Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!
The Corpus Christi School Home and School Association welcomes both new and returning families back to school. We hope everyone had a nice summer and a great first week back at CCS!!
The Home and School Association is a group of parent volunteers who assist with the planning of school social and fundraising events, both of which are very important to the CCS community. The fundraising events are an essential part of helping to keep our tuition costs down. In order for HSA events to be successful, volunteers are needed. Volunteering is a rewarding way to meet other CCS families.
There will be a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year, but to kickoff the school year, we are looking for teams of volunteers to assist with planning various events. For those of you new to the school and/or volunteering with HSA events, there will be volunteers to assist with any questions you may have.
Please click the "volunteer opportunities" button below to assist as part of a planning team for various events throughout the academic year.
In addition, we are also looking for a few individuals who are willing to oversee the HSA fundraiser and social events, plan HSA meetings, and assist with getting information out to families in the Cougar Chronicles and Monday Memos.
If you have any questions, please email:
Diane Bairos dimbairos@gmail.com
Cristina Tomas santostomas17@gmail.com