Virtual Date with An Expert was a huge success!

"There aren't enough words to thank you for the opportunity to speak with Dr. Li today. I've spent the last 3 years undergoing testing and speaking with numerous medical departments and specialties; I feel I learned more and felt more validated in 12 minutes today than the past 3 years combined. I will be forever grateful!" --Tammy G

In September, CVSA in partnership with Dr. B U.K. Li held its first Virtual Date with An Expert. This is a very popular part of the CVSA biannual Conference where CVS patients and their caregivers are given the opportunity to speak to a CVS expert one on one. Due to the conference being postponed, we decided to provide a virtual opportunity to speak one on one with an expert. As you can see from Tammy's quote, this can be a pivotal experience for a CVS patient. Dr. Li graciously donated his time for this event and CVSA was able to raise just over $900 for the Pediatric Guidelines Update Project by holding a raffle to win one of 12 spots to speak with Dr. Li. Thanks to all who participated!
We need you! 

We need your stories! We need people to share their CVS stories. CVS needs to become a household name as well as be recognized by all health professionals. Therefore, we need to shout our stories from the mountaintops. We are looking to interview people over zoom to share CVS stories. These stories will be used in our Giving Tuesday campaign and possibly on the website and other campaigns. Those that participate will be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Contact Debbie in the office to find out more.
Save the Date!!

Bend for the Bucket

December 5th, 2020

Davie, FL

Do you live in South Florida? Or know someone who does? Consider this yoga
class fundraiser to support CVSA as well as
raise CVS awareness!!
Thank you to everyone who participated in CVSA's September Virtual Expert Presentation! Our presenter was Dr. Katja Kovacic and she gave us an update on the use of the auricular neurostimulator for treating CVS and other functional GI disorders. Dr. Kovacic also enlightened us about how the Vagus nerve is involved in CVS and how the auricular neurostimulator can improve Vagus nerve function.

You can watch the presentation in its entirety on CVSA's new YouTube channel.
We hope to provide opportunities like these once a month. In October, we will hear from Dr. Thangam Venkatesan. Dr. Thangam Venkatesan is a Professor of Medicine in the department of Gastroenterology and the Director of the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome program for adults at Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Venkatesan feels quality patient care requires careful listening to the patient’s own story of their problem, so as to understand the concerns and goals for care from the patient’s perspective. For care to be effective, the patient must remain an active partner of the entire health care team.

Watch for tickets to become available soon. Tickets will be made available to CVSA members first! Not a member? Join here.

Follow us on social media for the latest updates!
CVSA is hosting a virtual booth at ACEP unconventional 2020 at the end of October. ACEP is the American College of Emergency Physicians. ACEP represents more than 38,000 emergency physicians, emergency medicine residents and medical students. ACEP promotes the highest quality of emergency care and is the leading advocate for emergency physicians and their patients, and the public. Our goal is to educate as many ER health professionals as we can at this virtual conference.
You can now show your CVSA pride on your mask!
Check out all the options at the CVSA store!

Join CVSA on Monday, October 12th at 6PM PST, for the monthly support call on our new Zoom platform! Have questions? Newly diagnosed? The support call is the place to get your answers.
Thank you to all that set up fundraisers on Facebook with Facebook Donations!

Please note that due to Facebook's algorithms and privacy restrictions, CVSA is unable to determine the dates that fundraisers take place.
If your CVSA fundraiser raised more than $200 please send a screenshot to the CVSA office to receive your complimentary 1 year membership, please email [email protected].
Any fundraiser for CVSA, that raises at least $200, will receive a complimentary 1 year membership. Check out our fundraising page for ideas.