Director of Liturgy and Music at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish for her eight years of service here. Katherine will be relocating to the Chicago area in early December 2022. During her time here, Katherine oversaw all of our parish music ministries, including the adult choir, adult contemporary group, children’s choir, youth ensemble, cantors and instrumentalists. She directed and performed music for our liturgical schedule as well as sacramental events. She also served as the chair of the Worship and Spiritual Life Committee, overseeing the promotion and development of our church environment for the worship of God and the spiritual life of St. Brigid Parish. 

Katherine says “I’ve loved collaborating with the parish staff, they’ve been wonderful to work with and so supportive of me. I’ve loved working with all of the dedicated and talented volunteer musicians of our parish. St. Brigid is blessed with so many musicians of all ages who give so much of their time and talent to make our liturgies special.”

“I have especially enjoyed working with the young people of our parish and encouraging them to share their musical gifts with their parish. It’s been wonderful to see our once elementary-age students who began as members of our children’s choir and school cantors, now serving as musicians at their college parishes.” 

“I would like to thank Msgr. Hendricks for giving me this incredible opportunity to serve in this role at St. Brigid. He has been incredibly kind, supportive and encouraging throughout my time here.”

St. Brigid of Kildare Parish is grateful for Katherine’s talent and hard work at our parish, and we wish her the best in her future.

To view the job posting for hiring a replacement Director of Music, click the link below.

Applications can be sent directly to Monsignor Hendricks at For more information, call the parish office at (614) 761-3734.
Altar Server Training: Oct 23
All students in the Fifth grade and older are invited to become Altar Servers for the Weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Is the Lord calling upon your son or daughter to serve? Have them answer that call by becoming an Altar Server! St. Brigid of Kildare is encouraging all those in fifth the grade and above, to consider becoming an Altar Server. Attend one short training session, study one short section from the Liturgical training manual and they will be ready to serve the Lord as an Altar Server. What a wonderful, rewarding service!
Our next training session for Altar Servers is October 23, 2022, Sunday afternoon in the Church from 2:00 pm until 3:00 pm.       Please register at the link below by October 14th, so we can be prepared to welcome you. For more information please contact Joe Feehan at
Sunday, October 23, 2022 
St. Brigid of Kildare Church
Thanksgiving Food Drive
The Dublin Food Pantry is now preparing for its annual Thanksgiving food collection drive. This year continues to be a challenge with the pantry providing drive-through services to over 200 families per week. This Thanksgiving, the pantry hopes to provide Thanksgiving food boxes for at least 450-500 families during the month of November. Many churches throughout Dublin will be providing food items for the boxes. Once again, the Social Action Committee is spearheading this project with the support of the parishioners of St. Brigid. This year we offer three options for giving.

Option One: Provide an entire Thanksgiving dinner
Parishioners can donate the ingredients for an entire Thanksgiving meal (no cooking is necessary) for a family in need. Parishioners would provide everything from the list below in a sturdy box or bags to be dropped off at the Dublin Food Pantry (81 W. Bridge St., Dublin) on Wednesday, October 26 between 6-8pm or Saturday, October 29  between 11-1pm. Volunteers will unload the box from your vehicle and take it in to the food pantry. Visit for information on what is included in the boxed dinner and to sign up for this option. 

Option Two: Provide a gift card(s)
Parishioners can provide gift card(s) from local grocery stores (Kroger, Giant Eagle, Walmart, Meijer) in $25 denominations. These gift cards will be used at the discretion of the Dublin Food Pantry for families in need during the holiday season. The gift cards can be dropped off before and after Masses on October 29-30 in Hendricks Hall, or on the above dates listed in Option One at the Dublin Food Pantry, or to the St. Brigid Parish office in an envelope marked “Thanksgiving Food Collection”. Please do not place gift cards in the parish mailbox.

Option Three: Provide boxed potatoes and gravy
Parishioners who prefer to donate on a smaller scale can provide boxed potatoes, boxed/canned gravy and canned corn for inclusion in the remainder of the Thanksgiving meals provided to client families of the Food Pantry. Collection of the donations will be before and after Masses on October 29-30, in Hendricks Hall in the designated boxes. 

Alternative drop off arrangements can be made by contacting Karen at or text/call at 614-271-4086.

This has truly been a challenging year and now more than ever, our neighbors in Dublin need help. Thank you for always meeting their needs. God bless you and keep you safe.
Giving Tree 2022
Romans 12:13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them.
In this time of uncertainty and challenge, the need to bring Christmas cheer and hope to others is more important than ever. The Giving Tree Project is a wonderful opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of others and our community. If you are able, please join us in supporting those in need.
This year, you will have two ways to choose gifts. You may choose an ornament from the Giving Trees which will be located in the Church Gathering Area on Nov 12 and 13 OR you may choose a gift from SignUp Genius which will be open November 1.

Look on the parish website beginning Nov 1 for sign up links and more details.
Thank you for your generosity and support!
All Souls Day Mass
This year, the All Souls Day Mass to remember those whose funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare will be held on Wednesday, November 2 at 9:00 a.m. in the church. Members of the parish whose funerals were celebrated in the past year will be remembered in a special way. Everyone is welcome and those who have lost a loved one, even if the funeral Mass was not at St. Brigid, will have the opportunity to inscribe the name of their loved ones in our parish Book of the Dead. Because grieving has been difficult during the isolation of covid over the past couple of years, we are planning to hold a social in Hendricks Hall following Mass with light refreshments so parishioners can visit and remember their loved ones in community. 
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 9 am Mass. Children (non-communed children, preschool through grade 2), may join us in the Church basement to hear the Children's Liturgy of the Word from the Children's Lectionary as well as learn about the readings of the day. Children will be dismissed prior to the First Reading and return after the Homily, during the Presentation of the Gifts. 

We require two Shepherds and two volunteers to provide this opportunity for our families. The First Shepherd is the leader of the readings and lesson for the day and the Second Shepherd assists the First. Volunteers help the Shepherds with miscellaneous tasks, but do not teach the lessons. All volunteers (Shepherds and general volunteers) are required to be compliant volunteers in accordance of Safe Environment Policies. Those who sign up will have follow-up communications with the Safe Environment Coordinator as well as the Director of Religious Education.
If you have questions regarding this ministry, please contact the Religious Education Office at 614-761-1176.
Let's Have Dinner and Talk About Death
Thursday, November 10, 2022
6:30 PM—8:30 PM
Hendricks Hall
How we want to die represents the most important and costly conversation America isn’t having. So we are inviting you to come to dinner so we can talk about death and the many decisions that often surround that. We want to make the right decisions and we want them to flow from our faith and values. The conversation at this dinner is meant to help with that. Msgr. Hendricks, attorney Mike Zaino and Dr. Tim Coss will offer some insights from the faith perspective, the legal perspective, and the medical perspective to help answer the questions you might have. End of life decisions are challenging and it is helpful to you to understand what you can do from the faith, legal and medical perspective, and for those you love if you make those decisions ahead of time.
Come have dinner and talk about death. To RSVP email Sr. Teresa at by November 3.
Sunday Socials 2022-23

We will be hosting *MONTHLY* Sunday Socials with breakfast refreshments immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. 

The 2022 - 2023 schedule is outlined in the Sign-Up Below. 

We need volunteers to help host with the monthly Sunday Socials. 

All the details are taken care of, we just need your helpful hands to set-up, serve and clean-up. Sign-up Below! Bring your family or coordinate with a group of friends and come share be a part of the St. Brigid Parish community in a super easy way.

If you've volunteered to help host a Sunday Social in the past, then you know just how simple it is to execute. If you've not yet volunteered to help host a Sunday Social, rest assured it is as easy as pressing a button to brew coffee, pouring juice, plating refreshments and greeting your fellow parishioners with a smile! Plus, as a volunteer, you get first dibs on the breakfast treats!

Additional details are provided in the sign-up link below.

Thank you for helping to make these socials possible! 
Catholic Social Teaching Guest Speaker Series
High School Youth Ministry small groups are focused on Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for this Generation. This engaging small group study and guest speaker series introduces sound Catholic teaching on creation, life, race, poverty, and the family. 

While small group ministry is reserved for high school students, our guest speaker events are open to all parishioners (8th grade and older)!

Mark your calendars and join us for these guest speakers !

All sessions will be held in Hendricks Hall at 7:15 PM. 
  • Kindway - October 26
  • Catholic Social Services - November 16
  • Habitat for Humanity Mid Ohio - February 1, 2023 
Requirements to Volunteer with Our Children
Parents, are you looking to volunteer with your children’s activities?  Attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register at

All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.
Full details and forms can be found at or contact John Denzel, Safe Environment Manager at
Save the Date: Advent by Candlelight
The eighth Advent by Candlelight will be held November 17th, 2022, 6:30 pm in Hendricks Hall.
Walk with Family First as we seek to find the JOY in the Journey, find JOY in Him!
Advent by Candlelight is an evening for women to gather together and listen to an inspiring speaker and prepare our hearts and minds for the Advent and Christmas Season. Our theme this year is “JOY”.

Please consider inviting your friends to this special event and possibly hosting a table. Table hostess duties include: reserving a table for you and up to 6 guests, decorating your table and inviting your guests to bring wine, small appetizers and desserts to share at your table. If you are not able to host a table, no problem, invite a friend(s) and sit at one of our open tables!

Registration begins October 25th, see the bulletin for more details.
Mass Intentions January - June 2023
We will be taking Mass intention requests electronically through forms on the website for Masses in January - June 2023. The Mass Intentions form will go live on Monday, October 24 at 10 a.m. on our website at We will only be taking requests for January—June, 2023 at this time. 
In order to fairly accommodate all Mass Intentions requested, we ask that you request no more than two (2) Mass intentions per family per quarter and only one Mass intention per month.
*As mass attendance increases in the wake of the pandemic, mass times may change. You are only requesting a date for Mass intentions. There is no option to select a time for a Mass. If the date you request is not available, the Mass will be assigned on the closest available date. If you enter a day of the week, we will do our best to accommodate your request. Saturday, Sunday and Thursday Masses are the most popular and fill up quickly.
October is Respect Life Month
October is Respect Life Month. When we talk about respecting life, we see the full picture of human life – from womb to natural death. This October, we are inviting two local organizations to speak on how their organizations serve to respect life in unique and invaluable ways and how you can become part of their missions. 

Join us at 7:15 PM in Hendricks Hall on Wednesday, October 26 to hear from Kindway! 
Everyone is invited to an evening of compelling testimonies full of inspiration and hope from those whose lives have been impacted by incarceration. Kindway exists to invest in the lives of those impacted by incarceration by empowering people, restoring hope, and honoring god​. 

This event will also offer a unique shopping experience by making Kindware available. Kindware is a variety of handcrafted gifts made by incarcerated women and men to support their incarcerated brothers and sisters as they transition to freedom. 
Have You Thought About Becoming Catholic?
t’s not too late to join us for RCIA! All classes are held on Tuesday evenings, from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Church basement. The calendar for this coming year is on our website at

For more information contact Kim VanHuffel at or complete the form on the website.
Men's Retreat: Awaken, Renew, Grow Your Spirituality
Men of the Parish are invited to attend the annual St. Brigid of Kildare Men’s Retreat. This year’s retreat starts at 7 p.m., Friday evening, January 27 and runs until Noon, Sunday, January 29, 2023.

The retreat will again be held at The Spiritual Center at Maria Stein. Meals will be provided, and all men will have private rooms with bath. The Center is in a beautiful location adjacent to the Shrine of the Holy Relics for those who are interested in visiting.

The busyness of life is hectic. This an opportunity to awaken, renew and grow your spirituality, and improve yourself as a man of faith, husband and father through fellowship, excellent speakers, group discussions, music, Mass and more.

Early bird fee is $175 until December 15, $190.00 after. Registration is open on the parish website, or view the QR code here.

Carpooling is available for those who are interested. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Niemiec at or 614-352-1131.
Tamil Language Mass Celebrated
This month, St. Brigid of Kildare hosted a Mass (Tamil Language) that was celebrated by the Most Rev. Bishop Antonysamy from the Diocese of Palayamkottai, India. Fr. Jegan Peter and Fr. Sengole Thomas, Tamil-origin priests from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, concelebrated Mass assisted by Deacon Paul. There were over 70 people of Indian Tamil ethnic descent that joined the Bishop for the Mass. Tamil is one of the oldest classical languages on earth and widely spoken in the southern part of India, and is also the official language of Sri Lanka and Singapore.

Some of these Tamil community members are parishioners at St. Brigid and some of their children attend St. Brigid of Kildare School.
High School Youth Ministry - Save the Date!
Advent Half-Night Lock-In
Saturday, December 10 from 5-10 PM

St. Brigid high school youth ministry is hosting this year's Advent Half-Night Lock-In on Saturday, December 10. This event is open to all current 8th-12th grade students!

Join us for:
  • 5 PM Mass
  • Dinner
  • Games and Free Time
  • Interactive Advent Reflection Experiences
  • Tastes of Bethlehem
  • Cards of encouragement for Mommies Matter
  • Wrapping and labeling diapers & crib sheets for Mommies Matter
  • Gifts and smells of Bethlehem
  • Praise + Worship
Registration is $20/ person and we are asking each student to bring a small package of newborn/ size 1 diapers OR fitted crib/ pack 'n play sheets to benefit Mommies Matter.

Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:

  • Luke Robert Wachalec
  • Jack Hawn Mills
  • Elcee Claire Shepherd
  • Lucy Kate Yoho
  • Cecilia Avery Thomas


  • Michael Cvengros and Rosanne Henderson
  • Charles Bassani and Kamille Schwierking
  • Benjamin Freidenberg and Maria Harmon
  • Kevin Richardson and Shannon Vinci
Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
Deaths of Parishioners
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.

  • Patricia Holub
  • Julie Glowacki
  • Charlene Sweet
  • Patricia O’Connor
  • Anna Luciani
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017