October Mission Trip Update

November 2018
    October Team in Kyakitanga

Julie's first glimpse of the
new high school building
Packed house for business training
Little ones carrying home their malaria nets

Gigantic, Ground-breaking, Monumental... 

All words that fall short of describing our recent trip to Uganda.  Our team of 12 was generously equipped by Sound City Bible Church members, and many others provided needed items through our Amazon Wish List. THANK YOU, EVERYONE!

Because it would take pages to describe, I'll note a few of the highlights here, and post the link to our Facebook page where we posted photos. I hope the photos will more adequately convey the hope, mercy and love our supporters equipped us  to bring.

    • The medical outreach provided screening and treatment to all 500 children in both schools. The doctor noted that the children were healthier than he would expect to see in a "deep rural" school. That means that our school nurse is making an impact!
    • 1000 people total were given medical care through the combined skills of American and Ugandan medical personnel. 1140 mosquito nets were given out to protect families from malaria.
    • A very generous donor provided the funds for our first permanent high school building which was completed just before we arrived. We dedicated our stunning building complete with a rescued 1800's Missouri church bell which was shipped all the way to Uganda and arrived just 36 hours before the dedication. The bell can be heard, and the tower seen for miles around like a beacon of hope. We had the privilege of moving the kids from their wooden structure with dirt floors into the gleaming, large building.
    • Despite rain, 1000 people came to the dedication including the Member of Pariliament for our area who rolled up behind a truck with security guards with AK-47's! He pledged to support HEED's work in the community in a number of ways including cost-sharing to help get power and piped water to the schools. This is something I never imagined could happen.
    • A village advisory committee created from locally elected leaders was formed to work in partnership with HEED. We are honored that every person asked agreed to serve!
    • We helped plant over an acre of eucalyptus trees which will provide timber for income to the schools in only 5 years.
    • We had encouraged the schools to start a scripture memorization program. Wow! Did they ever memorize and memorize. The top student recited 41 verses without stopping. Most memorized 10 or more-even the little ones. Thank you for the prizes from our Wish List which made it all so fun.

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Board members Haley & Cheri in the bell tower
   Highlights & Glimmers
    by Haley Millet

HEED is privileged to have so many talented people lend us their skills to help us advance our work. Haley is one of those. She has traveled to Kyakitanga at least eight times, and spent two summers in the village for research projects. She is currently studying in Tanzania for her master's thesis in public health.  Her blog below gives an insightful and fresh look at the community where we serve.

"The people in Kyakitanga are some of the most resilient that I have ever met. They come to this place from four different backgrounds..."

Thank you!

 " W eebale nyo"
in Luganda.

Thank you for equipping us to reach out  in love to children 
and their families  in an area n icknamed "unlucky."