Member Benefit Alert
Member Benefit! Stay Sharp with SBCA Training and Certification
As both J.D. Power and Associates and Consumer Reports have noted, satellite enjoys a superior customer service rating among its multichannel competitors. Sustaining and improving those ratings is critical to the future success of the satellite industry. SBCA strives to continuously enhance offerings in satellite dish system certification and training to improve customer experience and strengthen advocacy in licensing area.
Get Ready for SBCA’s Annual Leadership Luncheon
SBCA will be hosting our annual Leadership Breakfast in Las Vegas on January 6th from 8-10. This event is open to all member companies. To register simply email us at and let us know who you will be bringing with you. We look forward to seeing you there.
Prime Video and DIRECTV to provide Thursday night football to 300,000+ sports bars, restaurants, hotel lounges, other venues
Amazon and DIRECTV have entered into a multi-year agreement to offer Prime Video’s exclusive Thursday Night Football lineup to NFL fans visiting more than 300,000 sports bars, restaurants, hotel lounges, casinos and sports books, retail shops and services, and many other venues nationwide.
Legislation Would Cut Taxes on Rural Broadband Grants
Article via SmartBrief

The Broadband Grant Tax Treatment Act was introduced in the Senate this week to ease the burden on broadband providers that use federal grants to improve rural broadband infrastructure. "Every dollar that was set aside to fund broadband expansion and deployment should be used for that purpose," says Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., one of the six lawmakers introducing the bipartisan legislation.