Sunday Mornings at Zion 

9:00am Sunday School 

10:00am Worship for All 

 Online Worship + Facebook Live

11:00am Fellowship Time

Monthly News & Updates

October 2022



Sunday, October 2

New Members Sunday

We will receive a wonderful group of new members into the Zion family. Be here to welcome them and help them feel connected as we give thanks to God for the ministry we share.


Sunday, October 30

Reformation Sunday with Rite of Confirmation

We commemorate the Spirit’s reforming work long ago and celebrate the Spirit’s presence now in the lives of our 9th grade confirmands. In worship, five Zion youth will be confirmed through – Jantzen Beck, Will Cohoon, Janssen Ellisor, David Gragg, and Morgan Nesmith. Please pray for them and their families. You are invited to WEAR RED for Reformation.


Sunday, October 9 at 11:00am

Immediately following worship in the Sanctuary.

The purpose of this meeting is to receive and vote on the recommendation of the Renovation Team, Finance Team, and Congregation Council concerning the renovation scope of work, general contractor bid, and financing plan. All Zion members are encouraged to attend this important meeting.

Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live this Fall

Wednesday Night Live is an important fellowship and learning time for our congregation. The evening includes a Fellowship Meal from 5:45-6:30pm then grow as disciples of Jesus with Faith Formation opportunities from 6:30-7:30pm.

Opportunities for Faith formation

Children – Children’s activities will be available in gym during and after the meal or to take home. Contact: Jamie Hampton


Youth – Youth Group will meet in the Youth Room from 6:30-7:30pm for games and Bible study. Contact: Walt Hampton


Adults – Minor Prophets, Major Problems. This adult class will meet, through October 12th, in the Cathedral Room (FLC upstairs) from 6:30-7:30pm to look at some of the Old Testament’s minor prophets and their message for today. Leader: Pastor Nathan


Special All Ages Wednesday Night Live 

Wednesday, October 19

Wednesday Night Live Fall Game Night

All ages will gather in the gym for a meal

and then a game night.


Hilltoppers are having a picnic!

The Hilltoppers (Zion's retiree group) will gather at the Lexington Gibson Pond Park pavilion, October 12, 2022 at 11:30 am. Fried chicken will be provided, bring your favorite side to share and look forward to a delicious lunch and fellowship time in this beautiful park. Please call (803) 791-9692 if you have any questions, need directions or a ride. All are welcome to come and enjoy this special outing.


Youth Ministry 

Youth activities this month

Zion’s Youth has a lot going on this fall! We have come back together to kick off youth group last month and we are looking forward to events this fall. 

All youth grades 6-12th grade are welcome to join us for games and learning on Wednesdays, Worship on Sundays, and the Marty Party October 16th. If your youth hasn't come to check us out yet, now is the time. Click the "More Info" button if you have any questions.

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm

Youth Group games and bible study


Sunday, October 16th

Marty Party at Zion 3-5pm, sign up now.

Click to signup or with questions about Youth Ministry at Zion.

Trunk or Treat 

Trunk or Treat is BACK!

Sunday October 30th


Zion Parking Lot

The always popular Trunk or Treat at Zion is back! We need 15-20 decorated vehicles handing out candy for our community. If you can decorate your car click the button to the left. Please spread the word the whole community is invited!

I will decorate my trunk!

Staff Updates

Music Notes

The Choir will meet on Sunday, October 2nd, in the choir room at 9:30 for a brief fellowship gathering. We will resume weekly rehearsals on Sunday, October 16th, at 9am in the choir room. (This is prior to 10:00 worship each week.) Please consider joining us in preparing anthems each week! *Please note that we will not meet on Sunday, October 9th, as Julie will be away.*

Handbells: If you’ve been in handbells, haven’t played in awhile or even if you’ve never played bells before, please consider joining us. If you are interested in playing (new OR returning), please contact Julie, as it will help with planning for upcoming worship services. It’s impossible for this group to happen without volunteers like you!

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises! Psalm 57:7

Click for more info or to offer your musical talents!


Thank you Zion Lutheran Church for the special recognition of the 20th anniversary of my ordination on Sunday, September 11. It was a joy to celebrate this milestone with all of you. I am so grateful for the gifts you shared, including a commemorative cross and an honorarium. May God bless the ministry we share for years to come! 

Serving in Worship

We need your help to make Worship

happen at Zion. We are looking to fill

in a few serving roles this month. See below

and click the button to volunteer now!

October 2

October 9

October 16

October 23

October 30


Will Reeside

Troy Fite

Will Reeside

Troy Fite

Will Reeside

Troy Fite

Will Reeside

Troy Fite

Will Reeside

Troy Fite

Assisting Minister

Daniel Kinard

Sue Anderson

Mary Nell Panyard

Janice Sult

Craig Balch


Will Cohoon

Roger Anderson

Denise Caulder

Sue Anderson

Lee Caulder


David Gragg


David Elrod



Sound Tech

Todd Elrod

Todd Elrod 

Carla Fallaw

Ross Hunter

Carla Fallaw


Walt Hampton

Walt Hampton

Walt Hampton

Walt Hampton

Walt Hampton

Chancel and Sacraments

Eileen Leaphart

Janice & Steve Sult

Janice & Steve Sult

Janice & Steve Sult

Janice & Steve Sult

Altar Flowers






Cookies & Fellowship






Offering Counters

Troy & Jamie Fite  

Shawn Cromer

Troy & Jamie Fite

Shawn Cromer

Troy & Jamie Fite

Shawn Cromer 

Troy & Jamie Fite

Shawn Cromer

Troy & Jamie Fite

Shawn Cromer

Click to volunteer

Leadership & Giving

Council Update

Congregation Council Meeting Highlights

Zion’s Congregation Council met on Monday, September 12 in the Family Life Center. Here are some of the highlights of the meeting:

+ Heard reports from officers and Ministry Team liaisons

+ Reviewed anticipated timeline for Renovation bid and approval

+ Appointed a Nominating Committee to prepare a list of at least 6 nominees for Congregation Council

+ Received instructions for the 2023 Ministry Budget process

+ Shared stories about Connections, Generations, and Celebrations from the past month

+ Shared Joys and Concerns and prayed together


2022 Congregation Council members are: Lee Caulder (chair), DeAnna Granda (vice chair), Kimberly Rauch (secretary), Janice Sult (treasurer), Sue Anderson, Kathryn Barton, Ernest Beck, Betsy Burn, Rebekah Cromer, Ross Hunter, Suzette Porth, Bridget Ridgell, and Pastor Nathan Gragg.

Giving & Generosity

An Update about Giving and Generosity


Giving Info as of September 30, 2022

Offering anticipated year to date: $311,466

Offering received year to date: $266,514


Gifts to Zion and Partner Feeding Ministries this Year

Mission Lexington: 132 pounds of food

Snack Packs Ministry: $955

Matthew 25 Lunch Ministry: $1075


Recent Memorials Given

 In memory of Thomas Lee Kleckley

To the general fund by Charles & Karey Hendrix, Hal & Carolette Turner,

Walter & Linda Hendrix, Jerald & Margaret Drafts & Family, the Elrod Family,

Zion Hilltoppers, Ed & Betty Corley, James & Iris Harman

To the Building Fund by David & Beth Lever, Troy & Jamie Fite, Robert & Kathy Bigham,

Steve & Jeannie Wingard, Betty Rose Smith, Stephen & Janice Sult, Tim Driggers, Judy Meetze, Scott & Corley, PA, Carl & Debra Richardson

To Scouts by Robert & Kathy Bigham, Frank & Susan Boatwright, Myron & Linda Corley

To Snack Packs by Roger & Shannon Richardson


We celebrate the gifts and commitments received from

members and friends of Zion for our Grow & Renew Campaign.


Number of households completing an Intent Card: 79

Total committed to the Grow & Renew Campaign: $857,825

Total received so far from these commitments: $383,053

In Our Prayers

Current Needs

Jerald Drafts

Barry Granda

Melba Ivey

Guy Kimball

Daniel Kinard

Ethel Riley

Becky Saville


Betty Baker (Carolina Gardens)

Les Caton (Brookdale Harbison)

Gene Hendrix (Westminster)

Wyman Kleckley

Jane Langston (Oakleaf)

Warren Peebles (Lex Extended)

John Shotts

Margaret Sox

Darlene Weight (Tennessee)



Brett Creasman (Army)

Matt Mayer (Air Force)

Chris Rauch (Army) 

Tristin Secoy (Marine Corps)

Friends of the Congregation

Felicia Ajibade (health, friend of the Branham Family)

Lynn Balch (health, wife of Craig Balch)

Paul Bessinger (health, Al & Carla Fallaw)

Ron Byrd (friend of Al & Carla Fallaw)

Glenda & Everett Crafts (health, friend of Geri Nilsestuen)

Pastor Derald Edwards (cancer)

Greg Hash (cancer treatment, cousin of Janice Sult)

Esther Hempel (health, mother of Carol Hunter)

Pam Holladay (health, mother of Bonnie Phillips)

Colin Hungerpiller (health, friend of Stefanie Wingard)

CJ Keathley (health, brother of Denise Caulder)

Shelly Koenig (cancer, daughter in law of Mary Nell Panyard)

Jack Landers (health, friend of the Caulders)

Sarah May (health, aunt of Mary Hampton)

Donna Oneal (health, cousin of Marsha and Charlie O’Neal)

Rev. & Mrs. Poteat (friends of Cheryl Ann & Tim Driggers)

Donna Riggins (cancer, sister in law of Rachael Rhoden)

Bud Roberts (brain bleed, friend of the Caulders)

Sylvia Ruff (cancer, aunt of Julie Branham)

Greg Sommer (health, friend of the congregation)

Ronnie Tunstill (stage 4 cancer, friend of Geri Nilsestuen)

Edith Wessinger (health, sister in law of Ethel Riley)

Ron White (prostate cancer, friend of the Caulders)

Sarah White (cancer, friend of the Hendrix family)

Deborah Whitlow (cancer, mother of Emily Whitlow)

The family and friends of Zion member Thomas Kleckley who died on September 13.


 Please help us keep the list up to date by adding or removing names when the time is right. To make

or update a prayer request email or call the church office at or 356-2297.

Celebrations this Month 

October Birthdays

1st    Chandler Hendrix

      Kelly Jo Swygert

      Chris Bigham

3rd   Brandon Keisler

5th   Norene Drafts

11th   Beth Jebali

      Grace Lankford

13th   Mary Hook

15th   Sara Rymer

17th   Betty Jo Corley

20th   Marshall Grace Fite

      Keith Bacon

      Chancelor Cotten

22nd  Carla Fallaw

      Beverly Kleckley

      Brad Ledford

23rd  Anna Wingard

25th  Beverly McCoy

      Mark Rhoden

      Foster Hanna

26th  Gene Hendrix

     Roger Hanna

27th  Mary Beth Bigham

     Ben Cohoon

28th  Steve Swygert

     Megan Granda

29th  Susan Boatwright

     Bryleigh Tanner

     Janet Phillips

30th Kimberly Rauch

October Anniversaries

1st   Mark & Margie Wingard

10th  Zach & Kara Willis

14th  Chip & Betsy Burn

24th  Troy & Jamie Fite

26th  Edward & Betty Jo Corley

Stories of Faith 

Finding Grace: A Reflection by Zion Member Caroline Beck

I have always wanted to read the entire Bible, so I got a Bible reading plan from Hobby Lobby last year. It seemed perfect. Each day got 4 chapters of the Bible, saying that I could read them in fifteen minutes. As time went on, it became a habit for me to annotate and color code and date each time I read the Bible. I would have to set aside at least an hour and a half of my morning each day so that I could have time to read each chapter. Eventually, it became such a time consuming task that I would avoid it to sleep in. I thought a few times about changing the plan that I’d adopted, but every time, I couldn’t think of a solution that would have the same benefits in only fifteen minutes. When school started, it got worse, and I have not read the Bible in weeks now. I feel so bad that I haven’t been doing it. I think of doing it everyday, but then I spend my time doing other things that are “more important.”

All of the requirements that I put on myself and on the time that I’m supposed to spend with God are hindering me instead of helping me. I always forget that being a Christian does not mean being perfect. I forget that spending time with God is supposed to be special and comforting. I forget what the real purpose of reading my Bible is. I forget that mistakes are okay. All this time, I never thought of just reading my Bible and enjoying the time that I have with God. I have turned it into a chore that I avoid day after day.

Though it’s hard to accept, I know that God will accept me as I am. I don’t need to set expectations and goals for worship. I shouldn’t try to be perfect. I just need to spend time with God. God has my back and will always love me. I believe that now. It’s important for everyone to know that God accepts us no matter what.

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