Why 3 Minutes?

To help students understand how vital air is, we often refer to the three threes. Generally, you can survive three weeks without food, three days without water and only three minutes without air. We know air is important but we don't always think about it.

We also know how busy you are and intend for this newsletter to be a quick, three minute read.
Air monitoring in Spokane County
Measuring the outdoor air is done using a network of monitoring stations located throughout Spokane County.

Spokane Clean Air monitors for the criteria air pollutants that are most common in Spokane's airshed. Criteria air pollutants mean that the air pollutant has a standard that tells us how much can be in the outdoor air to protect our health. In Spokane, this includes ozone, fine particles (PM2.5) and coarse particles (PM10). Ozone is only monitored during ozone season (May - September).
Create! Make a particle catcher
Help students discover what's in the air around their home with an easy to make particle catcher.
The particle catchers created by students will gather bits of things from the air – like dust, pollen and even pet hair. 

This activity encourages students to investigate and hypothesize their findings.

A PDF of the particle catcher instructions can be found here.
Explore! Join the EnviroKids' Club
The Spokane EnviroKids’ Club is a no-cost way for students in grades K-6 to team up with other kids in Spokane County. The Club explores all parts of the environment: air, water, weather, garbage & recycling, and plants & animals.

EnviroKids' Club Members receive a newsletter every season; spring, summer, fall and winter. Each Newsletter has fun activities and exciting environmental information. The current fall edition of the newsletter focuses on Spokane's air quality.

Learn more about the Spokane EnviroKids' Club here.
Request a virtual visit from a clean air educator
We are available to engage students in Spokane County with virtual presentations.

Presentations can be customized to fit your current lessons and provide a fun way for students to discover more about Spokane's air quality. Contact Stephanie at [email protected] to schedule a presentation.
We want to hear from you!

Have an idea or question you'd like answered in an upcoming edition? Let us know!

Email Stephanie at [email protected]