Dear Parents and Families,

As I stated in last month’s Cougar Chronicle, our school-wide theme is to explore mindfulness as presented in the book I Am Peace. Ms. Driscoll and Mrs. Sullivan presented to the faculty this month’s topic: worry.

The preliminary focus of I Am Peace finds the character worried about the future, dwelling on the past, and likening his thoughts to “rushing water…a boat with no anchor”. We can often find ourselves in similar situations, feeling directionless and lost. It is in these moments of anxiety that we can turn to God and place our faith and trust in Him, allowing ourselves to share the burdens we carry. God calls us to put Him first in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].”

Having faith over fear requires us to pause and reflect upon our situation, consider the possible outcomes, and acknowledge the stress and worry the problem causes us, while still finding the courage to place our full trust in God and face our fears. When we put our faith above our fear, we believe wholeheartedly in His plan for us.

Ms. Driscoll and Mrs. Sullivan's lesson exemplifies our commitment to enrich your child’s spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional and social development. Our goal is to inspire every child to reach his/her fullest potential.


Mrs. Sarpu

Important Dates

October 2                               

Lyman Fundraiser Begins           


October 6                              

First Friday Mass: 9:00 A.M.

October 9                               

No School Columbus Day

October 10 

Winter Uniform Starts

October 13                             

Grandparents Day

Early Dismissal 


October 16                            

Lyman Ends


October 19                             

Early Dismissal/Conferences


October 20                             

Rain Date: Walk-a-thon


October 24                             

Birthday Dress Down 


October 27                             

Trunk or Treat

October 31                             

Happy Halloween                             

Accessorize for Halloween

Picture Day

October 11th, Wednesday – Class Pictures PreK – Grade 8 (Uniform required)

October 18th, Wednesday – Individual Pictures Grades K-5 (Dress -up attire)

October 27th, Friday – Individual Pictures PreK 3 and PreK 4 (Dress- up attire)

October 25th , Wednesday – Individual Pictures Grades 6-8 (Dress-up attire)

November 2nd Thursday - Picture Retake – PreK – 8 (Dress-up attire)

Corpus Christi School Calendar 2023-2024
October Lunch Menu


Wethersfield Public Schools and Corpus Christi have decided to enroll in Connecticut's STABLE program for school year 23-24. The STABLE funds released by the state will ensure that all students will be offered a free breakfast every day, and anyone who applies and qualifies as free OR reduced, will be offered a free lunch every day. Paid students will return to paying full price for their lunches ($2.60) this year.

Please apply for free or reduced meals by visiting or

finding the paper applications at



We are delighted to share that our first Coffee & Conversation is rapidly approaching. Please join Mrs. Sarpu on Wednesday, October 18 at 8:00 A.M. in the library to hear more about the exciting things going on at school and to get an update on the HSA Happenings this year. This popular program is a great way to stay connected. Space is limited so please RSVP to Mrs. Antico at by noon on Friday 10/13 to reserve your spot. We look forward to seeing you on the 18th!


We are excited to announce that this year's School-wide Walkathon will be held on Thursday, October 19th during the school day. This is a MAJOR fundraiser for the school and it's so easy to participate! Students ask family and friends to make a donation to sponsor them for the walk.  

This is the EASIEST way to fulfill your fundraising obligation. EVERY dollar that you raise goes DIRECTLY to your fundraising commitment. You read that correctly - 100% of what your student raises will go towards your commitment!! This is the ONLY event in which that happens. Please download the sponsor form to track your student’s donations. We are looking for parent volunteers to help out from

8:15 – 10 A.M. on the day of the event. Please use the sign up genius link below if you are able to lend a hand. Thank you for your support of our great school!!

Click to Volunteer
Walkathon Pledge Form


The annual Trunk-or-Treat will be held

on Friday, October 27th at CCS 

from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Look for sign-ups to decorate

your car in upcoming memos.


Corpus Christi School

1st Place Spiritwear

Home of the Cougars 

Attention all family, friends, alumni, teachers, and Corpus Christi School supporters:

We are excited to share that our online school apparel store has launched!

Now you can shop Corpus Christi Cougars Spirit Wear for 

youthwomen, and men all in one place!

Our Corpus Christi apparel shop includes a variety of more than 150 different

clothing options to choose from including t-shirtshoodies, pajamas, and accessories.

Visit Spiritwear Website

Join Our After School Soccer / Futsal

Kids from Pre K- Grade 4

Where: School Grounds / Gym

Dates: Oct 12, 26; Nov 2, 9, 30; Dec 14

When: Thursdays

Time: 2:15pm - 3:15pm


Payment: $90

Please Bring: Sports Gear, Shin Guards, Futsal and Tennis Shoes and plenty of fluids


Cell: 860-478-9756


Click for More Information

Join Our Martial Arts at Corpus Christi!


When: Every Tuesday

Time: 2:10pm - 3:10pm

Payment: $69/month



Click for More Information

Cubscout Pack 246 Highcrest, is holding our annual New Member Night to kick off the scouting year. The Pack is open to both boys and girls grades K-5. We are a structured Pack with a focus on learning everything about scouting including volunteering in our community. We have a jam-packed calendar full of adventure including camping, zip lining, sporting events and much more!! If you have more questions,contact Cubmaster Pearl Nadolny us at

Click for More Information

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

We are currently seeing an increase of COVID cases in the community.

The Department of Public Health and Connecticut State Department of Education met with school districts across the state to give an update on all respiratory viruses that we will see over the coming months. Below are the key points from their discussion.

Influenza (Flu):

Seasonal vaccines are available for the 2023-24 season

Anyone 6 months or older can get vaccinated

Influenza vaccine is required for early childhood and PreK

Central CT Health District Flu Shot Clinics


New COVID vaccine is available

Anyone 6 months and older is encouraged to be vaccinated

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus):

New Vaccine for adults 60+ and pregnant women

New monoclonal antibody treatment will be available this fall for children less than 2

Guidance For Viral Respiratory Diseases

  1. If you are sick- STAY HOME.
  2. COVID-19: If you test positive for COVID-19 - we continue to follow CDC guidelines of 5 days isolation and recommendation to mask day 6-10.You must be fever free for 24 hrs. without the use of medication and other symptoms have improved.
  3. Other Viral Respiratory Diseases: Fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication and feeling well enough to attend and participate in school.

Nebulizers vs Spacers

  1. CDC continues to recommend limiting the use of nebulizers in the school setting and evidence supports using a spacer for inhaled medications should be the priority.

Thank you,

Mrs. Cowan School Nurse

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!


The Corpus Christi School Home and School Association welcomes both new and returning families back to school. We hope everyone had a nice summer and a great first week back at CCS!! 


The Home and School Association is a group of parent volunteers who assist with the planning of school social and fundraising events, both of which are very important to the CCS community. The fundraising events are an essential part of helping to keep our tuition costs down. In order for HSA events to be successful, volunteers are needed. Volunteering is a rewarding way to meet other CCS families.  


There will be a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year, but to kickoff the school year, we are looking for teams of volunteers to assist with planning various events. For those of you new to the school and/or volunteering with HSA events, there will be volunteers to assist with any questions you may have. 


Please click the "volunteer opportunities" button below to assist as part of a planning team for various events throughout the academic year.


In addition, we are also looking for a few individuals who are willing to oversee the HSA fundraiser and social events, plan HSA meetings, and assist with getting information out to families in the Cougar Chronicles and Monday Memos.  


If you have any questions, please email:

Diane Bairos

Cristina Tomas

Volunteer Opportunities
Fundraising Events 2023-2024
Social Events 2023-2024

Birthday Bakers


Dear Parents & Families,

We ask you to join us in providing treats to the Corpus Christi faculty and staff in celebration of their birthdays. Once per month, parents and families provide baked treats for approximately 45 staff members.

*Please note that there is no need to individually wrap treats, and treats are to be delivered to the faculty lounge at the start of the assigned day.


Thank you for your participation! 

Click to Volunteer for Birthday Bakers

VIRTUS Training for Parent Volunteers

Any parent who would like to volunteer for any event or activity at Corpus Christi School needs to attend VIRTUS training and complete a Background Check. Send completed forms into the School Office.

Directions for online training:

Go to

Click "First Time Registrant"

Click "Begin the Registration Process".  

Registration should be completed under “Hartford” as in the Archdiocese. 

Background Check Form