Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-6:00pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-7pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 10-14-20 at Sea Hag Marina
 October Means MONSTER Fish!
Redfish & trout are biting great! Come on down and catch some for yourself!
Waylon caught a 27" trout in the grass flats!
JB Burnett caught a perfect-size redfish with Capt. Cindy Graham!
Caden Overstreet was Capt. Chase Norwood's first mate this last week when their crew limited out on redfish!


Click the link below to view this delicious redfish recipe!
Jay Jenkins & Scott Wingate filled the board with a perfect limit of trout & redfish with Capt. Chase Norwood & firstmate, Caden Overstreet.
The French Group went fishing with Capt. Scott Peters and loaded up on redfish!
Jeff Hollis, Broffey, & Collin had a blast catching redfish & trout with firstmate, Caden Overstreet & Capt. Chase Norwood!
Jeff Hollis caught this bright-colored redfish with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Kevin Coggins & Larry Carter from Lake Park, GA, went fishing with Capt. Steve Graham and caught a limit of trout, a flounder & a redfish!
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Matt Frady caught 30lbs of fish while fishing with Capt. Max Leatherwood!
Mr. Harkers is holding up a trout he caught with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Robert Mashburn & Wade Morgan from Ringgold, GA, had a blast catching redfish & trout with Capt. Steve Graham!
Chris Reed from Gwinnett, GA, is a disabled veteran from the Iraq war and a double Purple Heart recipient! He went fishing with Capt. Max Leatherwood and caught a nice haul of trout!
Allen Garland, Teena Garland, Kevin Gilleland & Blaine Gilleland went fishing the other day and brought back a nice haul of redfish & trout!
Wade Morgan from Ringgold, GA, with a nice redfish he caught with Capt. Steve Graham!
Matt and Mason Frady & Trevor Gaddy from Sharpsburg, GA, had a blast catching trout with Capt. Max Leatherwood!
Shawna Stripling is holding up a nice redfish she caught with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Jeff Hollis, Broffey & Collin went on a 2nd day trip with Capt. Chase Norwood & filled the board with trout & redfish!
Tori Clayton caught her personal best redfish with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Mrs. Harkers caught a great redfish with her husband & Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Larry scheduled an offshore fishing trip with Capt. Chase Norwood. The seas were too rough so they stayed in and managed to land in a school of bull redfish!
The Burchett crew was here for a Bachelor Party! They went fishing with Capt. Cindy Graham, Capt. Max Leatherwood & Capt. Leslie Hernandez and filled the board with trout & redfish!
Capt. Scott Peters reeled in a nice "pumpkin" redfish the other day!
John O'Rielly & the IBM Group went fishing with Capt. Scott Peters and slayed the trout & redfish!
Jay Jenkins went fishing with Capt. Chase Norwood and caught a nice redfish!
The Bolden Crew caught a great limit of trout & redfish with Capt. Steve Rassel!
Charles and Janet Howard filled the cooler with black seabass, Florida snapper & Spanish mackerel with Capt. Max Leatherwood!
Ben Bailey and his crew slammed the redfish & trout the other day!

FALL RED SNAPPER SEASON opens in Steinhatchee federal waters for private recreational anglers!
 Open the following Saturday & Sundays: Oct. 17, 18, 24, 25, 31 & Nov. 1 Bag limit remains 2 per person. For-hire charters restricted to only state-waters. Let's go fishing!
The French Crew had a great day catching redfish & trout with Capt. Scott Peters!
Ashley Morgan caught a 25.5" trout on live bait with a pink Bass Assassin jighead at Rocky Creek!
JB Burnett is holding up huge redfish, trout & flounder he caught with Capt. Cindy Graham! What a nice inshore slam!
Local Steinhatchee Events:

This weekend Fiddlers Restaurant is having a 7 Band Jam! Live music & good food!

Keaton Beach Kayak Tournament is set for Oct. 17th!

Fiddler's Restaurant is hosting a Halloween Event for kids! Oct. 29th 6-8:30pm!
Expectations vs. Reality of a fish picture! Dustin Johnson caught a nice trout in Keaton Beach!
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament List:

November 6 & 7 - Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12 - Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament


Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!
Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women! They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! 
Stop by & shop or order online!
DOWNLOAD the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine accurate regulations for our area!