EUG Planning Newsletter

What's New with EUG Planning

October 2, 2022

This month's EUG Planning Newsletter includes updates on: Urban Reserves, Applications for the MUPTE Review Panel and Planning and Development Department Job Postings. We hope you'll find this information useful and reach out if you have questions. As always, you can find more information on all of our work by visiting our website.

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Urban Reserves Project

Map of Proposed Urban Reserves

The City of Eugene and Lane County have been working jointly on urban reserve planning since January 2018. After thorough analysis, coordination, documentation and legal review, an adoption package has been assembled and is ready for the public hearing process. The Urban Reserves adoption package is heading to a joint City of Eugene and Lane County Planning Commission public hearing on October 18 at 6:00 pm.

In the Fall of 2020, the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners both passed motions to begin the adoption process to consider the establishment of urban reserves as described in the 27-year option, which falls three years short of the maximum allowed planning period of 30 years. The proposed urban reserves include enough land to meet the projected needs of growth beyond 2032, to 2059, while preserving the highest value farmland and additional properties with higher value soils.

For more information, check out the following links: 

Prior to the joint public hearing on October 18, the project is scheduled for a work session with the Lane County Planning Commission on October 4, 2022 at 6:00 pm and with the Eugene Planning Commission on October 11, 2022. Full meeting details and materials will be posted on the urban reserves project web page a week prior to each meeting.

Have Questions?

Come chat and get your questions answered with the Urban Reserves project staff by signing up for virtual office hours every Thursday in October from 3:00 pm-5:30 pm on Zoom or in-person at the Atrium. (October 6, 13, 20, & 27). Click here to sign-up for office hours.

We Want to Hear from You!

Public Hearings are an opportunity to share your voice and provide input. Instructions and more information for how to provide live testimony at the at the virtual Joint Planning Commission Hearing on Tuesday, October 18 at 6:00 pm, will be posted on the project web page ahead of the public hearing.

Spoken testimony is often limited to 3 minutes. If you are unable or prefer not to provide spoken testimony, you can email your comments to any time before the public hearing. Those emails will be shared with the City of Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissioners as part of their meeting packet.

As always, stay tuned to this newsletter for monthly project updates, and feel free to contact project staff Zoli Gaudin-Dalton or Rebecca Gershow with additional questions.

Seeking Applications for MUPTE Review Panel

The City Manager is accepting applications for 4 technical representative seats on the review panel for the Multi-Unit Property Tax Exemption (MUPTE) program. The open seats are: 

  • architect/green building specialist, 
  • building trades union (must be a union member or have a written recommendation from a building trades union), 
  • developer, and 
  • human rights representative (must be a member of a human rights organization or have a written recommendation from a human rights organization).  

The panel provides a third-party review of the MUPTE program and reviews new applications, ongoing compliance, and the overall program. The panel is comprised of neighborhood representatives and six technical members selected by the City Manager. Members serve for 3-year terms. The deadline to apply for the committee is Friday, October 21, 2022. To apply please submit a letter of interest and provide evidence of technical expertise (including seat-specific requirements, see above) to Dylan Huber-Heidorn at


The MUPTE program encourages higher density housing and redevelopment by providing a tax exemption for up to 10-years on qualified, new multi-unit housing that occur within a targeted area, meet program requirements, and are reviewed and approved by Council. For more information on the program, visit

Planning and Development Department Jobs

Parking Services Officer (Limited Duration)

The City of Eugene Parking Services Team is hiring Parking Services Officers. Parking Services Officers enhance neighborhood livability and encourage economic activity by monitoring assigned areas, issuing parking citations, and responding to citizen complaints in order to enforce parking and related, non-moving traffic ordinances and policies. Officers are expected to work independently, but as part of a team, exercise flexibility, dependability, good judgment, and positive attitude to better our community. To learn more and apply, click here.

Applications System Analyst (Limited Duration)

The City of Eugene Planning and Development Department is looking for an excellent C#.NET software developer for an exciting opportunity to rewrite a business-critical application that is currently written in PowerBuilder. PowerBuilder knowledge is not required but is a plus. This position is part of the Planning and Development Technical Services Team. The effort will be highly collaborative for requirements gathering, project management, code review and testing processes. The application being rewritten is responsible for processing the City’s Land Use applications such as subdivisions and zoning changes. This is just the beginning of an effort to make this a more transparent, accessible process for the community. To learn more and apply, click here.

For all City of Eugene jobs, visit our careers webpage.

Interested in Land Use Updates?

It’s important to us that community members know when someone has applied to develop their property through the land use application process. City staff are always happy to discuss a project before the formal review, and can provide information about what the formal review process will be to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to review and comment on a project. Sign up to start receiving emails that list recently submitted projects.
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City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401
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