The 2022 Fall ET Forum Postponed due to Hurricane Ian has been Rescheduled as a Virtual Event
Celebrating Manufacturing Day All Year Round!
October 7, 2022 - Manufacturing Day Events Continue
Meet an Engineer Day at Atlantic Technical H.S., Broward County October 6
Sintavia engineers talk to students about day-to-day work & the transition from high school to engineering college.
Manufacturing Career Fair - October 11
St. Petersburg College
North Campus
25 manufacturing companies met with job seekers in Pinellas County.
Virtual Plant Tour
BAMA/SMT - 10/7
FLATE Speed Networking:
Connecting Educators & Manufacturers
Speed Networking Events - October 17, 2022
Pinellas County Schools Speed Networking was held at Pinellas Technical College -Clearwater. Thank you to the Pinellas County CTE Department, the Bay Area Manufacturers Association, Align Precision, CME, Seal Dynamics, Southern Manufacturing Technologies, and the educators who attended!
Pasco County Schools Speed Networking was held at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation. Thank you to the Pasco CTE Department, the Bay Area Manufacturers Association, RJ Manufacturing, Southern Manufacturing Technologies, and our Pasco educators! Promoting manufacturing careers through our CTE Teachers!
Speed Networking Events in Sarasota & Manatee Counties have been postponed due to Hurricane Ian and will be rescheduled for Spring 2023. Upcoming events include:
October 25 - Speed Networking at the Made in Central Florida Expo which will connect industry to students, educators & administrators. Includes a Student Design & Build Competition with over 40 student teams!
Polk County MFG 2022 Virtual Event
FloridaMakes, Polk State College & Polk County Schools
October 5
More than 400 students across 18 schools & 10 local manufacturers: Campbell’s Snacks, Coca-Cola, Createch, Florida Distillers, Nucycle, JBT, Publix, Tampa Maid Foods, Saddle Creek Logistics & USDA & Dusobox. Plus info from the FLDOE CTE Division and Polk State’s workforce training programs.
MACF Women in Manufacturing
Manufacturing Job Fair
October 20
9:30 AM - 12PM
Orange Park
More Manufacturing Career Resources
FLATE Webinar On-Demand
Plan Your Manufacturing Day Student Event Today
Watch the FLATE webinar on demand for everything you need to know to plan an event that will expose Florida's students to careers in manufacturing. If you are having a student event, please tell us about it! Send your questions or information about your student event to
Free guest lecture to your class provided by industry experts
stemCONNECT is a classroom resource to connect students with experts around the state focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
Let an Autodesk Learning Partner help you support the connection between what students are learning today, what skills industry is looking for, and what opportunities the future will bring.
Educator Resources for the Classroom
Classroom resources to connect students with experts around the state focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Introduce students to related high-tech careers.
Encourage students to complete S.T.E.A.M. activities outside the classroom. An Educator Dashboard lets you monitor student sign ups and completion creating perfect extra credit & parent engagement activities.
Manufacturing Education 5k
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Join us for the 7th Annual Manufacturing 5K Run or Walk for Education to show your support for Manufacturing Education.
The past six events have netted over $136,000 in scholarships for deserving engineering and manufacturing workplace students.
Details and registration:
Cybersecurity Across Disciplines
Faculty Development for Manufacturing/Automation
January 5-6, 2023 | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
College of Central Florida - Ocala
Cybersecurity knowledge and abilities are needed in many of today’s industries. The focus of this academy is to cross-train non-cybersecurity faculty to incorporate cybersecurity concepts and practices into their community/technical college program disciplines.
This 2-day in-person faculty development academy is targeted for community college faculty in automation, manufacturing, logistics, process control, automotive technologies, business, information technologies, and others. The workshops provide faculty with curriculum, content, and assessment instruments. Eligible participants will receive a $500 stipend upon successfully completing the academy.
Student & Educator Opportunities
Educators Wanted: Design Career-Connected Curriculum
Application Deadline for Session 1: October 21
The Florida Department of Education, in partnership with CPalms, is seeking to recruit instructors and other relevant subject matter experts to design career-connected curriculum resources that will be made freely available on to instructors across secondary and postsecondary CTE. There are grant funds available to compensate educators for developing educational resources, travel and lodging (stipulations apply), and the reimbursement of the cost of a substitute. In addition, certificates will be provided for the PD hours attended.
Participating educators will either be paid for participation, or their school/district will be reimbursed for the cost of a substitute. In addition, certificates will be provided for the PD hours attended. Both trainings are independent from each another and educators can choose either training or both if able. Training Dates:
November 3 & 4, 2022: Career Skill Resource Development Training- a 2-day in-person event in Tallahassee for educators/career advisors and counselors that are interested in developing resources on career building skills [Application deadline October 21]
December 8 & 9, 2022: CTE Content Specific Integrated Curriculum Development Training- a 2-day in-person event in Tallahassee for educators interested in developing curricula resources specific to CTE programs and courses [Application deadline November 25]
Educator Outreach Grant: Fund your Engineers Week Event
Application Deadline: November 4
Applications for outreach grants are now open! Don't miss your chance to fund your events for Engineers Week and Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. $250-$1000 grants available:
Looking for more resources in engineering outreach? Check out our best practices for achieving diversity in engineering and how to be a role model.
Student Internship: CNST at NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
Application Deadline: November 18
The Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) NanoFab, at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and NEATEC are sponsoring internships two students (community college and/or four-year technical college) during the Spring 2023 term at CNST in Gaithersburg, MD. Internship starts January 9, 2023 for 16 weeks.
Students selected for the program must attend the full period as well as a three-day fully paid preparation workshop at SUNY Poly in Albany, New York. Each student will receive a stipend of $650 per week for the duration of the internship and a one-time payment of $500 to cover travel expenses.
An opportunity to enhance their resumes and gain hands-on experience in semiconductors, nanotechnology, and cleanroom tools. The program is designed for students enrolled in engineering or technical fields, such as electrical, mechanical, manufacturing, semiconductor, nanotechnology, and others.
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