November 4, 2020
Aerial Electromagnetic Survey will help identify groundwater recharge potential in Northeast Fresno area
An Aerial Electromagnetic Survey (AEM) will be conducted by Stanford University in the November - December timeframe as a method to better understand the geology of the Northeast Fresno area.
Aerial Electromagnetic Survey. Photo: Geotech,
Characterized by foothills and alluvial soils, the area is being examined for its potential to develop smaller scale groundwater recharge projects.

Groundwater recharge is a hallmark strategy for sustaining groundwater in which surplus surface water, rainfall and snowmelt, in wetter years is captured and seeps below the soil into the groundwater aquifer.
AEM is an airborne survey technology used to map groundwater resources. By following a preplanned flight path, a helicopter completely covers the target area, following a "lawn mowing" pattern. AEM detects geological changes and moisture variations beneath the earth's surface. The data collected on rocks, soil, and moisture provide a model of the Earth's subsurface.

The survey will give the North Kings GSA staff a basis for project development within the survey area, particularly highlighting the suitability of specific sites with favorable soil and aquifer conditions for groundwater recharge.
Fall groundwater level measurements collected at wells within North Kings GSA's monitoring network
Fall groundwater level measurements in the North Kings GSA began October 9th and concluded at the end of October. The 35 wells included in the North Kings GSA's monitoring network were measured to assess and record current groundwater conditions.

Groundwater Level Monitoring Wells
North Kings GSA Groundwater Sustainability Plan, Section 5.2.5 "Monitoring Locations"
Measuring groundwater levels is a critical data gathering activity occurring in the spring and fall of every year. Without the data on groundwater levels, it would be infeasible to evaluate the efforts of North Kings GSA and its member agencies to achieve sustainability.

The measurements are a report card on the progress of achieving long-term objectives outlined in the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), in addition to being a required component of the Annual Report due to the State every April.
The 35 wells measured in the monitoring network are representative of what is occurring with groundwater in the North Kings GSA, and are part of a much larger set of wells measured by cities and Fresno Irrigation District for a full picture of groundwater levels, flows, and storage change.
Jerry Prieto and Supervisor Brian Pacheco reappointed as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively
The North Kings GSA Board unanimously moved at the October 22nd meeting to reappoint Directors Jerry Prieto and Brian Pacheco as Chair and Vice Chair of the Board, respectively.

Director Prieto represents and serves on the Board of the North Kings GSA's member agency Fresno Irrigation District, while Director Pacheco represents the County of Fresno. Director Pacheco serves as Fresno County Supervisor for District 1 on the west side of Fresno County.

The Chair and Vice Chair positions are to be appointed for an annual term according to the North Kings GSA Joint Powers Authority by-laws.
Financial auditor issues clean report for June 30, 2019 - 2020 period
The North Kings GSA Board approved the annual audit report showing clean opinion of the agency's financials for the period June 30, 2019 - 2020. The report, conducted by Hudson, Henderson & Company, was issued on September 22nd showing neutral and consistent disclosures, no misstatements or adjustments, and no disagreements with the North Kings GSA's management.

The North Kings GSA's ending assets for the period stood at $593,000 with a net equity position of $443,000, a $103,000 increase from the prior year. Increased revenues are a result of North Kings GSA member agency contributions to meet the annual budget needs to administer the GSA and meet challenges of achieving sustainability under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).

The auditor's report can be found in the October 22, 2020 Board Agenda Packet.
November and December Special Board Meeting set considering upcoming holidays
Special Board Meetings are set for November 19th and December 17th at 6:00 PM. Typically held on the fourth Thursday of the month, the Board moved to schedule Special Board Meetings in November and December in place of regular meeting dates falling before major holidays.
Stakeholders - stay engaged on groundwater management in the North Kings GSA!
Forward this email to a friend, family member, or colleague so they can stay in the loop on groundwater updates in the North Kings GSA: click here to sign up. Subscribers receive meeting notices and relevant updates on groundwater in the North Kings GSA area.
For those on social media, we are active on Twitter and Facebook and would love to engage with our stakeholders online!

The way groundwater is managed is changing, and we want to ensure our stakeholders and the public are informed and have a say in the decisions made to implement sustainable solutions.

The North Kings GSA continues its commitment to engage its stakeholders, adding new ways to communicate and follow our activities.

Learn more about who we are, and access resources and documents on our website here. We look forward to engaging and will continue to develop resources and information to reach our stakeholders, understanding robust public involvement will bring about the best sustainability outcomes in the North Kings GSA.
In the News
By capradio 10/22/2020

"Kassy Chauhan is the executive officer of the North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency, which oversees part of the groundwater basin south of Fresno. Estimates have shown that area is home to a higher number of vulnerable drinking water wells than some neighboring basins. Chauhan says working with community groups to involve people who rely on small water systems or domestic wells in the process has been a priority for her, but the challenges have been significant.

'You think about an entirely new form of government in four years and having all the answers, it's impossible,' she said. 'You acknowledge where there is additional work to be done.'

Chauhan says there is a real need for more data about the number of domestic and private wells across California, something she hopes to see her agency address..."
North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency
C/O Fresno Irrigation District
2907 S Maple Avenue
Fresno, CA 93725